OK, the software is up, though I haven't done any customization to/with it yet. The address is http://sailfar.net/blogs .
I am not sure yet how the Registration process works; I don't know if users need to be approved before posting - I will poke around the software innards later tonight, and update with relevant info here.
If you'd like to have a blog, post here to that effect with your preferred username, and I will activate your Blog account for you. The password I will PM to you after I set up your account, and you will be able to change your password after you log in.
Enjoy! :)
Hey Cap K
I'm interested in the new "looonacy" blog thing you've set up. Please sign me up...
B'lest Bob!
I think that I would be as well, Can I post pic's? Band with? A place for questions or would that be this board? I would like it to be able to updated from Sat phone, that is, not much download before upload. (i have no idea what it takes to make this happen)
Not leaving for another 5 months, 5 days :'( ;D
Sure I am interested too, Kap'n K. I´d rather much be here than at Yahoo... and wonder the same things as Lynx
and what happened to the old one that I stayed up hours, days on end completing, pouring my heart out, sweating over, draft after draft, line after line, pixel after pixel ??? ???
Bob - To make it easy, how about "BobL" as your username - if that's OK...? Just let me know... And BTW - I enjoyed reading your piece in the 'Southwinds' magazine. :D (I think that is the name - a local Carolinas sailing rag, your story about the (almost) trip to the lighthouse. :))
Lynx - "Lynx" as the username? You should be able to put pics in it, bandwidth isn't a concern, so long as you don't post the text of "War and Peace", hehe. ;) Dunno about the satphone updating, but... We can 'shore' give it a shot!
maxiSwede - "maxiSwede", or perhaps "Swede" for brevity? Your call. :)
Zen - I have all the/your sweat, drafts, lines, and pixels still faithfully saved, and will do my utmost to roll them into the new software just as you originally posted them oh-so-long-ago. :D I'll give you a heads-up later on Saturday, let you know how it's going. :)
CapnK - I named my boat "Lynx", My first name is James and way to many of those around. My boat is becoming known in S. Florida. M/S Lynx would be fine for a user name.
The stat phone has a 9600 baud rate. Can't do much with that. I was hoping for a text only link ::) to upload when I am on some Cay or not wanting to spend the money for internet cafe or the time to find a free one. There are several/many free photo posting sites. If I want to get a little overboard on the shots I will use one of those.
I do not write for a living so I do not do to well with the long post, however, IF all goes well, I am looking at a 3 to 5 year cruise (Bahamas and East USA) and a quick post every day might become a bit lengthy.
CapK...BobL is fine for my username. Thanks for your work!
Honestly I don't consider MaxiSwede the most wellfound nickname in the world. It did came very hastly, even though I have gotten used to it now, after hanging around here for a while.
How about changing over to s/v Rode Orm instead. :)
Accounts set up, PM's sent - your username/password combos are in the PM. :)
Thanks, I start getting used to it before I cast off.
...am I an idiot? Just can´t find where to get access to the Blogs. ??? ??? ???
I'll add the Blogs link to the top of the Forum page, up by the Gallery and Chat link.
When you go to the blog, there should be a Login link on the right hand side...
Are y'all seeing that?
/me crosses fingers... ;D
it's working
Right now it's working as just one big blog - tomorrow night I'll try to 'break everyone out' into separate blogs.
Zen - did you notice that when you upload a photo, you then click on the thumbnail and it gives you the option to put the pic into the blog entry?
yup , just like wordpress is supose to ;D
Hold the phones! I was wondering why this blog looked _so_ different from when we tested last year... Hello? It's a completely different application. ::) DOH!!! ??? ::) :-\ :o ;D
Zen - that whole pic thing clued me in. When you posted that that was how WP always worked, I shore didn't remember the test being like that, so I started poking around, and discovered my mistake. Thanks! :)
What that translates to:
I have been trying to figure out how to split the individual blogs out using the current software, but don't see a way to do it. So... I installed some new other software that *can* do it (what we tested with last year), and am in the process of getting it set up. Hold off on posting for a day or so (if you had a post planned), and I'll have the new stuff ready to go. Your logins will be the same, but you will have your own distinct blog.
My 'apolergeesh' for this. What a numbskull. :D :D :D
Thanks, you may want to take out some of the non-SailFar blogs that was first there as well.
When I meet you someday I will drown your sorrows ;)
Well a day or so has turned into a couple of weeks or so. The good Capt no doupt is off busy making money to support his habits ( eating & drinking & the dogs & the boat) and this board or he is in a drunken stuper somewhere or shanghai'd , whatever... ::)
anyway. I have taken the liberty of posting Pixie Dusts updates and emails into on blog page on the blog site. It is called... that right's "Pixie Dust the voyages" , :o easy right! life should be so easy :D
yeah , yeah I know challeges and all that :P
Also the meeting Lady Zen's and I had with Neal Petersen for those who did/do not read my blog, I have posted it here...er there on Sailfar blogs.
fair winds
Capn K
How about signing me up for a blog? User name???? Let me think... how about BobW?
Bob - I'll be glad to, & will have you set up and ready next week, latest. Looking at the blog page, I realized that I never finished configuring the blogs properly (Doh! Darn that ADHD of mine! :D ). The current link points to a WordPress install, and there's another install of b2evolution that is what I'd wanted to use instead, but which isn't ready to go just now. Anyway - Working on that a bit this morning, waiting for the rain to stop.
I'm in the middle of a job re-rigging an Island Packet 38, and am shooting for having it done by Friday. So l might not have a lot of time before this weekend to delve into finishing up the setup on the software.
Unless it turns into solid raining today... ??? I don't fancy fumbling around aloft when things are all wet and slippery. :D
BobW: only thing to say...
pray for rain ;D
LMAO Zen :D How true!
I have made progress, and stayed on it longer than I should have today. It's functional, just needs tweaking and testing. Once that's done, I'll move over the content on the old blog to the new one.
So, I've started a blog. It ain't fancy, but hopefully it'll do what I want it to do.
Other than me cutting and pasting the URL, how does anyone get to it?
Bob - I'm still figuring out the config. Once I've got it right, we'll change the link at the top of the Forum here to point at it, and then it will be linked from the front page of the blog software. :)
Cool. I guess I didn't think far enough ahead. :o
Hey, Bob, I just read your blog entry and it reads very good. Coolness. ;)
Thanks John. :)
Now I have to earn how to imbed text or a name in a link again.
Good show Bob, 8)
I'm still waiting, :-X
on the outside looking in for approval... >:(
THe 3 bridge race should be fun, maybe I'll join also. Say wouldn't be great if we had SAILFAR burges to fly... ::)
Almost there!
Patience, grasshopper! ;D ;D ;D
Zen and John are setup as administrators as well as bloggers, so when we get the details hammered out, we all will will be able to create users and blogs.
I think it will be ready to go fully live in another day - it's not the easiest software to figure out, it is feature- and option-rich, as well as being totally new to me, I've no prior experience with it. :)
I sure hope I didn't mess anything up by starting my blog! :o
The software does seem to have a lot of features, so I was pretty pleased I was able to get it to work!
SSS hasn't officially announced the date for the 3BF, but it has always been on the last Saturday of January. SSS is trying to get over 300 boats signed up for the race and to the starting line. If you can make it, you can be part of one of the - if not THE - largest racing event in the country. It is a fun day.
A SailFar Burgee would be fun!