Cruisin' Threads => Tips & Techniques => Topic started by: AdriftAtSea on April 11, 2008, 11:13:23 AM

Title: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: AdriftAtSea on April 11, 2008, 11:13:23 AM
There's a cool site that overlays NOAA charts onto the Google Maps engine.  Try it out... very cool.  (
Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: Zen on April 11, 2008, 02:36:59 PM
very cool! ;D
Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: Delezynski on May 03, 2008, 05:01:16 PM
VERY Nice. To bad it does not work outside of the USA!

Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: Needle on July 28, 2008, 09:24:58 PM
 You can superimpose images on Google earth.... these can even be charts, raster variety.
There is a tab at the top of the screen that says "Add Image overlay".
So all you have to do is pick a raster file of your favorite spot and scale it, using the contours of the islands or roads...
You can even adjust  the transpearancy....
Supperimpose away....

Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: polecat on July 28, 2008, 10:49:04 PM
Adrift - Are you talking about   ?  Or have you found something else?

It is, sorry,  for some reason couldn't get the link to work for a while - looks like a good tool for planning all right - not to bad for just daydreaming either.
Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: Needle on July 28, 2008, 11:47:51 PM

The link worked for me, but this might help, also.....
This is a link to a collection of NOAA charts in PNG format. (raster charts)

Here is what you do: Go to the site, pick out your chart, download it...
Start Google Earth and look for a button that says "add image...."
I like doing it myself because I can pick chart scaling and such...

Good luck!

Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: Needle on July 29, 2008, 12:12:24 AM
 Here is a good use of google earth....

Check out this screen shot of Stonington Harbor in CT. I superimposed a chart over the Google Earth view... Note the sand bar in the center...
Scaling looks decent, outlines of the mainland match pretty well.
The mark is were my friend run aground, hard.... with disastrous consequences...

So check before you go!
Title: Re: Google Maps + NOAA info... Cool site
Post by: s/v Faith on September 03, 2008, 06:29:02 PM
I have no doubt that the utility mentioned in this thread is cool.

  I just read a post on the Salty Southeast Cruisers net that cited a problem like what needle pointed out above.

  I personally see google earth as having more value for entertainment then for any practical use in navigation.  I did play with it for a couple weeks when it first came out.... and it can be interesting... I don't see it as a practical aid to small boat navigation any time soon.