Cruisin' Threads => Routes and Destinations => Topic started by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 05:36:38 PM

Title: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 05:36:38 PM
Thought I'd start a thread and leave the other to see if anyone else is coming over.
I made it to the factory on Dec panel and water filter in hand for last minute prep there. GREAT guys!! Allure was delivered to Indiantown Marina on the St Lucie canal Jan. 5th. Unloaded, taken to the work yard where I stepped the mast and rigged her. (made a few mistakes..but figured things out later) 

edit to say I don't think Rich's dog likes his picture taken...or maybe he was taking mine  :-)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 05:41:23 PM
She was launched there Jan. 9th and provisioned. (a lot of storage for a 27!)  I left on the 12th, solo'd through the St Lucie lock and anchored in Manatee Pocket. Pics are self explaining
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 05:47:56 PM
From Manatee Pocket I took her out the St Lucie entrance (Stuart)...always aweful with fast tidal currents, shallows and darn sport fish boats with HUGE wakes! The sail to Lake worth was a bit bumpy but OK
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 05:56:26 PM
pulled into the Lake Worth inlet and anchored  in front of Peanut Island with a view to the entrance. Nice straight shot in the dark for this morning.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 06:06:49 PM
Set alarm for 3:45...anchor up and away by 4:30. I was a bit nervous as it wasbumpy yesterday and I knew the stream would be worst. Forecast was for 3-4 with occasional 5+ in the stream. I figured I could always turn back so I left. Had an uncomfortable encounter with a ship in the dark that seemed to come at me whatever I did (and would not answer VHF).When I hit the stream things kicked up but not too bad. It was overcast and rained 3 times but never for too long. The stream kicked for about 25 miles...then the sun came out and all was well....nice ocean sailing!  (old saying...wanna make waves look small...take their picture)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 14, 2015, 06:18:20 PM
Made the west end at 2:20pm. Nice to get in and wash the salt off the boat! Cleared customs and got my cruising permit (no VAT on it...still $150)   I'm across  :D   May take a down day, or may head across the bank to Great Sale tomorrow. I'll check the weather and tides. It's another 50+ mile day and ya gotta go through a shallow cut. we'll see...  Right now it's nice to be tied up after a bumpy crossing  :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Tim on January 14, 2015, 07:46:15 PM
Thanks for posting this Frank, I am crying  :'( because I can't be there, but glad you are posting anyway  ;D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on January 15, 2015, 12:25:25 AM
Enjoyed your report and photos, Frank.  :)

So a brand new boat then?

About the same time that you were heading out the Lake Worth Inlet this morning, I was throwing another log into the wood furnace. Coldest night of the winter so far... I would cry, too, but the tears would only freeze...  :'(
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CapnK on January 16, 2015, 10:13:23 AM
So new that one can almost get a whiff of new-boat smell, find a small drift of unswept wood shavings in a corner, see the thousand tiny glints of glass fiber coating an unwiped surface... ;D

How'd she sail for you?

I see you are taking the rigid wing sail idea in another direction - backwards. To the day of square sails, *and* it makes electricity, too - good thinking! ;)

Congrats, eh!!!  8)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 17, 2015, 04:16:15 PM's new and I spec'd it out for cruising. The Hutchins brothers are great guys to deal with. A "working man's" boat builder...they will do whatever mods you want very reasonable.  So far...I'm really liking it. I love the interior, appreciate the shallow draft and actually sails better than I expected. That big square sail out back works great. I've been aboard now 8 days, engel keeping things cool, inverter charging  my handheld VHF and computer and have not yet "plugged in" with no intentions to.
  Story goes the Gerry Hutchins and Bob Johnson worked together over at Ericson and developed a friendship. When Gerry was working at his own operation building a ton of lil boats, they figured it was time to get a bigger design so he approached Bob Johnson. That was 1984. So if it looks a "bit" like a Island Packet....that's the lineage. It has evolved over the 30yrs of production with lots of lil upgrades and changes. There is no perfect boat but this is a fine lil cruiser.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 17, 2015, 04:46:11 PM
Too tired after the crossing (and 3  l o n g  days at the helm) to go out, I had 2 hotdogs aboard and crashed. Up and underway by 7:30 as it was another 55+ mile day to Great Sale Cay. Made the shallow "cut" onto the bank right at low tide. Thankful I've done it several times as it is not marked and narrow in spots. There is simply a light on an island close to the entrance and a "pole" just over a mile away at the far end (out of sight until about half way across) Things went well and I was soon motoring straight into the wind...for 50 miles more!  up-dwn-splash....up-dwn-splash. A very long uncomfortable day! Finally made Great Sale and tucked into the S cove just in time for a great sunset!  Pics are leaving the West End, the light at the cut's entrance, the pole at the far end
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 17, 2015, 04:58:06 PM
Although the sunset was nice, I awoke to 20kts from the north. With another long day ahead I was away before 8am. Had to motor "into it" again until I reached the top of Great Sale (about a 5 mile trek) but then could bear off and unfurl the head sail. With a 20kt wind we often surfed along making such good time that I continued past AllensP (where I planned to anchor) and kept going to Manjack. It was a bumpy but fun sleigh ride and I was happy to tuck in the mid cove and be out of the wind. Today was only 42 miles...getting tired as I've been glued to the helm with an auto pilot that I can't figure out (wrong instruction book from Ray Marine) 1st 2 pics are sunset at Great Sale...3rd is sunset at Manjack
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Tim on January 17, 2015, 05:06:01 PM

You should be able to find the manual online.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 17, 2015, 05:20:01 PM
Woke up to sunshine and finally a moderate breeze. Left for the short 6 mile sail to Green Turtle Cay. Once in deeper water I figured I would tackle the darn autohelm. (Tim...if this didn't work...I would have taken your advice...thanks) Ray Marine had send instructions for their previous model...not even close. I hate electronics, can't even figure out a darn TV converter anymore...but figured I'd do what any 12yr old would...I hit every button and scrolled every page doing every test until I found it! The setting had turn to port actually going stbd...and vise versa. I made the correction and was finally treated to a beautiful, if short, sail in sunshine with a nice wind, blue green water and an auto plot that WORKED!!  Once at Green Turtle I was met at the entrance by an old cruising buddy. He zoomed around Allure in his dingy blowing his bicycle horn in welcome. Nice to be on a mooring ball in black sound. It had been 5 very long, windy, bumpy days to get to ManJack, but a sweet sail here today.  Will be a few days of "Rest n Rum" before heading out again   :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on January 22, 2015, 02:13:46 AM
Quote from: Frank on January 17, 2015, 05:20:01 PM
Once at Green Turtle I was met at the entrance by an old cruising buddy. He zoomed around Allure in his dingy blowing his bicycle horn in welcome. Will be a few days of "Rest n Rum" before heading out again.
A nice welcome. That's a slightly different version of "R&R"  :)

Glad to see that you are enjoying your new boat, and that its solar panel will be able to supply your power needs.

Beautiful photos and log of your cruise.
Fair winds, Frank.  :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 22, 2015, 08:45:12 PM
Ended up sailing back to Manjack after a few days or rest for a beach bonfire/birthday. Jeff (musician) and his lady have the same B-days! Nice laid back evening with "live music on da beach"
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on January 22, 2015, 10:42:29 PM

And here I sit, rain, temps in the 40, winds gusting mid 30's



Seriously- have a ball, and wish I was anchored close by
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on January 22, 2015, 11:47:32 PM
Quote from: Frank on January 22, 2015, 08:45:12 PM
Jeff (musician) and his lady have the same B-days!
Seems like this could make it tough to claim you forgot it is her birthday...?  ;)

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 23, 2015, 06:15:48 AM
CJ...I wish you were anchored here too!  Would be great to have a rum and gam in the cockpit.

Jim...they told me they were dating about a month and she asked :does anyone famous have your Bday"...he replied "Janis Joplin"...she says "no shitz"
They both had to pull out their drivers license ...they couldn't believe it    :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 23, 2015, 11:42:34 AM
Tucked in on a mooring in Black Sound with a blow on the way. Will do a few boat projects and tinker. Did laundry this morning in a 5 gallon pail and hung out to dry. I enjoy the down times...tinker and read.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 25, 2015, 03:44:44 PM
yesterday was a "blow" and rained off/on all day. I hunkered down. Today is beautiful...the sun is out and high 70's. I got motivated! All the standing rigging needed tightening. It stretch's a bit after the 1st good blow. It was a bigger job than it sounds as there are 2 lowers per side, a split back stay and you have to  perform minor surgery to get the harken up to expose the fore stay. After that I put a coat of semco sealant on the ext. teak, switched up the BBQ and life ring (life ring was partially hiding the stern light as-was). Still had energy so I cleaned the cushions, let dry and sprayed "scotch guard" on them. Note to colored cushions look great BUT don't get a solid lighter color...shows everything!
Heading for a shower and off to my favorite ratty bar for happy hour and a "cheeseburger in paradise". So far...a great day and it ain't over yet   :o   feels good to get stuff done!   CJ...get that pretty lil boat over here!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on January 25, 2015, 05:37:39 PM
I wish. But I don't think I'll get much past Florida west coast this year.

Of course, things can change quickly too  :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 25, 2015, 09:00:55 PM
CJ...I was here in 5 days from Indiantown...If you're west're only a few days farther....

Come on over!!  The blue-green water awaits   ::)

I've got Rum  (as long as Kurt doesn't get here 1st!)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on January 25, 2015, 09:40:24 PM
 ;D ;D

Here to Indian town means several hundred miles across the GOM. Just over 900 miles straight across to be exact.  Way different from hopping across the stream.

Besides- HAVE to be back in Texas June 5. Youngest grandson graduates high school that day in College Station . Plan as of now is to sail to Florida (slowly, stopping to visit), leave the boat, rent a car, make the round trip  back to Texas, then do the BEER Cruise on the 12th till ??

After that, ?qui?n sabe? Who knows.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 26, 2015, 05:43:55 AM
 Ya...that IS a haul! I was thinkin "if you're already W coast of Florida". For you it's quite the trip just getting to W coast! Maybe next year?????     :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on January 26, 2015, 08:35:03 AM
That's the hope. I REALLY want to get back to the Bahamas.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on January 30, 2015, 07:22:47 PM
couldn't resist  :)  Taken while anchored here at Manjack about 6pm. Had just eaten early, sipping on a rum and got treated to this...
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 01, 2015, 06:51:00 AM
Thoughts after a few weeks out:

I LOVE solar! In the past I've struggled with a 90 watt panel. It would run the cooler, but not much left to charge after that. Often it would get turned off at night to save the batteries. I put a 195 watt panel on Allure and have had the cooler running 24/7 since leaving. Also installed an inexpensive 1500 watt inverter and when the sun is up you can charge the computer and even make toast in the lil 750 watt toaster. A real treat while out! Since leaving on Jan. 12th, have never "plugged in" and only once after a rain day did I run the engine for 30 minutes to "top up" the batteries and charge the computer.
Only spent one night at a marina since leaving. After crossing, spent the night at "Old Bahama Bay" on the West End.
Left there the 14th with a full water tank (50 gallons) and still have a fair bit of water
left. The lil black water tank pump up shower really lets you control usage.
I generally kinda hate my lil 2hp Honda dingy engine. No neutral, they are famous for busting the back of your hand when the pull cord flys around, they are noisy (air cooled) and generally kinda finicky if you don't exactly follow the right starting steps.
my 2.5 hp Yamaha 4 stroke out west is a much better engine. It has neutral, starts very easy, far quieter and a bit more powerful. I like both for being light weight. Figure either get an 8hp and plane, but if you're going to 'push water', a 2 is easier to lift than a 4 or 5, cheaper to buy and cheaper on fuel.
Here goes the dreaded "anchor talk"  :o   There have been 3 different nights of 30+ knot winds.....I'll leave it that I love my Delta   :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bubba the Pirate on February 01, 2015, 01:16:03 PM
That is awesome that you are liking the solar set up. I am making decisions about solar soon. I've been thinking about installing around 200 watts, but was concerned it wasn't enough. Besides the cooler and computer, what other electronics/usage do you have connected to your 195 watt panel?

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Cyric30 on February 01, 2015, 02:22:04 PM
Ive been wondering on the Solar as well, im curious as to what type of cooler you have and how many amps/watts/volts it uses, as i have seen some small fridges that use less power than some of the coolers ive research. just curious as to the numbers i guess, ive already got solar, its just a matter of how much i need to mount on a boat.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: lance on cloud nine on February 01, 2015, 08:07:08 PM
Thank you for taking the time to write this thread. I really enjoy reading it!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 01, 2015, 10:21:35 PM
Quick reply... The only continuous power draw is my ice box. Once the sun is up and I'm making power...I plug in the computer to charge, a lil 12V vacuum charger and whatever else. I have a standard ice box but added more insulation down low. As an option, they install "Alder Barbour" (sp?) refridge but I sourced an "Engel" for them. There is an "Engel" thread here...all of us that use them. Super low draw and very reliable! They have various sized coolers from small to quite large, mini "camper style" built-in refrigerators and ice box units. They typically draw about 3.7ish to freeze, but once at running temps...drop to about .9 to 1.7ish amp draws.  The advantage to the Alder Barbour unit is it's separate,if small, freezer. The engel ice box cooler is all or nothing so I have mine running at about 40 degrees. Keeps everything very cold, but no ice or frozen food. It certainly will freeze...but everything freezes. As a separate cooler, they do have one or 2 units available with separate cooling-freezing sections....but not for my application. Many of us here have used their coolers with great success. will get "sticker shock"...they ain't cheap...but extremely good. On the solar note, by the time you buy heavy wiring, a charge controller and go through the trouble to mount it all.....don't skimp on the panel. I would say minimum 150 watts+.  It's kinda like anchors...go with the biggest you can comfortably handle. You can get by with less.....but at that point with all else considered...a few extra $$ will keep you happier in the end. Also...create a mount that will go horizontal, but also tip forward or aft. You get far better charging following the sun.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 02, 2015, 06:55:13 AM
I gotta share a simple but great addition. This is not my idea...I got it a few years back from a long time cruising couple. I was aboard their boat and they had one of those "indoor-outdoor" thermometers. They had the "outdoor" sensor in their freezer.
A quick look and you knew both the cabin air temperature and what the freezer was at. That way, they could turn their Engel up or down for maximum efficiency to keep it at 30 degrees. I don't freeze things, but the simple $9.95 unit from Wally World helps me keep my refridge set at around power wasted.'s 69 degrees outside at 7ish am   :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bubba the Pirate on February 02, 2015, 08:01:29 AM
Thanks, Frank. I hope to be down there next winter.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Grime on February 02, 2015, 08:42:34 AM
I don't understand the reason behind the thermometer. First how would they install it in the fridge? Why would they have to keep check and keep adjusting the temp?  I have a ARB fridge/freezer that I never had to adjust the temp once I set it.  Had mine set a 29 degrees all summer. I have 3 different compartments. One to freeze, one for cold, and one for things like salad.  The ARB would cycle as needed. Mine is 50qt and draws a point or 2 less than the Engle. Larger size for the same price. 
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 02, 2015, 09:05:52 AM
Those lil indoor-out door thermometers have a separate-detached "sending head" that were originally intended to put outside so you could see both inside and outside temps on the main "inside" unit (shown in pic) The "outside" part can be hung...I simply lay it in the bottom of my cooler. Engel's have a control dial...not a thermostat. On cool days you turn down a days up a bit.
I haven't heard of an ARB....sounds like a great unit. Do they have a separate compressor and 'cooling plate" that can be mounted in an existing icebox?
Nearly all cruisers down here use Engels and many on this board as well. We all love them. Like I mentioned...I'm sure there is an "Engel" thread here.
Your unit sounds great. Maybe you should start an "ARB thread" and post info and a few pictures. Sounds like a good alternative
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 02, 2015, 09:16:48 AM
A few pics of the panel mount. To adjust up, level or down...simply pull out the pins and slide to another hole, put pins back in. Many similar versions out there...this is the simple idea I came up with using the bimini support uprights. Last pic shows panel tipped all the way back.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Cyric30 on February 02, 2015, 10:09:29 AM
Hay Frank.
Is your solar system 12V? or do you have an inverted for 110?, if your have an an inverter, how many amps is it? and is it MPPT or WMP, also whats your battery setup like.?
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 02, 2015, 12:42:30 PM
Solar is 12V. The biggy on a boat is refrigeration. I have an Engel 12V ice box conversion. My inverter, the 1st one I have ever used, is an inexpensive 1500 watt unit. It remains turned off unless I'm charging my computer or the rare time making toast (on a real sunny morning) I have 2-6V golf cart batteries for "house" and a deep cycle/start battery for "engine". Often I have all 3 on.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 02, 2015, 09:29:36 PM
Quick note. I filled the water tank yesterday. Yep, they meter it here and it was 27cents  per gallon. Anyhoot, 17 days, 28 gallons....about 1.65 gallons per day. Most showers were from my pump up sprayer and conservation with doing dishs. I'll heat a smaller pot 1/2 full, put dish soap in that and wash dishs from there....but several coffee every morning :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on February 02, 2015, 10:37:06 PM
AH- put the dish soap on the scrubby, Wash from that, wetting as needed, THEN rinse. Uses almost no water. I still do it here in the house sink :D

I often use the pump shower to rinse by the way. And DON'T stack dishes- gets the bottoms dirty  ;D

Not bad usage though
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 03, 2015, 08:05:40 AM
CJ....that number is "solo". Put a good looking mate aboard and both water and TP usage quadruple !! :) :o ??? ::)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on February 03, 2015, 11:47:28 AM

toilet paper in particular.

Single hand, my MSD will go 14-15 days between pump outs. With a second aboard, 6-7 days max. And it NEVER gets liquid in it except coincidentally.

Now if I found that "good looking mate" I certainly  would not complain ::)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Cyric30 on February 03, 2015, 08:20:21 PM
This is  poop subject no way you look at it.......Ba-dump Bump ...Ching.....
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 03, 2015, 11:48:41 PM
The small town harbor at GTC, met friends from Nova Scotia at "Miss Emily's Blue Bee Bar"....where the "Gum Bay Smash" originated...great time, and their boat in close by Black Sound.
I'm getting "antsie"...will head N or S soon once the S winds are finished blowin hard..
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 05, 2015, 09:35:47 AM
I'm still anchored in Black Sound in Green Turtle Cay. The winds keep  clocking south with up to 30 knots+...front after front. South winds are the worst here as  there are no good anchorages for protection so ya "hide out" near town.
The Abacos are what I call "the real Bahamas". Fairly unaffected by USA  influence. No McDonalds or USA stores etc. Tourist places like Nassau and  Freeport are far more "touristy" and have more crime. The little hamlet of  New Plymouth is the town here. About 350 feels like home. There is no begging, no theft and it is  perfectly safe. You can walk the sleepy streets at 2am without worry. The  streets are narrow, very clean and not busy. Its a funky lil place. Pics  are the small town harbour (tide is out), the streets and the public dock  (with conch salad vendor) It was beautiful yesterday! Overcast and wind is  up today. I'm getting "antsie"...time to head N or S...but hope to move  soon. That's the beauty of cruising...ya get to see lots
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bob J (ex-misfits) on February 05, 2015, 05:53:39 PM
Thanks Frank for putting stuff up here about your trip, glad your having a good time with the new boat.
I'll take being stuck somewhere warm because of a 30 knot southerly wind.
Enjoy, going to get -15 here tonight.


Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 08, 2015, 07:46:33 AM
Just had an amazing evening. An unplanned beach bon fire with some old cruising buddy's and a few new ones. Jeff brought his little generator ashore, put it in the woods and ran the cord out to the beach for his amp and speakers. Here we are...middle of no where, bonfire on, rum flowing, listening to everything from Don Mclean "American pie" to Pink Floyd "just 2 lost souls living in a fish bowl...year after year"....all done with amazing electric guitar and good vocals. It was surreal really. All agreed that life just doesn't get any better.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on February 10, 2015, 03:37:28 AM
But February made me shiver
Ev'ry blizzard nature delivered
Snowdrifts on the doorstep
I couldn't take one more step

I can't remember why I tried
To shovel out my buried drive
Something ached in my backside
The day this cruise hick sighed...

So bye-bye, frigid Canadian highs
Drove my Volvo down to SoHo, snow was up to my thighs
While them far-off sailin' boys were drinkin' rum an' fish fry
Singin' "Come on down its just like July...
Come dance under the Island sky..."
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 10, 2015, 07:07:21 AM
Grog for the lyrics!!! Ya missed your calling....shoulda been a song writer!!!

Hunkered down for another blow today, then heading S to Elbow Cay tomorrow. Looking forward to a change of scenery. Hope Town is SO pretty. I'll try to get a few good pics of the light house.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: s/v Faith on February 10, 2015, 03:18:28 PM
I LOVE HopeTown!  So glad you are out there Frank!  Thanks for the updates.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 10, 2015, 03:41:33 PM
Forecast changed...this blow will last another day or so. Gusting 35+...white caps in Black Sound. Hope to get there by the end of the week. The Whale Passage would be a total mess with the NNW for now. is SO pretty there!!!  Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bob J (ex-misfits) on February 10, 2015, 05:01:31 PM
Quote from: Frank on February 10, 2015, 07:07:21 AM
Grog for the lyrics!!! Ya missed your calling....shoulda been a song writer!!!

That's a second on that, pretty dam cool.

Frank, it my be gusting where you at but it's a dry heat LOL

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on February 13, 2015, 09:42:56 PM
Thanks Frank and Bob.  :) Another blizzard is forecast to start tomorrow...  ::)

Continuing to enjoy your photos and reports. Grog to you. It's looking better there every day, Frank!

Looking for a map or chart to follow your adventures, discovered something that I didn't realize...that this NOAA chart includes the Bahamas...

Interesting to see the large areas of shallow water.

Fair winds, Frank!  :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: SeaHusky on February 14, 2015, 06:34:53 AM
Are the depth figures in meters or feet?
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: jotruk on February 14, 2015, 09:41:52 AM
depth is in fathoms
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: SeaHusky on February 14, 2015, 11:04:41 AM
Quote from: jotruk on February 14, 2015, 09:41:52 AM
depth is in fathoms
Thanks! That leaves plenty of room under the keel!  :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 15, 2015, 12:10:12 PM
To pass from the northern Abacos to the south-eastern Abacos, you must pass a very shallow bank. Deeper draft boats must go on the "outside" around Whale Cay. There is a very shallow route you pass by aligning 2 small islands called "Don't Rock Passage". I assume, as it is only 3ft at low tide, that means "don't pass if it's rocking" as and swells will surely put you aground. If passed at high tide on calm days it's fine with over 5ft of water. When a strong wind has been blowing for several days in just about anything in the NW to E range...the sea around the Whale turns into what the locals call a "rage sea".
I've been trying for several days to pass. The blurry picture is of "the Whale"... in a decreasing rage. I returned and anchored in tiny "Bluff Bay" to wait. It's entrance has the cutest lil island!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 15, 2015, 12:17:42 PM
2 days later...getting impatient to move (a bad thing) I tried again as the rage was falling. I took "Don't Rock passage" rather than risk outside. Huge confused ocean swells rolled over a bank just before the entrance but it seemed doable. Well...several white knuckle minutes later and I was through.  It continued to roll even tho the water was deepening but I knew I was OK and ended up being treated to a fast broad reach all the way to Marsh Harbour. The Jib Room has a steak BBQ every Saturday and is attended by tons of cruisers. No camera batteries last night...but it was a hoot. A lil hung over...I'm upstairs at Curly tails having a "clear my head" glass of wine to get wifi.  More later.....
Pics are from where I'm sitting right now.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: s/v Emerald Tide on February 15, 2015, 12:56:18 PM
Quote from: Frank on February 05, 2015, 09:35:47 AM
Pics  are the small town harbour (tide is out), the streets and the public dock  (with conch salad vendor) It was beautiful yesterday!
I have all those same pics!  Have been looking at your cruise, wistfully thinking of being there last year.  Thanks for posting.  I hope to make it out there again someday.  Enjoy!!   Sheila
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 15, 2015, 07:24:24 PM
Hi Sheila. Don't "hope"...get that boat back over here   ;)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 15, 2015, 07:28:02 PM
Did a lil boat maintenance and laundry today. You're never too bored...always something...
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 15, 2015, 07:35:23 PM
Marsh Harbor is the 3rd largest town/city in Bahamas. After the out seems busy/hectic. I'm anchored across from the "busy" side of the harbor in front of "the Jib Room". Much quieter here. It's a super friendly marina and has great facilities if you wanted to stay in one place for a while. Jason is the bartender-dock master most days. Really a good guy!  The wind has been up...those yellow shades are normally rolled up.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 15, 2015, 07:40:07 PM
Just a minute or so after sunset tonight at anchor. Couldn't find the darn camera in time  :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: SeaHusky on February 16, 2015, 04:42:13 AM
Quote from: Frank on February 15, 2015, 07:28:02 PM
Did a lil boat maintenance and laundry today. You're never too bored...always something...
What boat is that?
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 16, 2015, 05:44:34 AM
Com Pac 27   scroll down on this link. Jim posted a layout.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 16, 2015, 08:10:12 AM
Sunrise is as pretty as sunset. The boat to the left is a C&C 25....great sailing boat, far better than most in that size...certainly KISS. I've always had as soft spot for them.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 16, 2015, 01:50:59 PM
Left Marsh Harbor this morning and sailed to Hope Town on Elbow Cay. Hope Town has one of only 2 remaining, man'd, kerosene burning, original old light houses left. The famouse candy striped structure is visible for miles. The water on the way over was kinda nice too  :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 16, 2015, 01:55:03 PM
Hope Town Harbor has no anchoring room and the balls are usually taken. A few left early with a decent tide, I arrived close to low tide at the shallow entrance (4ft) and preceded in and got a ball while others waited out front for the tide to rise. Ya gotta love shallow draft!!
It really is SO pretty here!!!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 17, 2015, 03:00:32 PM
I love the cute, brightly painted homes in Hope Town...all with nice vegatation
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 17, 2015, 03:02:44 PM
the streets are clean and super for walks. Lots of flowers and plants
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 17, 2015, 03:04:45 PM
Harbor entrance view from "inside".  Beachs too...
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 17, 2015, 03:05:51 PM
a better pic of the famous light house
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: lance on cloud nine on February 18, 2015, 10:13:45 AM
if you find the time Frank, I would love to hear any of your thoughts on your new boat. Thank you.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2015, 10:14:11 AM
garbage days in Hope Town are Mon, Weds and Friday. You dingy over to the lower dock for collection. For the last few years this gentleman has dingy'd around in the morning boat to boat collecting it for everyone. No...not his "job" ...just a service he does for fellow cruisers. Seems odd at first, who'd want to go around with other peoples smelly garbage doing multiple runs burning your own fuel for nothing? But...after thinking about it, 2 things come to mind. He cruises with his wife and I'm sure we have all felt our boats "walls closing in" at times. Then...what a great way to stop, chat and catch up with everyone.  He's a great guy.

Here's to the "Garbage Man" of Hope Town   :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2015, 10:16:24 AM
Lance...I'll PM you details but I'm loving it
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: SeaHusky on February 18, 2015, 12:22:09 PM
I just want to let you know that I really enjoy this thread!
I plan to take a gap year in a few years time but not sure I really want to go to the Caribbean as it seems very "touristy". Bahamas may be an option.
Also I am sure that several of us would like to hear about your boat if you post it here.
Anyway, thanks for sharing!

EDIT...started a thread on the boat
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2015, 02:12:47 PM
Why I like Hope town....

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2015, 02:28:15 PM
why I like Hope Town...

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: jotruk on February 18, 2015, 04:59:21 PM
absolutely beautiful you can post all you want and I can say that I will enjoy everyone!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2015, 06:59:04 PM
even on a cool, overcast rainy day this looks nice.  It's looking towards the sea of Abaco directly out the entrance.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 20, 2015, 02:41:07 PM
I took a short video while "in the steam"...sent it to Gerry...he posted it here

"ya wanna make waves look small....take their picture!"
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on February 21, 2015, 09:26:44 PM
Fine new photos and reports, Frank.

I especially like the story about the volunteer garbage man, the photos of the empty double chair (inviting viewers to sit down there with an ale and enjoy the view), and of the colorful houses and land/streetscapes. Very nice. :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 23, 2015, 08:20:06 AM
I get emails from home of sub zero temps and a ton of snow. I'll apologize ahead to all snow bound people for this post.
Left Hope Town yesterday. The winds and cooler temps had finally passed through and I was treated to a very slow but totally beautiful sail to Treasure Cay. I resisted the urge to start the engine as speeds dropped to the 2.2 range. At times I was bombing along at 3.5  :o  Auto pilot on...good book...even had a rum. It took most of the day to get there but I loved every minute.
To all snow bound folks...sorry for these pics   ;D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 23, 2015, 08:22:58 AM
marked, twisty entrance to the anchorage and marina, marina straight ahead, anchorage to right, looking back. Rate is $10 to anchor but you get showers and wifi. Not bad.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 23, 2015, 08:27:32 AM
A few years back, National Geographic voted Treasure Cay as one of the "top 10" beachs in the world. It is several miles long and only a 5 minute walk from the dingy dock.

Marina facilities you can use. The $10 ain't bad
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: s/v Faith on February 23, 2015, 01:49:53 PM
Absolutely beautiful pictures frank! 

Yea, it is a tough winter.  Went into the city yesterday, actually needed a light jacket....   Over my shorts.   :)

It is 72 today, but breezy here.  Bet you have about the same?

Water sure is a lot prettier there though!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 23, 2015, 03:05:13 PM's 83 in the cabin  ;)   Left Treasure Cay this morning in calm to catch the tide and motor through "don't rock" passage. Back in Green Turtle now.   Picture is the sea this morning and the SE "rock" marking "don't rock passage"

As you can wasn't a "sails up" kinda day  :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bob J (ex-misfits) on February 23, 2015, 08:21:00 PM
Quote from: Frank on February 23, 2015, 08:20:06 AM
ITo all snow bound folks...sorry for these pics   ;D

Your pictures, only thing that's got me thru the month of February. Well maybe a little bourbon too :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 23, 2015, 09:03:52 PM
  ;D...dark rum here    :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on February 24, 2015, 12:35:13 AM
Quote from: Frank on February 23, 2015, 09:03:52 PM
  ;D...dark rum here    :o

Scotch here  :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Tim on February 24, 2015, 08:03:19 AM
Lemonade here  :D with an early Spring  8)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bubba the Pirate on February 24, 2015, 09:59:06 PM
I'm trying to decide if its the tequila that's keeping me up at night.

More testing is required.

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on February 25, 2015, 12:05:23 AM
Todd....keep testing..... I've been testing rum for years!!    :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 01, 2015, 12:27:44 PM
Not much to report. It's been windy after I returned to Green Turtle so 'hunkered down'. Nice today, will get up early tomorrow to make the tide and head south again.
Anyone that has cruised will understand this...kind of a sad day... Jim, a very good buddy, just slipped his mooring to head E and hopefully make the Gulf Stream crossing on weds. Calling for 3fters, but a 10 second interval and will be on his stern so he's on his way. You meet many friends, some, like Jim, become very good friends. It's always sad to see them leave (or leave yourself). While here, you know you'll run into each other again at some point. Once you head're never sure. God willing, we'll both be back next year.

PS...Jim had a 39ft offshore sailboat for years. He switched to "the dark side" with the Albin 27 aft cabin. A great lil cruiser. The diesel is quite large and after listening to it thought "rumbler" would be a good name. His wife thought "Rum Blurr" would be more appropriate.  It stuck   ;D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on March 01, 2015, 07:16:12 PM
Yep- one bad thing about cruising- saying goodbye to good folks. You tend to make friends quickly when both are aboard cruising boats. Always bitter sweet to part
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 02, 2015, 06:32:39 PM
Back in Marsh Harbour. The "Jib Room" has 'rib night' on weds. Will be a lot of cruisers. Never did the ribs...will be a fun night.
Last trip to southern Abacos this winter. Haul out 1st week of April.
Still 4 weeks...but feeling the time clicking....
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 06, 2015, 02:18:33 PM
The ribs were THEE BEST I have ever had!! Geez...this guy can cook!! A ton of people and everyone done perfectly!! Huge portions and simply fell off the bones!

Got "antsie" and sailed back to HopeTown this morning. Last trip down here so I thought I needed one more "fix"

Trip down was beautiful!

Shoals are easy to see
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 06, 2015, 02:22:44 PM
As I neared Elbow Cay, there were sailboat races underway. Amongst the fleet was the "Abaco Rage"...a traditional old Bahamian racer with a huge main and the long board out for crew to sit on (8-10ft out!) as ballast!

pictures are blurry...waves and distance=blur   :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 06, 2015, 02:25:47 PM
I approached the entrance to Hope Town harbour near low tide. Several boats waited near then entrance for the rise. I motored past and got the last available mooring ball. Ya gotta love shallow draft!!

Currently at "Captain Jack's" to get wifi and de-stress over a Kalik   ;)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 06, 2015, 02:46:00 PM
View from "Capt Jack's"

it's a burden......   :o ;)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: s/v Faith on March 06, 2015, 03:19:01 PM
Beautiful Frank!  Keep the pics coming!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 07, 2015, 08:49:56 AM
I was up before dawn, beautiful to see the day unfold. On the way to town I passed a traditional, locally built Bahamian dingy.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 07, 2015, 08:53:03 AM
Next I passed the "Abaco Rage" on her mooring. This is a traditional, wooden Bahamian Racing boat. Under sail pics's a closer look. You'll see how long the boom actually is. A HUGE mainsail!! Must have wicked weather helm!!'ll see the 2x8 sliding boards they use to "hike out"
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 07, 2015, 08:55:04 AM
Took a walk to pass time until the coffee shop opened. A small surf rolled into the beach. Boats cross paths during high tide at the harbor entrance
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 08, 2015, 01:08:42 PM
Up early and slipped the mooring at 6am. the wind was up and made for a very nice 4 1/2 hr sail to Treasure Cay. Marsh Harbour is big/busy/hectic and a  l o n  g  walk to get grocery's. Treasure is somewhat "Americanized", but the anchorage is great, you can get wifi onboard, both the bank and grocery store are a short walk. The grocery store is open until 1pm sundays and while not as big as Marsh Harbour' has far more selection and way better prices than Green Turtle or Hope Town. Even the ATM was open today! Cash is always hard to get here with only Treasure and Marsh having ATM's. We take so much for granted back home.
The trawler in the pic was sure "rockin" out there.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 08, 2015, 01:11:59 PM
It was nice to see more boats at the anchorage and far more boats at the marina. Things have been bad $$$ here for a few years...they need the boost.
I've mentioned before...the $10 anchoring fee (protected basin) gets you showers, wifi and use of pool etc. A great deal really
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 14, 2015, 01:44:23 PM
Back in New Plymouth (Green Turtle Cay) for a fundraiser last night. Good time! Walking back to the boat I was struck by the difference a relatively small 3ft tide makes when the water is shallow to begin with.
Had to throw another sunset pic in. They just never get old to me...
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 15, 2015, 09:47:35 PM
Had a nice broad reach up to Manjack yesterday for a visit with friends. The lad on the Catalina 25 was there (he's been over since Sept! he's only 23yrs old) and an Albin Vega...proving ya don't need big!! I anchored between them.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 15, 2015, 09:49:48 PM
Sunsets are awesome...but if ya get up early....sun rise is just as beautiful.  This was this morning with the sun coming up over Crab Cay
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 17, 2015, 10:16:31 PM
New Plymouth had the "Worlds Shortest St Patrick Day Parade" today. Left at 4pm from one bar and went about 200 yards to another bar. Lots of green, high spirits and fun!!

My birthday today. Never bought a drink once!!    :o
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Tim on March 18, 2015, 08:20:14 AM
And here all along we had been celebrating St. Patrick's Day or St. Gertrude's Day (patron saint of cats), actually the parties were all for Frank's Birthday! 8)

Happy Birthday kid!  ;D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on March 18, 2015, 10:00:58 AM
Happy birthday Frank!  :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bubba the Pirate on March 18, 2015, 11:12:50 AM
Happy Birthday, Frank.

Thanks for spotting the Vega! Does my heart good. :-)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 20, 2015, 11:53:12 AM
Thanks guys. it was a good day.

Bubba...typically 2 or 3 Vegas pass through yearly. Great little cruiser!! Fairly fast too.

Another beach bonfire last night. No "electric music" but great acoustic guitar and flute.
The "big boat" was a 28!! Then my 27 followed by a Hake 26 with super shallow draft (18in board up).
What a great Bahamas or Keys boat! Good story's, a few jokes and good tunes. Nice night!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bubba the Pirate on March 20, 2015, 02:10:24 PM
I've owned Bella since December 2013, sailed her since June 2014 and have been very happy. Can't wait to get down there.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bob J (ex-misfits) on March 20, 2015, 04:15:27 PM
Happy belated birthday Frank!
Sounds like you had a good one.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 22, 2015, 07:23:06 PM
Was at Manjack for a while, but then found out friends were at Powel Cay. Funny....sailed by it 100 times, never stopped! So, I went up. Beautiful totally undeveloped Cay (no homes) with great beachs. There was no wind, 5 boats....all pointing in different directions! Not even enough wind to tighten an anchor rode! Good friends, good wine, good tunes, great sunset and then...3 dolphins swam by the boat!! Magical night!!  Good sail back to Green Turtle today.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 25, 2015, 01:00:35 PM
Larry and Elizabeth hosted "golfcart drive in" movie night at Bluff Point yesterday so I sailed down and dingy'd in..  They made a screen for their garage door and use a projector. Fun night!

Good sail down

Movie was the Biography of Steven Hawkins, Brilliant man, given 2yrs to live while a about 73!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 25, 2015, 01:05:56 PM
I met up with LuLu and GiGi on the way in. I've known them for about 12 yrs but missed them the last couple. Turns out LuLu got new hips one year and their boat got a new engine the other :D  They're back on the go again. A great Swiss couple, they have circumnavigated and lived aboard for 33yrs! Very interesting couple, well read, up on current affairs, and a wealth of stories! LuLu still has that "twinkle in his eye" after all these years   :D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: CharlieJ on March 25, 2015, 06:01:39 PM
Quote from: Frank on March 25, 2015, 01:00:35 PM
Larry and Elizabeth hosted "golfcart drive in" movie night at Bluff Point yesterday so I sailed down and dingy'd in..  They made a screen for their garage door and use a projector. Fun night!

Had a similar experience at Little Farmers Cay, Exumas. They set up folding chairs, made popcorn  for all and projected a movie on the side of the restaurant, which was painted white. Watched 2012 :D fun night

Of course, Little Farmers only had 67 residents  ;D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 26, 2015, 11:50:16 AM
GiGi just emailed me these pictures.
Never in their 33yrs 'out' have they witnessed this
For 10 full days at Manjack...they had 1000's of fish circle their
boat! Along with them...rays, sharks and barracuda's swam circling
looking for a meal. They said it was a day long nature show to see
for a full 10 days!!!!

Gotta be out to see it :-)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Tim on March 26, 2015, 12:24:42 PM
That would make me nervous swimming off the boat. This is a shot taken off the dock I think at Big Farmers Cay when they were cleaning fish.


I still have my Tshirt from Ocean Cabin Resturant on Little Farmers
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 31, 2015, 03:08:52 PM
Will be hauling out on Thursday so took a 'mini cruise' up to Manjack Cay, Powel Cay and back. I'd never stopped at Powel before this year. Nice beachs out front and on the ocean side. Seldom many people on them.

pics are Allure in the lee
            sea side beach
            ocean beach
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on March 31, 2015, 03:12:37 PM
It is late March so the annual progression of boats heading W (home) has begun. While anchored at Powel there were up to 18 vessels in sight at one time heading home. Several today as well as I returned to Green Turtle.

Saw a crab that took up residence in a conch shell
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on April 01, 2015, 02:01:24 AM
Quote from: Frank on March 31, 2015, 03:08:52 PM
Nice beachs out front and on the ocean side. Seldom many people on them.
Thank you for more beautiful photos, Frank. Those deserted beaches look wonderful.

Fair winds for your remaining time there and haul-out.  :)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Bubba the Pirate on April 01, 2015, 09:56:13 AM
Thanks, Frank!
I can't wait to be down there in Winter 2016/2017. I'll be passing thru on the Westsail delivery this Spring but we won't have much time; likely won't stop for much unless we need something. Anyway, I'm not in charge of anything much less the schedule. :-)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on April 02, 2015, 07:32:35 PM
ya gotta love the crazy colors down here!! makes ya smile....
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on April 04, 2015, 10:48:04 AM
So.....another winter cruise is over  :'(

Allure is hauled at Green Turtle
Sails and canvas now off and stored, seal the teak today and ready to leave.

Depressed...."re-entry" awaits..... :'(

Note the difference in draft from the C&C 30 behind Allure.  (3.5ft to 5ft)
In Bahamas or Keys.....shoal draft rocks!!
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Tim on April 04, 2015, 11:37:13 AM
Quote from: Frank on April 04, 2015, 10:48:04 AM
So.....another winter cruise is over  :'(

Allure is hauled at Green Turtle
Sails and canvas now off and stored, seal the teak today and ready to leave.

Depressed...."re-entry" awaits..... :'(

I love you Frank, but it is hard to feel sorry for you. No doubt you have your next adventure completely planned out and ready to go  :) ;) :P  ;D
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on April 04, 2015, 03:14:49 PM
Guilty......but that is 5mths away   :'(

Have to settle for trailersailing to Moosehead or North Channel in between.

Joking aside....haul out is the %$&@#
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on April 06, 2015, 12:50:54 PM
finished wrapping up "storage prep" this morning.
waiting at the airport now....

sure looks "bare" stripped of everything

last nights sunset from my favorite bar (my last one until next season)
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Jim_ME on April 06, 2015, 01:29:36 PM
Beautiful photo of the sunset, among many others.

Interesting to see your boat (and others) tied down. Makes sense, since she has a hurricane season to get through, with mast up, before you return.

Congrats on your first season aboard Allure in what seems like an amazing place. It's has be great to read your thread. Grog to you.

Looking forward to you making another trailer-sailing trip here to Maine, and catching up with you, hopefully in both places.  :)

Fair winds on your trip back.
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: SeaHusky on April 06, 2015, 06:55:38 PM
Out of curiosity, what preparations do you do for leaving a boat on land in a hot and humid(?) area possibly over storm season?

Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Norman on April 06, 2015, 07:28:27 PM
Curious too, why mast up?  Planning to be away for 5 months, seems to be extra stress cycles on the rig.  On the other hand, less chance of hardware walking away....
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on April 06, 2015, 08:35:54 PM
"Rig up...stripped" has never been an issue in 14yrs south. Some folks leave sails on but tied down....I'm not that brave! My boat went through 2 back to back hurricanes in this yard in 2004 with no probs, 2 since then. The shroud turnbuckles are "2 turns back".

I have had mould troubles in Florida but not here. Not sure why? More wind? More sun? Dry, paved yard?

I bleach out the ice box, the water system, the head and galley, then turn the cushions up. So good.

The yard is great and always had those wooden "cradles". In 04, Indiantown had 27 boats over....these guys 1. (deep draft...high)  2 yrs ago they bore concrete tubes in and now have the straps as well.  I feel as safe as possible there...but bad hurricanes are....well....bad   :(
Title: Re: Allure to the Abacos/15
Post by: Frank on August 10, 2017, 12:33:16 PM
Quote from: Frank on March 01, 2015, 12:27:44 PM
Not much to report. It's been windy after I returned to Green Turtle so 'hunkered down'. Nice today, will get up early tomorrow to make the tide and head south again.
Anyone that has cruised will understand this...kind of a sad day... Jim, a very good buddy, just slipped his mooring to head E and hopefully make the Gulf Stream crossing on weds. Calling for 3fters, but a 10 second interval and will be on his stern so he's on his way. You meet many friends, some, like Jim, become very good friends. It's always sad to see them leave (or leave yourself). While here, you know you'll run into each other again at some point. Once you head're never sure. God willing, we'll both be back next year.

PS...Jim had a 39ft offshore sailboat for years. He switched to "the dark side" with the Albin 27 aft cabin. A great lil cruiser. The diesel is quite large and after listening to it thought "rumbler" would be a good name. His wife thought "Rum Blurr" would be more appropriate.  It stuck   ;D

Jim didn't make it back "next year"
But I pulled into Garden Bay in Pender Harbour BC last night and dropped anchor....Next to Rum Blurr.
God was willing that we met again...just took a little longer and a different coast 😄
Jim n Deb heading over once my anchor was down

Top pic from the March 2015 post
Bottom pic was last night