Hi All, just got back into sailing after taking 20 off to raise our three daughters. We just baught this C25 Catalina and looking forward to the ice melting and the sails filling. darn glad to be here. I tried to post pics of my boat La Tina Caliente but the files were too big.
Hi Dennis,
Welcome to SailFar! I hope you can post your pictures here soon. I'll check with Capt'K and see is we have a size limitations on the picture size.
Enjoy your new boat!
Hi Dennis :) Sorry the pics didn't get in - I always love seeing foks boats, faces, etc... Here's the deal about that:
Picture sizes for the Gallery are limited in 2 ways - by "File Size", and by "Dimension".
In the Gallery, the biggest File Size for a picture is 1 Megabyte (1024 kB), and the Dimensions of the picture cannot be larger than 1600 Pixels in either height or width.
That said, it is usually better for everyone if your pictures have a file size of under 100kB, and that the dimensions of the picture don't exceed 800 pixels in height or width. This makes it nice for people who are not on broadband connections, they won't have to wait forever to see your pictures download. ;) It also makes the pictures load faster for everyone, regardless of their connection.
There is a free, simple picture editor that you can use to resize your pictures, it is called "Irfanview", and you can download it from the 'net. The program is less than 1M in size. The website is here. (http://www.irfanview.com/)
A note about resizing your pictures, from someone who does a lot of it: :)
Before you do, make a New Folder (maybe named "Resized Images") on your computer, and make/put a *Copy* of the image(s) you want to resize into that folder. Do your resizing work on the Copy *only*.This way your Original image will remain untouched and in it's original size, and only the Copy will be altered.
Also, I like to add something to the resized image name to let me know that it has been resized - usually, I'll just append "web" to the name. (Example: "IMG_12.JPG" would be saved in its resized form as "IMG_12_WEB.JPG"). By just adding "web", I can easily know which Original, large picture the smaller resized copy came from.
Hope this helps, Dennis!
Dougcan - I'll cross-post it into the Gallery thread for others reference.