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The Edge, Sarah

Started by The Edge, December 27, 2005, 10:29:05 AM

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The Edge


     I was practically born in a float plane in Maine.  Both Mom and Dad flew.  Being raised on a large lake, the water has always been a big part of my life.  By the age of 7, Dad would strap the canoe on the floats and we would head up country.  I was allowed to explore all day in remote areas by myself.  I have never outgrown that urge.

     We moved to the USVI, St. Croix, when I was 21.  It was there that I took up flying (and sailing).  I bought my dad's PA 12, Piper Super Cruiser and would fly up and down the Caribbean, landing on deserted islands and beaches.  Twice, I continued on down into So. America, into the mountains and looking for Jimmy Angel's lost river of gold (at Angel Falls).  I started flying commercially in order to pay for the plane.  I retired about 5 years ago.

     I have flown in different parts of the world (Hawaii, Alaska, the New England Corridor, etc.) but love the wilderness flying most.  I flew jets for a SHORT period of time and hated it.  It was a job, like going to work in an office and facing a computer everyday.  When I look out the window, I want to see a big horn sheep looking back.

     I have owned four sailboats, sailed single handed most of the time, and lived on three of them.  I had a 17.5' catamaran when I lived in the Rockies.  When I moved back to Maine, I had a 1931 34' Alden and a 27' O'Day which I sailed Casco Bay in.  At this point in my life, I have a Macgregor 26X.  I bought her new in 2002 and immediately headed for Desolation Sound, here on the B.C. coast.  That winter I trailered her behind my pick up to Jacksonville, I then sailed her to the Abacos and was away for 7.5 months.  The following spring, I hauled her cross country again to Cheasapeak for 3 months cruising. 

     I broke my collar bone a year ago today and haven't sailed single handed since.  It should be healed by now and I'm ready for another adventure.  However, I am being more conservative and am going to spend a month or four in the Bay Islands of Honduras before I take The Edge there.  If I like it, I will probably take her there next winter. 

     I would continue on and tell you all the reasons why I love my Mac, but I leave for Utila on January 4th and I don't have enough time ;).

It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


Was that you @ Walkers cay and Green Turtle in 02?? Not that many Macs there.Did you leave it at Abaco Yacht services for storage ??
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

The Edge


    I found another Mac in the little inlet at Green Turtle Key.  That's not me.  I eventually dragged my Mac back to B.C.
It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


That little inlet is 'blacks cove' If you were in New Plymouth,you had to have stopped at the 'Blue Bee Bar' and at 'sundowners bar'  (for those never there,niether is much bigger than an average wreck room) My last trip was Nov 04 after the hurricane.The entire back wall of 'sundowners' was gone!...just washed away!! The huge houseboat at Walkers entrance peer is tore in 1/2 with the front gone and the entrance at the west end was really silted in. Things have probably changed again since then.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

The Edge


     I anchored next to that Mac in Black Cove.  She looked neglected.

     Are you telling me that the houseboat "Stranded Naked" is wrecked by the 'cane?  The fellow who owns it flys the heavy metal to exotic places.  He is the one who hosts the "Stranded Naked" beach parties every year.  The year I was there, it was held on Fidler's Cay.
No....people aren't naked!  Free burgers and drinks for the islands' locals.  The Margaritas and Gumbay Punch comes in 55-gallon drums :D

     I departed Lake Worth (W. Palm) and cleared at Green Turtle Cay.
It took me three days to make the crossing.  I was there in 2003.

It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


Not sure of the name of the houseboat...but if it was the HUGE one 'on the hard' at the entrance to now is 1/2 a houseboat. i have film pictures of it from 02-before and 04-after. I'll try taking a pic of a pic and posting.  That Party sounds like fun
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Here's 'a pic of a pic'  Thats my Beneteau(33ft 11in) @ the breakwater  so you can imagine the houseboat sitting on the breakwater has to be at least 100ft+. I have better pics and 'after the storm' pics at the cottage...I'll try to remember.Does that look like the houseboat you speak of? PS  that ENTIRE front 1/2 showing in the pic is literally gone!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

The Edge

hmmmmmm :-\  Did you see the wooden prop?
It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


I presume you mean a prop for a plane with the airstrip at Walkers....Here's a plane 'blow over' at that strip...and a boat sunk @ the dock after the storm.Sorry for the quality...I'm taking a digital pic of a photograph.Both pics @ walker's in 04
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

The Edge


     Thinking about wrecks by air strips makes me feel like I am home ;).
I hate to be bored so those are my favorite kinda strips.  Stranded Naked sported a wooden airplane prop. 

     I think the year was 1997 that I went back to St. Maarten after Hugo.  1200 boats seeked safe harbor at the hurricane hole near the airstrip.  Only a few survived.  It turned me off to boat ownership for a few years :(.  Another reason I love The Edge is that I can "afford" to lose her. )   When I finally gave up on my dream to sail my 34' Alden to the Caribbean from Maine, I had $5 to my name - enough gas money to find and work and commute  til payday.  I owned an old VW Bug, called Spot.  This was back in 1983?. 

      Dates aren't important to me.  If I really need to know, I can usually get an idea from an old logbook.


It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X

The Edge


     Where are you spending your time in the Abacos this year?  I have good friends who sail and live near Treasure Cay.  I think the "Stranded Naked" party kicks off the local regatta.  You can find out for certain on Cruisers' Net.  Did you ever believe their weather reports ::)?  Did I mention that I really like clearing in at Treasure Cay?
It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


Hope to be back in the Abacos at the end with a trip to the Exumas if I can. I've not yet been to the pink beach Exumas .I'll have about 6 weeks and don't like to rush.The cruisers 'weather man' I listened to was 'Barometer Bob' from Marsh harbour daily @ 8am....great ole guy.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

The Edge


     I'll never forget the day that "barometer Bob" guaranteed that we wouldn't have rain.  I was at Little Harbour in a downpour ::) :D.  Did you ever meet Patty?
It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


Barometer so ...entertaining to listen bet !!  Nope ..never met Patty
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

The Edge

Bye Captn Kurt and you all for now.  I'm off to Honduras.  I'll try to stay in touch.  I'm going to miss you guys.  Why not come on down :D.
It's a great life if you don't weaken.

S/V The Edge
Macgregor 26X


Have a safe trip.
I missed the sendoff yesterday.


Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Sarah will be back sometime in February, and she also said that she'd post from down there, if she could.

Dontcha know that today she is enjoying warm tropical air and looking at clear waters... I'm so jealous! ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Lost Sole

I got word  From Tonyp  that sarah made it to Utila today.  He hadn't talked to her yet but his First mate checked her into her room   with Flowers and was ordering food.   Ah what a life.


That is good to know, thanks! (karma pop)

Keep us updated if you can, and, if you do talk to her, tell her that we're all shivering with jealousy. :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Yepper, Sarah is very much alive, and well.  She's spending most of her time wandering about, as well she can.  This is a small rock and there's not much chance of getting lost or into any trouble.  Pretty conservative here, too, so nothing to bump into that would be untoward.

Sarah is sleeping in as late as she wishes, strolling down for a bite to eat, going back to the hotel, reading a bit, napping a bit, taking long walks/hikes, and having a drink at the pool bar, then gathering a band of cruisers about her that feel like dinner and holds forth, regaling them with stories of adventures lived to the fullest . 

I think her life is far too rough...

"El Caribe... Spanish Main... Land of Voodoo, Hoodoo, and all sorts of weird poop..." Capt'n Ron