2007/04/26 Sailorbum Update

Started by Bubba the Pirate, April 27, 2007, 11:55:01 PM

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Bubba the Pirate

I just read through my updates and I apologize for repeating myself.   Maybe some of you are still tuned in. 

I had the weirdest revelation tonight!   But first one from two weeks ago.   

10 or 12 years ago, I thought I found THEE boat.   It wasn't for a variety of reasons; not the least of which was I had even less money then than I do now.   When I signed the paperwork on my current boat, I looked out the salesman's window across the Saginaw River and right into the boatyard I was in 10 years ago.   A little eerry; I had driven 4 hours to get to the marina.   The day I spent with Dad going over the first boat was three jobs ago.   I had been married and divorced in that time and somehow came right back.   

Tonight was almost stranger.   I had found who I thought was the previous owner.   He is a musician.   Started folky and went jazzy.   No problem.   I knew all that two months ago. 

I was trying to scrape up an email to send to the PO.   I was cruising around their website again.   Before I could finish reading about where they had been, I went back to the guy's picture.   Suddenly, I could see the whole band under the tent by the river.    Last summer, as a volunteer at the Elkhart Jazz Festival, I stood no more than 20 feet from the guy who used to own my boat!!!!   I think he played there the year before as well.   I am dumbstruck!   What a great show too!   

Mom was right . . .  You've got to be good, no matter where you go.   


TrT :o

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29



hey bum, hows the boat fixit goin?

Southern Lake Michigan


it is odd how small the world is sometimes. 
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

Bubba the Pirate

Yesterday was Cold Hard Reality Day.    :P

I was cleaning her up; 'a' so she would know somebody loved her again, and 'b' to explore all the spaces.   I knew I was in for some work, but I have a little more than I thought.   It couldn't be any other way!   

The starboard cockpit seat locker hatch is very spongy and needs to be replaced.   There is a small patch right over the teak coaming that is suspect.   The good news is that all the rest of the decks and the coachhouse seem just fine.   

I found over on the Cape Dory Owners Association BB that this boat had a diesel tank go bad.   The contents went into the bilge.   There were tanks in each cockpit locker.  The PO never replaced the starboard one that went bad.   I've read that I should replace the tanks anyway.   The bilges are 'mostly' cleaned up from this.   Simple Green cut only 50% seems to clean it fairly well.   

There are two jibs and no main.   The PO is checking the barn.   The sails are 32 year old original and aren't going to do me much good any way.   I knew all I had was a coiled up furling jib and a sail bag.   The sail bag contained the working jib. 

I will put off doing the small cosmetic patch on the keel to tend to some small cracks in the deck.   I don't want any other moisture problems. 

So my new list is:

deck gel coat repairs
build a new cockpit locker hatch
check out plumbing and clean all tanks
check out electrical system

I am also looking for some work up here.  I don't want to spend boat money on rent and food.    ;D

Good news is the cabin has cleaned up real nice.   In general, the boat is very solid.   I hope to have her back in the water in June.   I'll keep you posted.   

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29



One of my neighbors down at the marina is an officer of the CDSOA, and has two Cape Dory sailboats, a 25 and a 30.  The 30 is a recent acquisition and a project boat, being a hurricane salvage boat from Ernesto. If you have any specific questions, I can ask Diane them if you want.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more