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Started by Capt.Ron, January 03, 2006, 02:01:21 PM

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Trekka, Round The World

A great story of a man that built and sailed a 20' Yawl around the world, a plywood boat, that he built by himself in a shed in Victoria BC. He sailed it around the world many years ago... it has been some time since I read it, perhaps in the early seventies, before GPS's and such.... a plywood boat, 20' LOA.......................... A must read for the small boat enthusiast.

John Guzzwell is the , owner, writer, adventurer.


S/V Amor D'oro

A Pirates Life for me


Capt Ron -

It's been years since I read that, but I remember it being a fine book, and one of my inspirations. Thanks for the reminder! :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Indeed it was CapnK, ... Trekka was a very good read, and an inspiration as well. The whole story, from building a plywood sailboat, (before plywood had been designed for such applications, let alone, proven and reliable construction process's), to sailing same vessel around the world, with only some kittens for company. What an adventurer....

If I recall correctly, he had an interesting side trip with the Smeetons... around the Horn, adventurer and a Sailor....



S/V Amor D'oro

A Pirates Life for me


I might point out here that when Guzzwell returned, he sold Trekka to a couple who promptly took her around again!!!

She on display in a museum somewhere up in the northwest I think.

And yeah- he had quite an adventure aboard Hzu Hang with the Smeetons. They rolled the boat in the southern ocean and ripped huge holes in the cabin top and deck- it was only by fierce determination and serious hard work that they kept her afloat. The Smeetons repaired the boat, tried to go round again, rolled her again, repaired her again and went back out one more time- that time they made it. They subsequently published a book called "Once is Enough"

Guzzwell is still going, and still building boats, although he developed a sensitively to epoxy some time ago so builds using a different glue now.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Most interesting, I had heard that the boat was on display at a museum somewhere in the PNW, I am assuming Victoria. As for John, is he in Victoria, and if so, does anone know where he can be reached at. I'll be in Victoria sometime this year, and would like to look him up if possible.

The Smeeton's story, as I recall, (sorry Charlie),  was  titled "Once Is Not Enough", I could be mistaken as it is in storage, along with most of my library. It is a very good read,  if you've ever dreamed of sailing around Cape Horn, in a small sailing vessel, or relatively small.. no matter,....  from west to east, as I have... this book is a must read.

I would so enjoy sitting down and chatting with the likes of Guzzwell, or the Smeetons, .. so much to learn.


S/V Amor D'oro

A Pirates Life for me


Quote from: CharlieJ on January 10, 2006, 07:26:10 PM

Guzzwell is still going, and still building boats, although he developed a sensitively to epoxy some time ago so builds using a different glue now.

If I'm not mistaken - and I very well could be on this  Guzzwell built a wooden boat called 'Endangered Species' and did the TransPac with it - I'll have to go back thru my Wooden Boats magazines to find out

I think the glue is Sorcenol made by Elmers - again I could be mistaken - it been a few years since I read that article
Hold my beer and watch this poop
