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reefing jib

Started by cgoinggal, October 13, 2007, 02:00:28 PM

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Mentioned on another thread and I can't get enough of the idea.

Obviouslly, I know nothing about it.
Can someone tell me that basics about how the sail is designed and how exactly you reef it. 
Any other information regurarding reefing jibs that I would need to know to do it would be great also.

Thanks ye good sailing people!!!

Also, on a completly different note, I checked out the sail far gallery and you all have some nice shots in there not to mention great boats!!
Will sail for cheese.


You can clearly see the reef points in this pic of Tehani's jib. The reef takes it down to JUST over storm jib size.

We usually keep a pennant rigged through the tack reefing  grommet when sailing on the outside. Not in the bay though.

We drop the sail, shift from the regular tack pennant to the reefing pennant, move the sheets to the reefing clew grommet and roll up the sail, tying off just like a main sail does.

That's our working jib and 95 % of the time that's all the head sail we need.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera