it is spring for half of the world. So what is your plans ?

Started by Manannan, April 18, 2008, 03:20:14 PM

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I can almost feel the warm breeze tickling my skin. I can almost smell the crispy early morning on the water. Cannot wait to get this first sunburn, as I steer the boat until sundown. So my friends, what are your sailing plans for the summer, tell us about it. Wherever you are, let's share our plans.. 8)
Leaving always represents the same challenge to one's self : that of daring...


i never seem to accomplish what i hope to, but i'm planning to take a couple of weeks and sail up to fayette state park (michigan) on lake michigan.  also contemplating the lake michigan singlehanded society "challenge" in august....a race across the lake and back (racine to muskegon to racine).  however, right now i'm glad to be home as the wind is blowing off the lake and it's colddddd.  vamos a ver. 


 I'm planning on sailing the Bay all summer .I want to do some exploring Tomales Bay,Half Moon Bay,
Santa Cruz and Monterrey.
  Edit; I love Moss Landing
No wife, no kids, no debt.


Nothing exciting this summer - day and weekend trips around the island(s) and maybe 1 or 2 accross to France if I can get the time....but the major plan is to carry on giving "Wayluya" Seadog the TLC I never managed over the last couple of years (time slips by............)........and this will include a number of new toys (work situation permitting!)

Boat wise I am dreaming of 2009!


I'm hoping my boat will be in the water next week. :)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
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I'm coming to the end of a year in the uk after sailing home from Puerto Rico last April. I've refitted, seen the Grandaughter settled into University and I'm bound for Portugal from Falmouth in Cornwall, in June. I've cruised Southern Portugal before and if all goes according to plan, I'll winter there and then wander off into the Mediterranean next Spring, heading East away from the 'tourist coasts' of Spain, on towards Turkey and the Black Sea. No schedule, no hurry, just keep the pension coming please Mr Government... ;D
Do you know what you are talking about, or did you ask Mr Google...again?

Bubba the Pirate

I hope to finish what I started last summer.   Replace Cockpit floor and add a hatch; replace holding tank and some plumbing; replace two diesel tanks; rebed cockpit coaming; I'm sure I'll come across some more.   

Money- and Time-wise I'll probably not be headed south until Spring 2009. 

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29