Cast Iron Frying Pan Fried Potatoes

Started by skylark, March 05, 2008, 06:56:02 PM

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Cast Iron Frying Pan Fried Potatoes:

Add to a hot cast iron frying pan:
2 Tbs olive oil

Peel potatoes, rinse in water and slice thinly into the frying pan
Cover pan with a lid for 5 minutes
Take off lid.
Chop an onion and throw it in.
Use a lot of heat.
Stir every minute or two.
After 30 minutes total frying time they will be browned and done.
Add some salt and serve!

I could eat these potatoes every day.

Boat Chips:
For a special treat, leave some of the potatoes in the pan (no flame)
for about a half hour after they finish cooking. They will cook a
little more from the heat of the pan and get crispy and taste like french fries or potato
chips, a great snack.

Southern Lake Michigan

Leroy - Gulf 29

Don't forget the peppers and garlic ;D --  FWIW, I make a kettle chip similar, I use more oil and a chicken fryer pan (deep cast iron pan), deep fry the chips, toss them in a tupperware marinating plastic pan, throw in some spices (garlic pepper, red pepper, Alpine Touch (Seasoning salt), shake them around, and eat, and eat, and eat. My waistline shows it  :'(


When I was a kid, Mom made the fried potatoes with chopped green onion, garlic, and salt/pepper, in a big black cast iron pan well seasoned and greased with smoked bacon.
Her variation was to use small spuds from the garden, sliced thin, then laid in an overlapping pattern, like sunflowers. Then she turned the flowers with a big spatula and served them up golden brown on both sides on a plate with home made Chile Beans, fresh home grown tomatoes, corn on the cob on a saucer of melted butter, with hot, spoon biscuits. Oh my, memories to die for from my misspent youth!
"The great secret that all old people share
is that you really haven't changed . . .
Your body changes, but you don't change at all.
And that, of course, causes great confusion." . . . Doris Lessing

Shipscarver - Cape Dory 27


oh yeah! we prepare potatoes with onions and green pepper all the time! they go great with steaks or hamburgers :) but we cut the potatoes in cubes. My mom used to prepare something like this too, but she added eggs I believe and made 'tortilla espaniola' yummi :)
s/v Halve Maen
1976 Chrysler 22
North Carolina


Ok, sounds good as long as the pans do not have handles on them.

None of my pans do.
MacGregor 26M