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I'm back in the water!

Started by skylark, March 21, 2008, 11:38:35 AM

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Had her dropped in today.  It was 28F and snowing a little bit when she was hoisted into the river, and by the time I was doing my annual beginning of the year circles in the river while bumping various pilings while trying to remember how to approach the dock in heavy current and wind, it was a blizzard.  By the time I got her tied up, there was close to an inch of snow on her and me.

Actually it was kind of fun with no one else in the river.  Probably pretty dangerous if you fell overboard though!  And by the way, fiberglass with snow on it is awesome slippery, if you like that kind of stuff.

This afternoon I'm going back to see how well the diesel heater does in these temps.  I have a feeling it can only make the cabin livable down to about 40F without adding a lot of insulation in the boat.

Southern Lake Michigan


Congrats... GRRR... Still have about two weeks or so until I can put my boat back in. :)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
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