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Holding Tanks

Started by Pixie Dust, January 08, 2006, 10:05:38 AM

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Pixie Dust

I currently have a 6 gal holding tank... good for about 3 flushes.  :) This is not going to work in the Keys...very monitored down there.  Steve from another site told me that in the Keys, new law is no dumping within 9 miles of shore and must have locked Y valve.   I am investigating upgrading to 18-20 gal, tank, however, I am wondering if anyone has any info on the collapsible ones??   ???Especially durability.  Any info would be appreciated.
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Well, CJ says that the freshwater collapsible tanks that he has are *very* tough. A boat with your fresh water running through it due to tank failure would be bad, so I imagine that they make the darkwater-holding collapsibles even *tougher*, since that mess running through your boat would be even worse. :) Ewwww...

If you can come up with a strategy to use the holding tank only for solid waste, you could make that 6 gallon capacity go a lot farther, and maybe save the expense and storage capacity that the larger holding tank would take. Maybe if you aren't gonna do a "#2" ;), you could take a quick swim instead of using the head. That Keys water stays pretty warm year-round, so if you keep a pump-up garden sprayer of fresh water in your cockpit area, you can spritz off the salt when you come back aboard while keeping freshwater usage to a minimum. I think a gallon would give you a couple of days of rinses at least - even with spraying off the CrewDogs after they've had a swim, I use only about a gallon a day out of my sprayer.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


I thought that was what the scuppers are for??? ::)

Pixie Dust

Good chuckle Djn.

I have hung on many a swim ladder when out fishing on powerboats.  I think it will come back to me.   It would be a lot easier than installing the larger tank. 
Just gotta watch for jelly fish.   :o
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2

s/v Faith

QuoteJust gotta watch for jelly fish.

  Oh yea....  ;D

  I know that this thread raises a valid issue..... but for the life of me I can not bring myself to warm up to the idea of sacrificing my precious storage space to be able to haul around..... well....  ::)
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


On the subject of Holding tanks and sh*t  :-\

I am mulling over the operation of the Head on "zen". I tracked the hoses and there is a Y in the line. This diverts the waste FROM the tank to the water or the pumpout  port. Is this the correct way??

I wanted to change it so the yellow rain can go direct to the sea while in port and switch so solids into the tank. Then while blue water voyageing everthing can go right into the sea.
Any problems with that? Other than making sure it is closed for overboard if the CG comes around while doing local cruising.  ???
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Pixie Dust

Quote from: Zen on January 09, 2006, 01:52:48 PM
On the subject of Holding tanks and sh*t  :-\

I am mulling over the operation of the Head on "zen". I tracked the hoses and there is a Y in the line. This diverts the waste FROM the tank to the water or the pumpout  port. Is this the correct way??

I wanted to change it so the yellow rain can go direct to the sea while in port and switch so solids into the tank. Then while blue water voyageing everthing can go right into the sea.
Any problems with that? Other than making sure it is closed for overboard if the CG comes around while doing local cruising.  ???
Zen,  My boat too has the Y  1 goes overboard, 1 to holding tank.  Dumping is "supposed" to be 3 miles offshore.  I think most of us do exactly what you are planning to do.   ;)   Apparently in the Keys, there is no dump until 9 miles offshore.  They are trying to preserve the coral reefs in that area. 
In our area, Coast Guard usually does not bother Sailboaters.  They are busy with all the power boats. 
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Thanks, I was beginning to think it was a dumb question  8)
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


To be fully usable in all situations, you need to put another Y valve between the head and holding tank, routed directly overboard, and a hand pump or macerator between the holding tank and overboard thru-hull.  That way you can;
1)Flush directly overboard.
2)Flush to the holding tank.
3)Empty the holding tank overboard.
4)Empty the holding tank at a pumpout facility.


excellent. That is what I was thinking when I saw one for sale on Ebay. Next time I'll grab it. But was not sure since there was one already.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


several weeks after returning from my first long dx passage I was asked to help bring a 100 foot schooner back to hawaii.I did all the navigating,charting, this was no luxury yacht as it was less than half was powered by a 35 hp out board engine.the stay sails were jibs from 30 foot sloops. the square sail was made from a bastarsized spinnaker.(thats why it took 25 days to do 2300 miles.)the running lites were turned on by placing bare wires to the battery terminals... it was tiller steered..the tiller was ten feet long and it took 3 people on it to come about,...there were nine people on board.......we all crapped in the same bucket.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


"we all crapped in the same bucket. "

Philosophically and ecologically speaking...we all do that anyway  ;)
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


I have a Lavac head which I strongly recommend to those who are contemplating replacing theirs. It uses a separate Henderson hand pump similar to a whaler. It will pump nearly anything that will fit in a head without stopping up. I can pump to the tank, overboard, or the holding tank overboard by turning 1 or both Y valves. Go to James Baldwin's website and look under projects.  He has an article there on how to install the Lavac. By adding 1 more Y valve you can also pump the boat bilge. The pictures of the 8.7 Columbia are of my boat. You are right about holding tanks and storage space. I installed a 15 gallon holding tank in my boat and it ate much of the storage in the bow. I am searching every inch of my boat trying to find extra water tank storage tank space. By-the-way St. Bredon's Isle in Green Cove Sprongs. Florida (800-544-2132) is the new distributer for Blake Lavac Taylor products. I am going to install one of the kerosene 2 burner with Oven and grill in my boat. If anyone is interested I will post feedback about the stove. They are made in England where kerosene stoves are still very popular. Tayor has made these stoves for many  years. They are very responsive to emails with replies within next business day. Dan

oded kishony

Has anyone considered using a composting head? It diverts liquids to a tank and solids to the composter. It also requires a fan to aerate the composting solids.
Good Old Boat was supposed to evaluate it but it's not done so.
If I were to set one up on a boat, I'd have a seperate, solar powered cirucuit for the head.

Oded Kishony ~~ __/) ~~


I have heard both pro and con but mostly con. I have heard from one who tried it that they do not process fast enough for two aboard and it still requires a holding tank for liquids. It requires amps for the fan. It is an interesting idea but I do not believe from what I have heard if perfected for boatlife yet. I prefer my manual vacuum Lavac system. Dan


From what I've read, the high cost is hard to justify unless you're using the boat frequently. How many cloudy days would it take for the battery to discharge and your vent fan to stop operating? An inexpensive portapotty with a good seal and an extra tank works well for the somewhat limited use my boats get. They are about $600 less expensive too !!

Pixie Dust

I agree with Dan about the Lavac Head.  My friend has one on her boat, and it will definitely be my choice if I ever replace my Raritan.  I am not a Raritan fan at all!
Lots of parts during rebuild time, which is about 1x /yr.  Not difficult, but it is a pain.  Her Lavac works great and is easy!  She never has issues with it and has had it for yrs.
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Connie- Laura and I can usually get 7 or 8 days out of our Thetford 155 port potti. We ONLY use it for it's intended duty for solids. Number 1 always gets a bucket use and of course off shore there is no problem.

I don't know where Laura read the idea yesterday, perhaps here, but someone suggested just carrying a second lower half  so if you should fill it up, you could stow that nd switch to another empty bottom.

Haven't looked into availablity as yet.

Of course, nine miles out isn't REALLY that far to go for a "daysail" :)
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


when I helped bring that schooner to hawaii there were 9 people on  board.we all used the same bucket.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.

Skipper Dave

We only use the head for #1 and dry pump.  #2 gets a WAG Bag.  Works for us.


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27