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Shortwave/SSB radio review and discussion

Started by s/v Faith, July 11, 2008, 09:38:18 PM

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Quote from: Captain Smollett on May 19, 2012, 04:10:37 PM
Quote from: Cruiser2B on May 19, 2012, 09:23:55 AM
Looking at reviews on Amazon,  it seems as though the quality is really all over the place especially with more recent reviews. Anyone purchased one lately?

What exactly are they saying is wrong, quality wise?

(Sorry, too lazy to look it up myself at the moment).

Been really happy with mine, but I've had it a couple of years now.

Before I bought mine, I had a HAM friend take a look at the tech specs and techie reviews.  He said it looked pretty darn good, ESPECIALLY at the price point.  Be interesting to know if newer models have degraded QA or spec changes.

I have a few 'complaints' about the unit, but they are more usability/function layout related than performance.

Seems as quality now varies, many complaints about unit staying powered on, unit shutting itself off, charging function crapping out, button functions no longer working. but it seems only recent reviews maybe 2010 and newer. many say to buy from a reputable place so it can be exchanged for a new one....because all still seemed to praise its ability when working properly
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Been giving it some thought, gonna take my chances and order one tomorrow. Wish me luck!
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Found this program on the web, Gonna buy a "world radio" in a day or two, and try to figure this out! And such beautiful wheater it is :D

s/v Faith

I love my Kaito, but I have to say that anyone who is considering using one (or any SW radio for wx) REALLY needs to practice using it at home.... or in their local sailing waters BEFORE you rely on it 'out there'.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


sorry guys, I have not ordered my radio just yet....been traveling with work. I should able to it this week. I will keep you guys posted on quality and operation

Thanks SF
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Ordered, should be here by friday
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Bayfield 29 "Seeker"
Middle River, Chesapeake Bay


Sorry for not replying sooner, i was in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan and had limited internet access. When I did have it I skyped with the family, and posted on my Blog to make it look like i was home. Wife was not comfortable with people knowing I was gone. I got back about a 5 weeks ago.

I received my radio about  3 months ago. I used it in Afganistan and picked quite a bit of stations frrom all over( most of which I did not understand. The overall quality of the unit I received is and has continued to be very very good. Charges and lasts quite a while on supplied rechargeable batteries. the external ant is a must for SSB. I am actually working on getting and building a better antenna setup but have been very busy catching with the wife lately. I took it out on a day sail a few weeks ago and was able to tune in 14.300Mhz Mobile Maritime Network. I listen to this station at home via the internet. I was never able to pick this up in Afghan or here at my house. Out on the boat in the middle of the Chesapeake bay during the day I was able to pick it up. I am working on getting a weather fax setup going. I will keep you posted.
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Thank You so much for your service, cruiser!


I used to do alot of 40/80 meter cw during the late 60s... was active with MARS providing phone patches to the DC area during vietnam, alas, I allowed my license to lapse with the folks in gettysburgh as I matriculated through higher education, but, still dx


Quote from: SalientAngle on August 25, 2012, 12:54:53 PM
Thank You so much for your service, cruiser!

well thank you, but I am a contractor. I did serve for 10yrs in the Navy. I do ask that after being there on the front lines, in those villages seeing the conditions our soldiers endure, do everything you can to support them. Regardless of what you think of the war do all you can to support: Letters, Care packages if you can afford it. Do it!
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail