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A ghost ship perhaps??

Started by saxon, August 17, 2008, 08:43:02 PM

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This is a yarn from a long time ago but as true in detail as my memory allows. In 1963 I was a young AB in an old British tramp ship bound for Cuba from London when we were caught by a hurricane. In the 3 years I had been at sea I had encountered bad weather but nothing like this, even some of the older AB's were doubtful that we would not founder when the Chief Engineer reported that the main bearing was running hot and that the engine would have to be stopped. Thankfully the 'down below' gang were able to effect repairs and we were able to keep steaming into the huge seas, not even steering a course, just keeping the seas on the bow, trying to ride them.

About the third day, in the early hours, it was my trick at the wheel. The seas were still horrendous but occasionally the moon would break through the cloud cover and the barometer was just starting to rise. Suddenly the Mate said "What the heck is that?" and pointed. Off the port beam, briefly in the moonlight I saw a three masted ship. She was under main upper topsail and a small headsail only. She showed no  lights and was bound on a course which would take her across our stern. The Mate took the wheel and told me to call the 'Old Man' All three of us saw her briefly again as she fell away astern making no response to the Mates attempts to signal to her with the Aldis lamp.

Because of the damage we sustained in the hurricane which I think was called Carla (although I can't be sure) and the political situation between the West and the old USSR as it was, we were diverted to Port Everglades if I remember correctly, where there appeared to be half of the United States Navy ready to pounce on  Russian missle convoys to Cuba. We were made very welcome at what I believe they called a PX and fed and housed in Naval quarters because our foc'sle accommodation had been flooded. The ship's Master, Mate and me were interviewed about the sighting of the sailing ship. We were told that no trace could be found of any ships, or training vessels of that description  in the area, in fact our sighting was recorded as 'unsubstantiated' and a US Navy doctor who spoke to us said it was probably extreme fatigue that had caused us to imagine the sighting. Well, it will always be a mystery to me and two very experienced seamen who 'imagined' that ship.

A short time later our voyage resumed and we were in Deluth loading grain when The late President Kennedy was assasinated.
A long yarn but I just thought amongst the more 'mature' shall we say... folks on this forum if anyone remembers those tense days when we thought war was just around the corner. Regards Saxon.
Do you know what you are talking about, or did you ask Mr Google...again?


MacGregor 26M


 ;D  ;D  ;D  I did in those days when I was young and green and I think he was probably a Fleet Surgeon or something with all that gold braid... regards Saxon
Do you know what you are talking about, or did you ask Mr Google...again?


 can I steal this and post it on my yahoo group, Coronado Yachts at  ?
