CONTENT GUIDELINES and Welcome to sailFar!

Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 10:56:41 AM

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We have a loose policy about what can or can't be posted here at, but I've never really defined what is consider acceptable/unacceptable as regards the means and intent of this site. Below you will find our Guidelines. Please join us in making sailFar a resource for people of all ages. :)
There's this kid I know, a high school student in landlocked small town America. Although he's mostly like the other kids in the school, there is something that is different about him, too. Nothing that you can see on the outside, yet this difference fills him up on the inside. It's that he knows, knows without a doubt, that he is a Sailor.

He's never yet been on a sailboat, but he has most definitely been bitten by the bug. He's read book after book with tales from men and women who have braved the high seas, he has memorized the names of islands he wants to visit that are thousands of miles away. He's studied sailing vessels and how they work, can tell you the difference between a ketch and a yawl, and knows that there are only 3 ropes on a boat. He hasn't yet actually sailed, but he knows, from books at least, the hows and whys of what it takes to harness the power of the wind.

The kid has a Dream. He wants to cross oceans, under sail. He wants to see sunrise a thousand miles from land, he wants to know that feeling of accomplishment which surely comes when an accurate landfall is made after crossing the ever-changing sea. He wants to follow in the wakes of all of his fellow sailors that he's read about over the course of his own young years. He is learning as much as he can about how to make his Dream come true.

If you look into his bookbag, there among the classroom texts and composition binders with sailboats sketched on the cover, you'll find a dog-eared, somewhat tattered world atlas. Open it to the marked pages, and you'll see lines drawn across the maps, across the great oceans, lines he's drawn in as The Route He's Gonna Take, one day. Some day in his future.

There's a word he knows, a word he thinks about constantly. It's a word that probably almost noone else in the whole school knows. It's a magic word to him, even so.

The word is "circumnavigation"...

In the past few weeks, I have been immensely gratified to see our still-small community growing it's own life, it's own style, it's own cast of characters. Y'all are great. :) I really didn't expect sailFar to grow this fast, or this well, and I'm *very* happy that it has done so.

It makes me feel good to see the friendships that are developing here, to see the dialogues that are taking place, and, perhaps most, to find that I am not alone in my "small boat weirdo" frame of mind.;D I know that I started this, but already I am becoming just a small part of it, and that is as it should be, how I wanted it to be. I think that sailFar is going to continue to grow and become the resource and community I envisioned, and that is all Thanks to *you*, the contributors who make it what it is.

Partly because the growth here has been much more rapid than I anticipated, and partly because I am relatively new to running a site like this and didn't think of it, there is something that I neglected to do from the outset - establish a clear set of guidelines about what types of content you can expect to see on the website, and what type of content we *don't* want to see. That's what this post is about.

This is *not* about "Free Speech", this *is* about kids, like the young Sailor I wrote about up above, and our doing what we can to make both his and our Dreams come true.

In a nutshell, I want that kid, or any like him, to be able to come to this site unhindered, to be able to visit and learn and take something away that will help him realize his Dream. I would absolutely hate to find out that our site was blocked from a learning environment due to "objectionable material".

To that end, I've made the decision that what we post here needs to be the type of content that his school, and/or his parents, will not be able to raise any objection to.

This means we can't post naked or racy pictures, that we have to watch our language a bit, that we act like adults should when there are others children about. We don't need to be total prudes, we just need to be conscious of what we write and say in order that young Sailors can be exposed to the joy we have in our own favorite endeavour.

I think we can easily continue to grow and thrive as a community and as a resource while doing that. I don't see any reason that this guideline in and of itself could be seen as objectionable, although I will discuss it if you, the members, have questions about it.

I hope that you will do your part to see that the kids can come here easily from anywhere, to learn about the sheer magic that is cruising under sail in a small boat.

And, BTW, that kid? That was me. :)


So, Welcome to the Forum, a discussion area for anyone who has anything to contribute about boats, cruising plans, the site, and other SB/LD related topics. Feel free to add comments and posts as you see fit, and suggestions for topics/improvements are also welcomed.

I'll try an Off Topic area and see what develops. Please, keep it legal, political *only* if there is no other way around it, and post no pictures of naked fat people or extremely deviant behaviors. ;) Sailing/boating-related is best, but a good guffaw that doesn't fall under these is just fine, too. :)

Other than that, this area will be a wide open sailors forum catering to a niche of folks who enjoy small boat cruising, so have fun!
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Captain Smollett

Two suggestions?

(1) On the main site, or maybe a forum: The Sailor's Bookshelf (or Library).

(2) The forum needs a link back to the main site somewhere.  The link "Home" takes one to the main forum page (maybe this one should be relabeled?)

BTW, I think this is great idea for a site; a lot of other small boat sites get a little to racy for me.  Cruising sites ooh tend to focus on larger boats.  This is a cool mix.

S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Great ideas, John, both of them! The Bookshelf will be up in a few minutes, here in the Forum.

The link back to the main site will take a bit longer, but I should have that done by tomorrow.

Edit: I named it "The Book Locker", in keeping with our nauticalness, ;)


The site logo at the top of the page will now take you back to the homepage.

Please Buy My Boats. ;)



Sure hope it works out that you grow a haven here for for ideas and discussion and good will.  Maybe Bill will put you on a links page over on the Pearson Ariel site so we can communicate like next door neighbors - and make it easy for computer illererates like me to visit as well.

One a deez days I'll be haulin in ona sheets and settin sail!!!!
Maybe Frank D should be on yer plank of directors? ;D

Cmdr Pete


"You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law"

Yuk Yuk  ::) :P :-\ 8) ;)

I got a real problem with the "inaccurate" part
1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


LOL C'pete - I can see where you might run afoul of that particular clause.

I guess it's gonna be coal in your stocking this year!

(ewww - Christmas puns... ::) )
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Hello all...

What a great idea for a site.  I am looking forward to checking out the traffic that this site gets...Keep up the great work Capt K...
"Stay on the path boss...there's guerillas in these woods"...Capt Ron

s/v Caprice II
28' Caliber Sloop


Welcome aboard, Jeff! :)   ...and thanks for the compliments! I just set the place up, though - it's the board members who are making it work so well! ;D

* CapnK passes around free grog to the members
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Rob Davison

Just a note to say thanks for putting up a site for those of us who cruise on small boats.

Although I don't have aspirations of crossing oceans on Seadragon we do intend to do extended cruises to the San Juan Islands and through out Puget Sound.


Hello, Cap'n K,

Been waitin' for somebody to start a board like this for quite some time now ...  Not that I've ever been anywhere, but someday I sure hope to. Why am I not surprised that it's you who finally got it done.

You da man boss!!!

Good to hear from you again btw. Been awhile, but I can see you've been busy. :)


PS "Flicka" hull #230
S/V Happy Little Girls 2


Welcome aboard there, Rik! Good to see you here! I think that you are our first Flicka owner.  ;D

OK, get busy with the pictures and the posting of that little beauty of yours... :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Hmmm...... pictures

How do you post pics in here?? I see the way I usually do it doesn't work.

PS "Flicka" hull #230
S/V Happy Little Girls 2


Rik -

It uses brackets, not the < > that the TSBB does. Like so:


instead of the TSBB's

<img src=image_URL_here>

Also, we have the sailfar Gallery where you can go make yourself an Album, and post/host your pictures in. It's pretty simple, I think - Iceman says its easier than a spinnaker set, once you get it done the first time... ;)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Ok I'll give that a try. Harrd for an old fart to learn all these new tricks :) :)

Well, that was fairly painless ........ even for the intellectually challenged :)

PS "Flicka" hull #230
S/V Happy Little Girls 2


Nice hat!

hmmm looks like mine... :o  ;D
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


CaptK, A very happy new year to ya mate,I really do read the knowlege you part with on all the forums you attend,well,99% of it anyway. Gives you a stiffy just thinking about it?Ring a bell,Mudnut


G'day, mudnut. :)

A stiffy? Not really. ;D Welcome aboard!
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Just wanted to say I'm glad I've found this site. It's good to find a place for the smaller cruisers and wannabe's. I have two boats in the water, and two in various stages of rebuild. Thanks for hosting. I've seen a couple of folks that I recognize from other forums. Good to see you.
Fair Winds,
Larry Wilson
Columbia 8.7, (2) Columbia Sabers


Larry -

Welcome aboard! Glad you found us. We have a pretty strong Columbia-owner contigent here, I'm sure you'll get lots of Q's about your boats and experiences with them. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Thanks for the warm welcome. Hopefully I won't use up all the bandwidth all the time. I'm known for being sorta mouthy.
Fair winds