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Coronado 30

Started by s/v Faith, November 30, 2008, 01:45:35 PM

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s/v Faith

Bill wrote this in the Good old boats thread, but I thought since we did not have a Coronado 30 thread it would be a good start to one.

Quotethe Coronado 30 ...Cons = deep cockpit, holds lots of water if pooped, low thresh hold from cockpit to the cabin, very small head area, no shower, lockers open to the bilge and not a very good seal, large windows on the cabin,  small drains in the cockpit, 3 large lockers in the cockpit that open to the bilge.

pros = shes paid for, strong solid hull/deck, easy to sail single handed, affordable, airy and well lit cabin, large gally for a 30'er, classic woody look in the cabin, large stove and oven. lots of seating for guest, hot water heater.

I like the simple gas A-4 engine. it's simple and easy to maintain. mine is new. it was built up from a bare block.  I was raised around the Chris Crafts from the early 50's, and I'm at ease with the gas on the boat. keep everything checked and ventalated, any leaks get fixed right then, and you don't have to worry too much.

the alchol stove that came with my boat, looks brand new. I'm not sure if it's ever been used. I read the directions posted in the manuel, and it is very simple to operate.  I like the idea of being able to put out the stove fire, with water. L.P. would be nice but I think I would be on the guard for leak.

I don't like the deep ice box. it's a long reach to get to the bottom, but it does keep things cool. I might consider  converting it to 12vdc fridge.

I'm going to add more drains to the cockpit, and add seals to the lockers.  I am going to raise the thresh hold on the cabin entrance.  I'm looking at thicker lexan to replace the main cabin windows.
I'm working on a fix for the missing leg room in the head. that should not be hard to fix.

the one thing I want to do is rebuild the main hatch, and have the wooden frame built close to the old design, but add a lexan top panel. it may get hot in the summer, so I'm looking at adding a cover to go on the outside to block the sun from shining in.

that's my $0.02 worth.

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


kew deal, thanks, Faith. I wish I knew how to give a decent review. there are some things that would be down sides that I have not thought of or maybe over looked.
one of the things I have not mentioned, is the trim tab. most Coronado 30's had a trim tab, that helped the boat point better.  for some reason mine does not have it. it may have been removed or glassed over, but I don't have the crank in the bilge or any proof it was ever there.
I'm sure there more things that was not addressed in there, so if anyone noticed that I left out something, please feel free to inform me of it and I will get right on it.



If you go to James Baldwins website and click on 8.7 you will find where we rebulit the cockpit sliding hatch using stainless slidesteal frame and 1/2 inch Lexan. It made a tremendous difference to the interior by letting in the light. You can get Lexan now that is scratch resistent and has a bit of a tint. I used 3/8 Lexan when I replaced my windows. You will find other changes made to my 8.7 there also. Dan


Many of the issues with the Coronado 30 are pretty easily fixed.  Adding a bridge deck isn't all that difficult, and would greatly enhance the seaworthiness of the boat.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
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I think I'll add the bridge deck. I might just build a box, and seal it water tight, might add a small door to use it for storage or something.  I'll have to work around my instrument cluster, but that shouldn't be a prob. . 
hatch on the Columbia looks a lot different from mine.  I'll try and copy the idea and modify it to meet my boats shape.


I installed a bridgedeck on my boat, and you can see the posts I've written on it on my blog.  LINK and LINK.

Any questions, let me know. :)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


kewl deal
I'll have to look at my boat and see about the instrument cluster and see what I can do about it.

I have the thick fiberglass matting, and the plywood is readily available.



 just found out I own a 1971 Coronado 30.  not sure if that makes any difference.