Com-pac Yacht Owners Association site

Started by mrb, December 12, 2008, 11:42:21 PM

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   hey capt k i heard from a friend of mine that you are not going to re open the compac owners web site and are looking for someone to take it over. let me know if you would either here or e mail me at rocobine1@yahoo    thanks


Hi Roland -

Well, I'd recommend that you reexamine this "friendship" you have, since the person is telling you lies that they are making up from thin cloth about someone they don't even know, much less have ever met. That's pretty sad, isn't it?  ::) ??? Might not be someone you should place any sort of trust in, ya know?

Some fella named Scott - and I'm not saying these are the same person - called me last week and left a message asking about it. I called back and left him a message telling him that I thought I'd have at least the forum up by this weekend. He never called back or otherwise replied. So far that is going as planned, but I guess he didn't pass the word on. I'll post here when it is.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


   to answer your question, the guy isnt really a friend per se just a guy who posted on the compac site last year. thats why i asked you, figured i would get the true skinny from the horses mouth. and as always i and others appreciate your efforts. if i cant learn and be entertained by sailors whats left----surely not tv   thanks again cap.


Sorry I couldn't get it back up on the weekend, but I was feeling like dooky thanks to a stomach virus my brother considerately passed on to me while we were in Georgia...  ::) I owe him one. Big time... :o

Anyway - the CPYOA Forum is up and running on the new server, if all seems well with it as people log back in, I'll go ahead with the site domain transfer. Link to the new address is on the CPYOA homepage.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


speaking for all the compac sailors out there----thank you very much capt k. the site is like an old friend     thanks again

captain cajun

My thanks also.

Fair Winds, always :D
com-pac 16