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Started by CapnK, January 13, 2009, 02:35:47 PM

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A post from your friendly sailFar moderators, regarding Other Peoples Posts... :)

We have had an issue come up that has not surfaced before, but one which begs our attention in order to keep this place moving ever-forward in the spirit in which it is intended...

We are a community of friends who share a passion. We come here both to seek and to spread information about our passion. Most all of what we share here is publicly viewable to anyone, even non-sailFar members, if they choose to come here and look. In fact, you could say that a large part of the sailFar raison d'etre is for the dissemination of information.

There are certain generally accepted ways to go about that, though!

1) We would ask that if you choose to take information, particularly that of a personal nature, from someone else's posts on this site in order to share it elsewhere, that you extend the common courtesy of obtaining the original posters consent to do so, prior to posting it elsewhere. This is not a hard and fast rule, but it is considered the polite way to go about things, both here and elsewhere on the web.

2) It is also considered good form to give full and proper attribution to the original poster/source when doing so, whether by naming them, or by linking to the original discussion where the information was taken from.

So we ask that you follow these guidelines when it comes to other sailFarer's posts, and in return, you can expect that they will do the same for yours.

Thanks, sailFarers! :)

Fair winds ~
the sailFar Moderators

(Posted by CapnK, with the consent, input, and inclusion of the other available Mods. Even Frank sobered up long enough to chime in...)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

captain cajun

Plagiarized or Plagiarism, Boy,  my college professor (really my 1st grade teacher, but makes me sound smart) did not like it either.  Made it very hard on this cajun.  Yes it is the right thing!  :o
com-pac 16