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Uh oh...

Started by Godot, February 09, 2009, 06:32:37 PM

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Here's a thought, completely unfinished and spur of the moment:

No reason that Scoot's couldn't happen every year. Or every 2, instead of every 4.

There are obviously a lot more folks interested in it than we thought at first. And lots of reasons why folks who couldn't go one year, shouldn't have to wait for 4 more to go by before having a shot at it.

After all, sailFar and the Scoot website are *only* facilitating YOUR Scoot. Whenever you wanna do it, is up to *you*. If someone couldn't make this year, but could do it next - well then, put it out there, see if someone else wants to/is able to Scoot on that same schedule. It is *not* a hard-and-fixed thing like a race, after all. Despite what someone may think/feel when they look over at that 'other boat' that is in view with it's sails up... ;)

Thoughts? Ideas?


Adam - We're in the same boat. Metaphorically, of course. ;D I am still hovering at the edge of being able to make next spring. I am tossing around ideas like "Well, if I can't take the time for several weeks for a full SCOOT experience, I could at least go to the start, sail halfway there, then turn around and head back.". That way I would at least get to tuck a few hundred miles of offshore sailing under my belt, get to meet some fellow sailFar-ering SCOOTers, spend some time where I really like to be... ;D I dunno - time will tell. By hook or by crook, I will be there at the start. Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I will be able to sail at least a large part of it. If things go really well, I may be able to wrangle doing the whole thing. All I can do in the meanwhile is wish for the best, and work like that ain't gonna happen without it. :)

It's less than a year away, but a lot has happened since we came up with the idea, some of those are things that affect people's ability to be able to go. You aren't alone in this! And, YES, it *sucks*. But -

Life is what Happens while you're busy making Plans...

, right? ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Quote from: CapnK on July 21, 2009, 12:47:44 AM

Thoughts? Ideas?


Although starting out together with other vessels has attractions in itself (particularly on having a date to work towards and also sharing a few beers upon arrival  ;D) I don't see that as a fundamental part of "The Scoot", therefore whilst keeping the orginal target date for a "Group Scoot"  ;D is no bad idea (and then setting another date, whether annually or biennually), I see no reason why The Scoot does not also become a rolling challenge for folk to complete whenever they want / can - and if they do so in company with 1 or more others (outside the "Group Scoot" target date), then that is down to them...........IMO it's all "The Scoot".

It also means that no one gets to miss their Scoot - as their's only happens whenever they undertake it, and until then they simply be working towards the objective  - and therefore still be "Scooters"  8)


At the very least we should find a semi close/local island, and have a SailFar meet with a fire and beach dinner? Maybe a yearly deal? That way people in other locations could fly to destination to crew for members? Maybe each year move between the coasts/gulf?

Donno, not quite the same, but I think the principle is.
s/v "Aquila"
1967 Albin Vega #176


You guys aren't going to leave me alone in the Abacos with a bunch of beer are you?
S/V Auspicious
HR 40 - a little big for SailFar but my heart is on small boats
Chesapeake Bay

Beware cut and paste sailors.


We're heading that way- slowly to be sure, but heading that way

Laura is currently anchored in Offats Bayou, in Galveston Texas. My customer is taking delivery on Aug 1, then driving me over to drop me off where ever she is by then, as he trailers the boat back to Florida.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Quote from: Auspicious on July 21, 2009, 03:18:19 PM
You guys aren't going to leave me alone in the Abacos with a bunch of beer are you?

Well, I could help you with getting rid of some of the beer ahead of time.   ;D

Actually, If you are up to it, I wouldn't mind spending an afternoon doing some sailing on Auspicious this year.  I've been missing sailing, terribly, and it just isn't looking like I'm going to splash Godot this year.
Bayfield 29 "Seeker"
Middle River, Chesapeake Bay


You're always welcome Adam. Let's find a good time to go sailing, and bring your wife!
S/V Auspicious
HR 40 - a little big for SailFar but my heart is on small boats
Chesapeake Bay

Beware cut and paste sailors.

Mario G

Count me in. I'm sure I'll be ready and more important I'm sure the wife will feel better knowing there will be others out there. We did have plans on making the trip sooner but it would give us more prep time. I'm still making upgrades to my C-22 but for the most part I would be ready to leave tomorrow  ;D.  Its only 2 hours east  to beaufort for me.

1975 Chrysler C-22
s/v Southern Wind