Sailing in Fog - A Humbling

Started by Captain Smollett, January 22, 2006, 12:48:34 AM

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Captain Smollett

Got a lesson in sailing in fog today; wrote a cool, poetic story about it, too, and my bleeping browser just 'died' before I could hit submit. >:(

The short version is this:  Dropped the sails when the wind died after being out on the lake a couple hours in the rain.  Visibility was about 200 FEET, but I had left my ship's compass on a shelf in my office at home.  Dumb, I know, but that's what happens sometimes. :-[

Anyway, I found out just how terribly bad I am at steering with no landmarks to see and no compass.  When I said "I really need a compass," my wife mentioned that our First Aid Kit contains a hand bearing compass and I used that to get us back.  Wow.  When I first sited the shoreline, we were nowhere near where I thought we were, and I have an really, really good sense of direction (most of the time).  We were in an area of the lake new to us, so I even when I could see snippets of the shore, I did not recognize it (there are some parts of the lake I'd recognize individual houses, docks and boats).  Though I knew precisely where I was when I dropped the sails to motor back, I got completely turned around while motoring.

So, here's to you, all of you, who sail successfully in fog.  :)

(And no, I won't be going out to buy a GPS this week). 

The good news is this was Jonathan's First Sail!  :)  He's 7 months old.  HIs 3 yo sister Hunter first sailed at 7 weeks (she sat in the cockpit with me today, even in the rain).
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


So, you wnet for a boat trip, and wound up getting to eat some free Pie, eh? ;)

Way to go on Jr's first trip! Way to raise some SAILORS! ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)