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Started by shamrock, March 22, 2009, 10:42:56 PM

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Hi all, Shamrock here-

I'm planning a trip north this summer (leaving in 78 days!) from Baltimore  to Nova Scotia and possibly Newfoundland. I've got the canadian sailing directions and am looking for a good cruising guide if avaialble for the southern coast of newfoundland. Does anybody have any recommendations? Has anybody been there? Any tips or suggestions about crosing the cabot straits would be appreciated.


Wish I could make that trip! Nope, no advice or help to offer, but wishing you the very best on your voyage!

John Turpin


I'm sailing from Lunenburg, NS to St. Johns, Newfoundland this summer.  I had trouble finding a great deal of sailing literature written about that area.  I did find the two guides below from Landfall Navigation.  The information within was very detailed and I'd recommend them.

Now, if I can only find some raster map files of that area that will work with SeaClear II!

s/v Tetra
Edmond, OK


I would suggest that you make the Brador lakes part of your trip
The Artful Dodger


Quote from: John Turpin on March 26, 2009, 06:14:37 PM

I'm sailing from Lunenburg, NS to St. Johns, Newfoundland this summer. 

Hi John, and WAY Cool for heading up there!

Here's a welcoming Grog
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

John Turpin

Thanks, Tim.  I'm a long-time reader, but haven't posted before.  It's a great place to hang out and read about my favorite topic. 


Any update on either trips this summer? I would love to hear how everything went.
1298 Days to retirement and counting down. Thats only 794 working days!
If you are in the Halifax NS area, drop me a line.

John Turpin

Quote from: Greenman on September 15, 2009, 08:05:40 AM
Any update on either trips this summer? I would love to hear how everything went.

Quote from: John Turpin on March 26, 2009, 06:14:37 PM
I'm sailing from Lunenburg, NS to St. Johns, Newfoundland this summer. 

Work conflict forced me to cancel this trip. Stupid job.  :/


Thats too bad, hopefully next year works out better for you if you plan it again.
1298 Days to retirement and counting down. Thats only 794 working days!
If you are in the Halifax NS area, drop me a line.

River Wytch

i got excited when i saw "newfoundland" . . .
i'm also sorry that you weren't able to make the trip, because i'd love to chat with someone who's been up that way . . .
my "dream voyage" was/is,to go up the champlain/richeleau(sp?) canals and down the st.lawerence to where the ruins of a viking settlement are in place called l'anse aux meadows,then sail down the coast, up the hudson and  back to catskill point . . .
i should probably spend some more time sailing in the atlantic before i even think of attempting such a thing,but i did say "dream voyage" . . .
Karlskrona-Viggen Nr83
Catskill Point, New York


If there is anything you are interested in knowing about Newfoundland drop me a line or ask here we have been living here in Newfoundland for three years now this will be our last leaving in the spring, we are living aboard this winter and its been great thus far.

you can check out our site and see a few things.
The Artful Dodger

River Wytch

i did check out your blog and it was of fun to look through . . .
i liked the story about re-naming your boat . .  .
maybe i'll do something like that for "augusta" this spring when i finally do put her name on the transom . . .
i did burn a bundle of sage and yarrow in and around her when i brought her home to catskill point . . .
i'm not sure what the locals thought when they seen all the smoke pouring out of the cabin while at her moorings . . .
for right now, i'll bet she's just happy that i took the name ("urge-to-go")that was on her when i bought her .. .
i'm very suprised that badly named boats just don't sink themselves in protest . . .

thanks for your offer of local information . . .
i'm also looking around for information on where to get my mast stepped once i do get to the st. lawrence

Karlskrona-Viggen Nr83
Catskill Point, New York

Bill NH

Quote from: Artful on March 26, 2009, 07:14:16 PM
I would suggest that you make the Brador lakes part of your trip

Bras D'Or Lakes are in Nova Scotia, at the Cape Breton end...  Brador is the beer brewed by Molson... both among Canada's finest offerings!   ;D
125' schooner "Spirit of Massachusetts" and others...


River Wycth, Back in the seventy's my wife and i entered the Hudson at Niyak with our fifteen ft. Old Town wood canoe and sailed and paddled up the river for six weeks camping along the shore we ended the trip at Catskill point, that river is one of the most beautiful places on the planet.