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Cruising & Firearms

Started by dnice, April 30, 2009, 02:59:04 AM

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Quote from: Tim on August 12, 2012, 07:06:31 PM
The facts mam just the facts;

30,000 avg. deaths by firearms per year

600,000 avg deaths by heart disease with high cholesterol

;D  just sayin'  ;)

Are you saying that I should just shoot my bacon sammich and be done with it?  ???
I'm Dean, and my boat is a 1969 Westerly Nomad. We're in East Texas (Tyler) for now.


No, not at all, keep eating your bacon sammich and hope somebody shoots you before you die of heart disease ; ;)  :D
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Quote from: Tim on August 12, 2012, 07:48:21 PM
No, not at all, keep eating your bacon sammich and hope somebody shoots you before you die of heart disease ; ;)  :D

As long as I can keep my sammich!  ;D

And my eggs and cheese!  :D
I'm Dean, and my boat is a 1969 Westerly Nomad. We're in East Texas (Tyler) for now.


I think there's enough US coastline to keep me entertained for the rest of my days. We will probably avoid places where the US constitution isn't in affect. ;) My research tells me that my personal protection permit is honored in most states but ILL, Wisconsin and a few small states on the east coast.
10 years ago I emailed a government office in Florida to fine out if my wife's PPP was good in Florida for a vacation. ( there are online sources for this information now ) I was amused at the reply I got from Florida. The letter said in no uncertain terms ( Your wife and her handgun are very welcome in Florida ) I wish all states had the same attitude towards law abiding citizens.

My sisters a Prosecutor, brother is a deputy and my son is a trooper, they see all sorts of things and deal with a lot of victims. I guess I would just like to have a fighting chance if things go bad instead of standing there waiting to see what kind of mood my attacker is in.
I will say that if sailing outside of US waters I would probably not carry a firearm.
Can anyone explain why a law abiding citizen with a PPP can not enter even a post office while carrying. There is that big sign in the post office that says its a federal offense to be in possession of a firearm on postal property. I have to sadly chuckle at this federal law. I can see the bad guy walking into the post office and seeing this sign and thinking to himself. Ol no I cant shoot someone in here its against the law! I'm sure that sign has saved many lives. If I was a bad guy it would tell me that law abiding citizens wont be armed, this is going to be easy.

To each his own I respect others, when it comes to their decision to carry or not, on a boat or otherwise.
84 Islander 28


I rather suspect that the sign is there so less people bring guns into the post office. Won't stop someone who arrives with the intention of shooting folks (albeit aren't those mostly employees?  ::)), but will cut down the odds on someone simply having a bad hair day suddenly deciding to start shooting. No gun handy makes that harder to do on spur of the moment.

I don't live in the US, but if I thought I needed a gun to defend myself when visiting a post office I would not go there. and would likely move from the area to somewhere civilised. I appreciate that in some countries in the world that might be a bit of a challenge..........


Once again I will go on record as stating "I like eggs"   ;D :o ::)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


And just due to this thread, this afternoon at the grocery, I bought eggs. Looked at the bacon, but passed. I can manage that stuff about once a month, and had some two weeks ago ;D

But I DID buy a  pint of Blue Bell Home Made Vanilla, Made in Brenham Texas, and  rated by a New York magazine as THE best vanilla ice cream in the USA.

Just for fun, some Blue Bell facts, from Wikipedia-

"Blue Bell holds impressive sales figures, being the third best-selling ice cream in the United States, behind Breyers and Edy's/Dreyer's, despite being sold in only 20 states.[11] The sales area includes southern states between Arizona and Florida and Kansas City, an area that comprises only 20% of the ice cream sales geographic market.[12] By comparison, each of Blue Bell's top four competitors sell their products in over 86% of the United States. To become one of the three biggest ice cream manufacturers, Blue Bell has consistently been the top seller in the majority of the markets the company has entered.[6] Within five months of their entry into Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the company had garnered 35% of the ice cream market.[13] In their home state of Texas, the company has a 52% market share."

And this-

"R.W. Apple, Jr. of The New York Times claims that "with clean, vibrant flavors and a rich, luxuriant consistency achieved despite a butterfat content a little lower than some competitors, it hooks you from the first spoonful. Entirely and blessedly absent are the cloying sweetness, chalky texture, and oily, gummy aftertaste that afflict many mass-manufactured ice creams."[8] In 2001, Forbes named Blue Bell the best ice cream in the country."

Not too shabby for "the little creamery in Brenham". The motto is "we eat what we can, and sell the rest"  ;D ;D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

s/v Faith

Quote from: Frank on August 13, 2012, 06:17:16 PM
Once again I will go on record as stating "I like eggs"   ;D :o ::)

Eggs and cheese go quite nicely together...

and bacon for the wild men among us.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Well, I think that it is past time to add new columns to all member profiles, where we each must declare our position on eggs (are you pro-egg or anti-egg?), and also our favorite ice cream brand and flavor.

They will have to pry my Ben & Jerry's New York Fudge Chunk from my cold dead hand...  ;)


Quote from: s/v Faith on August 13, 2012, 09:30:52 PM
Quote from: Frank on August 13, 2012, 06:17:16 PM
Once again I will go on record as stating "I like eggs"   ;D :o ::)

Eggs and cheese go quite nicely together...

and bacon for the wild men among us.

Gotta take a walk on the Wild Side, 'cause if ya ain't livin' on the edge, you're takin' up too much room!  :D  ;D

I'm pro egg, and proud of it!

And pro cheese...and bacon...and butter...and Ice Cream!  ;)  OK, maybe not all mixed together though!  :P

I'm Dean, and my boat is a 1969 Westerly Nomad. We're in East Texas (Tyler) for now.


 ;D ;D

Well- eggs and ice cream kinda morphed away from the thread, (unless you're gonna throw the eggs ;)), so-

In some 7000 miles around the entire lower coast, from Port Isabel Texas, up to Annapolis Maryland, I never ever felt the slightest need to have a firearm aboard.

Carried one on a  previous cruise (early 80's), and never felt it was needed then either.

I own firearms, grew up with them, use them to hunt, but don't even  keep one in the house- all locked in a locker in an outbuilding. Of course where I live I don't bother locking doors at night, or when I drive into town- only when I'll be away for several days
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Eggs and bacon every day, sometimes sausage, no cheese for me when melted, it reminds me of epoxy. Some say you never know whats in sausage. That could just be an anti meat conspiracy. ;) But I'm sure it's true about Micky D's sausage.

Chocolate almond is the only ice cream worth bring home Charlie!
84 Islander 28


Quote from: Sunset on August 14, 2012, 10:48:33 AM

Chocolate almond is the only ice cream worth bring home Charlie!

As long as it's Blue Bell.

I don't even bother if I can't get that. Bought a pint in Key West, sat on curb and ate the whole thing, waiting for a bus to come to take me back to Marathon ;D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


I would hope when you got to Marathon, you went to that water side pub at Boot Key harbor and had some conch fritters!!
84 Islander 28


lol- spent a month anchored in Boot Key Harbor due to weather. We wandered around, and ate many places.

Long walk to the grocery store though :)
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Definitely pro-egg. Love bacon. Really like pork in all it's tasty variations.

Blue Bell vanilla ROCKS! It's even better on top of pie.

But back to the thread, I just don't see the need to pack heat. If I didn't need it when I lived in New Orleans, I doubt I will need it on board.

If I knew what I was doing, where would the fun be?


I love to slow smoke ribs on the grill. Usually takes 7 to 8 hours, they must not be dried out and the bone must fall out freely.

As for the heat, If your completely legal, so there is no anxiety over having it, it just doesn't take up any room. No one ever leaves their home thinking I'll be a victim today,  :( it just happens. Just my opinion, to each his own. :)

Charlie there is a Texan that I like, his name is Ron White. A bit vulgar at times but I like his stories.
84 Islander 28

Steve Bean

Canned bacon is available, with long shelf life.  Google search found it, some with 10-year shelf life.


I'm a Bluebell (or Edy's if BB not available) Vanilla guy. Plus I like eggs, bacon, and firearms... but I don't carry.
I might be tempted to turn to my boarding axe in a defensive pinch... and of course, that flare pistol is always there to ruin someone's day. Disclaimer: in accordance with instructions and the law, I am not advocating pointing a flare pistol at anyone or anything, nor would I advocate discharging a flare pistol in any direction except skyward. (honest, sir, I was signalling for help, but my arm was to tired to lift the flare up to the proper angle. I'm really sorry the criminals' boat caught on fire.)
I do have a cutlass, of the 1917-style Navy issue. Quite hefty. Can't imagine swinging it around though. Discretion is the better part of valor, meaning if it seems dangerous, don't go there. Unless there is ice cream to be had, in which case, I'd risk it.
1977 Nordica 20 Sloop
It may be the boat I stay with for the rest of my days, unless I retire to a cruising/liveaboard life.
1979 Southcoast Seacraft 26A
Kinda up for sale.


Quote from: tomwatt on August 14, 2012, 10:48:18 PM
I do have a cutlass, of the 1917-style Navy issue. Quite hefty. Can't imagine swinging it around though. Discretion is the better part of valor, meaning if it seems dangerous, don't go there. Unless there is ice cream to be had, in which case, I'd risk it.

A cutlass is on my wish list  8). I already have an axe onboard  :P (actually it's a small chopper - but saying I have a small chopper doesn't sound quite so impressive  :().

I have personally never been in a situation where having a gun would have improved the situation. or would have made people stop being a problem quicker. "back in the day" east of east, those situations have included folks wishing me harm. and then some  ::), some of them wearing uniforms. rarely personal though  8). and I'm still here  ;D.............but nonetheless I do appreciate that being on a boat and sailing into places where you neither know the lay of the land, can't take preventative action before folks become problems and nor can whistle up the 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse with half a shrug could bring challenges. Personally I favour the pointy stick approach.......and a Cutlass would fit into that, as would a Trident  ;D....couple with not going to the dumb arsed uncivilised places - no matter how cheap the beer.