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Started by flafrank, May 16, 2009, 09:09:37 PM

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just found your site from a link about new mooring law in Fla.. i looked today at a 73,cal 29,cab29470573, penciled on the brochure was the 2-29 hull #575..although i don't find  a 2-29 really listed as a caljenson boat..been in the back of the boat yard being held hostage for back fees..old AL said i could have it for $3000..cut the lock off and found the original cloth covered cushions in wonderful shape..the ones in the v berth were like new..he wasn't sure about the boat cept the man owed him $13k rent ..and that he thought it had a yanmar that was sorta have to know that AL is 84..but still so sharp..turned out that behind the sliders was a shiny 1gm10, the receipt i found way down in a cubby said new in 90..hours meter said 90....the two bags of sails had the name North on the bag..didn't get a chance to stretch them out but they were dry and cleanish..hope there might be some cal experience out there..i may sound a little excited but i have been lookin at several old ones up here..actual AL had sold the last beauty i was caught by a 68 I29 sorta like Zens boat i to see him here..and before that i had been kinda caught on Morgans overly optimistic dream would be have this in the water and on the way back to moor it in gulfport Fla....for this winter...need all the help i can get ..thanks for having this site..

s/v Faith

Quote from: flafrank on May 16, 2009, 09:09:37 PM
just found your site from a link about new mooring law in Fla.. i looked today at a 73,cal 29,cab29470573, penciled on the brochure was the 2-29 hull #575..although i don't find  a 2-29 really listed as a caljenson boat..been in the back of the boat yard being held hostage for back fees..old AL said i could have it for $3000..cut the lock off and found the original cloth covered cushions in wonderful shape..the ones in the v berth were like new..he wasn't sure about the boat cept the man owed him $13k rent ..and that he thought it had a yanmar that was sorta have to know that AL is 84..but still so sharp..turned out that behind the sliders was a shiny 1gm10, the receipt i found way down in a cubby said new in 90..hours meter said 90....the two bags of sails had the name North on the bag..didn't get a chance to stretch them out but they were dry and cleanish..hope there might be some cal experience out there.....

Wow, sounds like an amazing deal!  Gotta love those marina / boat yard queens!  Best deals are found by walking and scratching... not by asking brokers to do it for you.  Look forward to hearing more!

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