Rescue on the Estuary...alll in a Day's work

Started by Zen, June 08, 2009, 08:29:08 AM

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This was a first weekend teaching for the city of Oakland since last year. I was glad to have some work, since EDD was punishing me for making an error on my report card. Anyway, had three students at the start. One lawyer for Wells Fargo, One ex-lawyer ( reformed he said) who was now a musician, and a doctor. Wow, big time clients. The Reformed lawyer ended  up dropping the class because he wanted to get to the recording studio to work with his band on a Cd. He wanted to change to another class time. So I was left with two, The  Lawyer, and the Doctor. Both seemed nice enough. I had to politely get after the lawyer later because he kept cutting me off when I was talking. The Doc, I had to get on his case about slowing down and paying attention.When out on the water the helmsman would say ready to come about and he right away would say ready, but still reaching for lines. Hey!! Do not ready, until you are ready!!!! He was not a fast study.  On boat handling, in his defense the Lawyer did have some background, he did not.

Friday was an easy lecture. The Doc had lots of questions which was ok. One is suppose to ask.

Sat, went fairly well. We had some trouble get the main up. It would not go all the way up the mast. I did not fine anything it was stuck to, so I just reef it and off we went. Turns out it was just as well because there were high gusts of wind. That day and they would have had a really hard time otherwise. The was very crowed on the water that day. There was some kind of Polynesian canoe club show, or race or both. Lots of Cuties on the water...

Sunday was adventure day.

It started of smooth enough. I gave them their written test and both passed. Then I reviewed knots and what-knot with them. We then took an early lunch, afterward I gave them a lecture on SANMAI-ITTAI. At first the Lawyer looked bored then he started paying attention. When I explained the body part the Doc was nodding his head in agreement. from there we went out on the water.

We went back and forth, forth and back. each taking a turn at the  helm. Just before when I was about to take over and demo MOB drills. I hear someone yelling for help. It turned out to be someone on the dock. I saw a person in the water with a boat over turned. But figured it was just a Kayaker, we have lots of them there. He could just swim over to shore. So I told the helms man to continue. However I kept an eye on the person in the water. I thought, hmmm, we'll take a closer look. I have them tack the boat again. The Laywer says, as I lawyer I say do not get involved. Then he smiles and says, just kidding. Before I went into the lecture about helping people on the water. Upon a closer look it was a canoe. There was a guy hold up a small child with one hand, and on to the Canoe with the other. There was a female next to them holding on to him and the boat. I gave the order to drop the main and come up around them. We coasted up, and turned in next to them. I gave the command to release the jib, and we came to a slow crawl. I reached over with the Boat hook toward the Kid and Dad. He had him grab the pole. I then grabbed the kid and pulled him aboard.  Next the wife took hold and I grabbed her. All the talk about not being easy to get someone out of the water, True true true. I grab her arm and told her to hold on and swing her legs up.She could not do it. I pulled and lifted, then grabbed her pants and the Lawyer grabbed her other arm and we dragged her aboard. By now we had drifted with the wind catching in the jib. I noticed more boats coming now, one of them a small power dingy. I left him deal with the father. Since all had on their life vests and help was there it was not an immediate danger to him. I sailed off heading to the dock to drop of the family. However the motor would not start and the current and the wind were not helping with trying to dock unde sail. It took me a few takes at getting into position. The power dingy came over towing their canoe and said he could take them. I let him come to port and hooked on to his boat, and helped the family aboard. He dropped them off on the dock as I got the outboard running and docked.

I went over to check on them, all was well. The little kids was shaking from the cold. I had them take off his wet shirt and gave him a dry life vest to put on.  I was told they just lived a few blocks from there, the wife was taking him home. She was also wet, but said she was ok. With a short thanks off they went. It was the kid's first boat ride. Something he will not forget. Good thing they had on PDF's, he was trapped under the canoe when it flipped, before the Dad got him!

The lawyer said, wow! That is enough class for me today that was dramatic. I said, this is why you wear a PDF,  also why you do MOB drills. Also you got to see how hard it is to pull someone out of the drink. We will take a break and go back out for more fun...

We went back out. Sailed around and I showed them the full MOB drill. The Doc had a hard time. He was not good yet with handling the boat or his directions. He needs a lot of practice. The Lawyer did pretty well. I did not have them do the actual drills at first. I just had them do the  steps with out picking anything out of the water. After they both had a few turns at dry runs, I was about to setup an actual pickup drill, when... I hear a loud Riiiiiip! and the boom falls into the cockpit. The Main Sail had torn.

I had them drop the Main, turn down wind and trim the jib. Once in control we fired up the metal sail and became a motorboat.

So much for today class of adventure, all in a day's work.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


But did you get the Berkeley paid holiday for Malcom X Day??


Wow Zen, mainsail ripping. I have never seen one go. There must of been some bad vodoo in the water that day. Glad you got the kids out- and what a great lesson for your students. I can relate with the Doc being bull-headed. I ... resemble that remark.
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...