From Tehani - out cruising

Started by CharlieJ, July 13, 2009, 11:52:45 AM

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Seafarer 26


Greg Luckett
Lake Michigan Sailor


Welcome back to the Gulf Charlie and Laura! I'm very happy to read your story and learn about your adventures. I don't know if you remember me, but I've met you a scant few times, back when you lived at Magnolia beach. I came to visit Laura's son a few times and on one occasion we even managed to mangle the mast on my old WWP! Unfortunately, we never got to sail after that, but I have a new boat now, and she's currently slipped in Port Lavaca. I'm not sure what your plans are, but if you head back this way, I hope to talk with you about your trip some time. My girlfriend Rachel and I are planning a cruise beginning this winter and I think we have a lot to learn from you. I've already learned a great deal, right here in this forum. I hope you have a great voyage, wherever it takes you.

James Woodring


Hi James.

Yeah, I remember the day you brought your WWP by the house. Got some pics in fact.

We aren't back in he gulf. We're currently anchored just at Savannah, Georgia and are heading north up the coast. We'll be back for a while this fall and I'll try to see you then.

Have 'fun'- we are.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


CJ & L are anchored just down the coast from here, at the light blue X. The storm just ran us over here in Gtown, and looking down towards where they are the sky is bruised a solid dark blue, growling with near constant thunder, and bright flashes of cloud-to-ground lightning startle the eyes more than once a minute... Despite the direction of the white arrows, in general the storm is moving pretty much due SW. CJ says they have about 80 ft of rode out, and they should be in about 10' of water where they are.

Big adventure. ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Took another screencap about 10 minutes later, and made the below with it:
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


We came through unscathed, but to quote Laura "OMG what a lighting storm. It was like being in the middle of a big ball of lighting!!!"

Seriously, that was the third one we've gone through in three nights. Enough already!!!

The first night had 40+ mph winds, last night the most ligthing and rain. Don't really need a fourth one :D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Posting from the dock at Georgetown Landing, using the "Tehani House Computer"...

We are almost out of rum, both the Pyrat and the Cruzan Single Barrel have undergone severe evaporation the past few days for some reason, even though Frank is in Canaduh... CJ has a new case of YingaDingaLing beer or some such, but refuses to share. Laura broke my sewing machine, a pile of my tools are scattered around the slip in which Tehani resides (around, and about 15 feet below in the mud) for one more night, and the Medical University of South Carolina has a doctor on standby to harvest my liver for study as some sort of medical curiosity once CJ & L leave... But I'll tell y'all the rest of the story after they've gone and I don't have to worry about being garroted in my berth while I sleep, or my boat sinking during the day while I am off at work...

In the meanwhile, tonight they shared some pictures from their cruise to the Bahamas, and what follows is Honest Injun I promise* they said and claimed is a video of Tehani and Crew crossing Exuma Sound ( Laura says) and/or Rocky Dundess (...Charlie says) (yes, they agree on *everything*... ). As I write, Laura threatens CJ with the knife which was otherwise against my throat, and so he agrees under some duress (not as much as mine - I am glad that Laura can't see in red light, because I am using my headlamp to type this...). Anyway, here's a video for y'all to enjoy. I think it's somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, despite what they say...

Tehani Exuma Sound (Gulf of Mexico?)

*This statement not made while being actively yet harmed or otherwise under threat of harm from the lady with the knife... Honest.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


This is Laura-
We are untying the dock-lines and heading north today. It's been great fun at Georgetown and we've managed to get a few chores done even though Kurt loaned me a broken sewing machine, a broken battery load tester and a broken fan to keep us cool. On the plus side, he had the best rum, cool friends and a tube of 5200.  :)

Thanks for everything, Kurt.  We'll miss you.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Mario G

Hey L&C hope the storm comming isn't going to be a problem for you. It sounds like things are still going well the video is great , can't wait for the 1st mate to see it.

Do you have a time line for being in this area? I think I have some rum and ying-ding brew.


Tehani and Crew departed at 10:40, headed SW downstream for a mile or so to round Hobcaw Point and Yankee Flats before resuming a northerly course. At 11:20, genny flying in a light southerly, she slipped from view behind the trees over on the Point.

Fair winds, friends! See you again after a while, when you eventually head back south...

SailFarers farther north, keep your eyes peeled (and yer likker cabinets locked). ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Quote from: Mario G on August 04, 2010, 10:10:22 AM
Hey L&C hope the storm comming isn't going to be a problem for you. It sounds like things are still going well the video is great , can't wait for the 1st mate to see it.

Do you have a time line for being in this area? I think I have some rum and ying-ding brew.

Storm is gone. Where exactly are you now?
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Mario G

Just out side of Oriental, Hope were in the area when you and Laura sail thru


Quote from: CapnK on August 03, 2010, 10:23:58 PM
Posting from the dock at Georgetown Landing, using the "Tehani House Computer"...

We are almost out of rum, both the Pyrat and the Cruzan Single Barrel have undergone severe evaporation the past few days for some reason, even though Frank is in Canaduh... CJ has a new case of YingaDingaLing beer or some such, but refuses to share. Laura broke my sewing machine, a pile of my tools are scattered around the slip in which Tehani resides (around, and about 15 feet below in the mud) for one more night, and the Medical University of South Carolina has a doctor on standby to harvest my liver for study as some sort of medical curiosity once CJ & L leave... But I'll tell y'all the rest of the story after they've gone and I don't have to worry about being garroted in my berth while I sleep, or my boat sinking during the day while I am off at work...

In the meanwhile, tonight they shared some pictures from their cruise to the Bahamas, and what follows is Honest Injun I promise* they said and claimed is a video of Tehani and Crew crossing Exuma Sound ( Laura says) and/or Rocky Dundess (...Charlie says) (yes, they agree on *everything*... ). As I write, Laura threatens CJ with the knife which was otherwise against my throat, and so he agrees under some duress (not as much as mine - I am glad that Laura can't see in red light, because I am using my headlamp to type this...). Anyway, here's a video for y'all to enjoy. I think it's somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, despite what they say...

Tehani Exuma Sound (Gulf of Mexico?)

*This statement not made while being actively yet harmed or otherwise under threat of harm from the lady with the knife... Honest.

Well thanks Capn K for your brave work to get the facts out about our wandering friends, of course what I REALLY would have liked to see is a video of their crossing on the way over to the Bahamas ;)
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


I cannot say anything more about their visit; I am pledged to silence.

That is, until I figure out how to disarm those remote detonators. Maybe then I can tell the rest of the story...


Very clever, Laura, that trick of using only red wires.  >:(

And good placement there, CJ. "Scraping off the rudder", indeed. I still wonder - How did you stay down so long without air? ??? ??? ???
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


A little more on the video- that was shot on the 50+mile passage from Rocky Dundas key, Exumas, bound  for Rock Sound, Eleuthera.

And I have NO idea what this "CaptK" fellow is babbling about.  :o
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Nice lil video. Hope you 2 are having fun. As to Capt K's 'babbling' is simply a normal reaction to sobering up somewhat after a lengthy intoxication......I'm sure a very unfamiliar feeling to the good Capt  ;D  Glad you's had some time there as I'm sure it was fun for all.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Capn K has been like that ever since he scraped that Navy surplus bottom paint off of his party barge.

Southern Lake Michigan


Yep. Bottom paint will definitely do it to ya.


I thought it was since his mother dropped him on his head a couple times...

Quote from: skylark on August 05, 2010, 11:34:31 AM
Capn K has been like that ever since he scraped that Navy surplus bottom paint off of his party barge.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
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