Started by CapnK, January 23, 2006, 07:33:13 PM

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Greetings from the Antipodes!
I've been asked to introduce myself here ... my missus and I proudly own a Peter Cole designed 'Traditional 30', a thirty foot fractional rig sloop. She is moored in Port Jackson (Sydney).
A sweeter sail boat you'll not find. She is snug, dry and warm below. Clean and trim above. She sails swift and kindly and forgives the clumsy blunderings of her skipper.
I expect to spend many months carefully going through the threads and the obvious wealth of information and experience contained in them.


"... as a young man, I sought the answers in books. As a middle-aged man, I looked for them in the stars. As an old man, I hear them whispered in my blood."

s/v Faith

Welcome aboard Mike!

  Glad to have you with us.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.