Better quick shopping for a delivery....

Started by s/v Faith, October 14, 2011, 09:52:56 PM

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s/v Faith


 You have a delivery, and you are at Walmart.  You plan to get underway the next day.... you have a shopping cart... and you are just a little hungry.

 I am waiting on a call right now, and hope to be in this situation soon (again).  I know there is still a bunch of stuff onboard the Pearson 424 that I picked up for the last delivery.... (including an inexplicable 64oz bottle of ketchup that was not even opened... not sure where it came from).


I am thinking of a shopping list.  Now, here is the complicated part.... no HFCS, and relatively healthy.

Shopping list items;  (pacific crossing)...

5 pounds of coffee
instant coffee
6 cans Sardines  
6 Canned Tuna
4 canned chicken
3 Canned roast beef
36 Breakfast bars
36 Oatmeal
4 pkg Beef Jerky
4 cans peanuts
3 cans sunflower kernels
3 packs tortilla shells
Squeeze mayo
Pickle relish
3 dozen eggs
significant quantity of hoop cheese
peanut butter
12 oranges
4 cucumbers
4 tomatoes...
4 cans of Peas
4 cans of green beans
4 cans diced tomatoes

.... will add to this list... but looking for help here.


Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

s/v Faith


  James Baldwin has a great list for 'cruising' here on his site...

  Deliveries are somewhat different (IMHO) since you are on someone else's boat... and you are not so much into eating as making miles and getting where you are headed.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


One easy way to provision is to use the 1 can of vegetable, 1 can of meat, plus instant rice or quick cooking noodles method.  This generally results in a large portion, perhaps enough to cook for lunch and eat leftovers for dinner.

Use the broth in the can of vegetables to cook the rice or noodles.  Add vegetables either during the cooking process or after, which ever makes more sense.  Add the meat after the rice/noodles are done to warm it up.

Nowadays, foil packs of tuna, chicken or even hamburger are the best way to get the meat portion.

You can use regular instant rice or flavored rice packets.  Ramen noodles, vermicelli or other thin quick cooking noodle.  You can also use instant mashed potatoes using this same method.

You have a good list.  You might add raisins, sliced pickles and dried milk.

Crackers, tortilla chips, other crunchy things


Southern Lake Michigan

s/v Emerald Tide

It is hard to explain a 64 ounce bottle of ketchup under any circumstances.  It is unlikely that the Pearson came pre-stocked with it.  It appears to have been a consequence of the hungry shopping trip.  But the donation to her will be long remembered, and commented upon.