Updated Fiji Clearance Info

Started by Michael Homsany, May 10, 2010, 12:34:46 PM

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Michael Homsany

I don't know how many people here plan on visiting Fiji, but, just in case, I've just updated our page,  http://www.waituimarinafiji.com/clearance.html with the latest info.

I've made it a point to bring out on the page, and I'll bring it out again here, that the Interrim Government of Fiji is operating under Decree, not a constitution, and that the PER's (Public Emergency Regulations) are still in force, which allow any duly appointed person to do what they whatever they consider appropriate to carry out their duties.

They are required to present a warrant card (ID), and to issue a reciept for any monies collected. If you are assessed a fee not listed, pay the fee, collect the reciept, and argue in the appropriate office later.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at sales@bebi-electronics.com

What has really pissed me off right now is that the wankers over at 'Cruisers Forum' bbs won't let me post the link as they are calling it 'commerical'.  (This from the same people who have 'google ads' on their site).  I guess they aren't interested in helping cruising sailors.

About Bebi Electronics-Winners of the Democratic Government of Fiji's Annual Unique Exporter of the Year Award!


Michael thanks for the update, although my getting there is still just a form in the mist off in the distance.

It's too bad the "CF" won't let you be an asset to the community.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward



Thanks for the heads-up. Even though I'm probably never going to get to Fiji, the information is useful--and (no plug intended), when I upgrade to LEDs, I plan to buy them from you folks.


"What a greate matter it is to saile a shyppe or goe to sea"
--Capt. John Smith, 1627