Sailors are Great People....

Started by Skipper Dave, February 02, 2006, 04:35:36 PM

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Skipper Dave

My wife owns her own beauty salon and recently acquired a new client.  As they talked come to find out they are sailors and were out there for a year and a half living the life.   We were invited over to their place last night to view some pics.  They were first class hosts with drinks and wonderful appetizers.  When we were to begin watching the pictures from their travels they mentioned it ran about 2 hours.  Well I said we could start and maybe finish another time at our place.  As it turns out the pictures were so facinating that the two hours flew by I didn't want it to end.  Anyway just wanted to share another great sailing experience with you sailors because sailors are great people.

Skipper Dave

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27


I am in total agreement with you Dave. :D

I am sure that there are some sailors out there who *aren't* nice people, just as I am sure that, ratios compared to the general population, sailors are by *far* a friendlier and more relaxed crowd of folks than probably any other group as a whole. I meet a bunch of people here at the marina, transients passing through, staying for one night or several, and it is always interesting and fun to chat with them, and rare if ever is it that you meet someone who isn't friendly or just doesn't have time for even a quick dock chat.

Like I always say, "The World needs more Sailors."... ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


define "scurvy knaves"----sailors who arent nice people
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.

Skipper Dave


I think that would be "PIRATES" who are not nice people.  Ha Ha...

This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27


I've generally found that sailors are extremely nice and helpful, with the few truly annoying ones living at the ends of the spectrum (super huge $$$$ sailboats, or nasty floating trailers that would be more useful if sunk to make an artificial reef).

People like you meet on these boards are more than likely going to go out of their way to be helpful and informative, where the supercruisers don't like you ruining the view from their multimillion dollar penis-extender. And the floating trailor trash don't want you cruising into their area and raising prices by increasing demand...

I see a lot of both here where I live, but in my travels, I've found that these types are few and far between!

Skipper Dave


Great description very funny and accurate to boot.


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27 (Still under construction)