Linked: "Sinbad The Four-Legged Sailor"

Started by CapnK, November 17, 2013, 11:11:09 AM

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Ran across the story of this amazing nautical dog yesterday, thought y'all might enjoy it: Sinbad's Story

An excerpt:

A "salty sea dog" all the way, Sinbad stood watches with the crew, ate and slept with the crew in their mess and their bunks, always choosing a different bunk mate each night so he could spread his friendship among the crew. He deliberately avoided the officer?s wardroom or quarters and only on rare occasions would he associate with officers when on liberty. Yes, Sinbad was a sailor all the way and somewhat of a boozer. Every time the CAMPBELL would make port and liberty was granted, he would be first off and along with his shipmates, hit the bars. A typical Sinbad liberty, wherever it was, would see him march right into a bar, spot an empty bar stool, jump up on it and bark once. The bartenders would automatically pour a shot of whiskey with a beer chaser. Sinbad would lap them up, jump down and leave, heading for the next bar. His tab was always picked up, no questions asked. He would do the same in several bars and would then return to the CAMPBELL with some crewmembers, just as bombed?usually more so?as his buddies and hit the sack to sleep it off. The following morning, the ship?s doctor would prescribe an aspirin, which he would take, to see him through another day.

Richard "Bo" Slater (center,) Other Crewmen & Sinbad

Sinbad was brought up on charges several times and given several Captain?s masts. Once he missed a sailing in Sicily, was picked up by the shore patrol and eventually placed on a destroyer that was coming back to the States, Ironically, the destroyer pulled into a particular East Coast port, and moved into dock. Sinbad began barking his head off, staring at one ship among many in the harbor. It was the Coast Guard Cutter CAMPBELL. He was soon reunited with his shipmates?however, he was declared AWOL and served time in the cutter?s brig for that caper.


...and here is my new CrewDog, 'Barque', who came home with me from the shelter yesterday. :) Wish us luck! ;)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Thanks for the link, a good read !!!
And congratulations on the rescue of "barque"... a handsome shipmate !!! Cheers !!!


Yes, a very interesting and humorous excerpt about seadog Sinbad. ;D Looking forward to reading the whole article later.

Congrats, too, on your distinguished new crewmate. That is quite an intense gaze you captured there.  :)

Capt. Tony

We expected nothing less from you Cap'n.  Barque is quite possibly the best name for the new crew/family. 


Cool lookin new pooch!!!!! I'm sure you 2 will do just fine. Good on ya
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Faith

Having met Barque twice now, I can attest to a couple things.

First, he is a great crew dog, and will likely be a great addition to Katie Marie's crew.  He is better looking, more intelligent, and much more likely to be sober then his captain. :)

Congrats to you both!  May his days be long and your adventures together be many!
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.