veiwing pics in the members galleries

Started by CharlieJ, December 27, 2011, 11:31:09 AM

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Why when I try to look at pics in the members galleries, does it ask me to log in before I can view them? Even my own pics. I get the thumbnails just fine- but when I try looking at a larger  pic I get a "log on" screen, and it won't let me log on.

Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

John Bailey

Same thing happens to me.  Thought maybe it was because I was new.



s/v Trekka
Chesapeake Bay


Charlie you are a mod so go in and change the permission. That way everyone can view the gallery. ;D
David and Lisa
S/V Miss Sadie
Watkins 27


Galleries won't even let me in. gives me a login page. I'll try to get it fixed tomorrow. In Houston right now and fixing to crash.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera