Matagorda Bay Sailing / Fishing trip

Started by BeeRanch, January 29, 2012, 01:26:08 AM

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I'm planning a trip in Matagorda Bay this spring and I need a little local knowledge.

I'm going to trailer my boat from East Texas to Palacios to start.  I've got a 26' swing keel boat with myself and two crew. I have a 14' inflatable kaboat with outboard for fishing and plan on wade fishing Matagorda Peninsula for red fish and speckled trout.

Here is what I need to know:

   What kind of wind and wave conditions can I expect?
   Is there much ship traffic?

   How bad are the skeeters?

   How bad are the gators?

   What is Matagorda Bay inlet  like to navigate?

   Are there any restaurants worth sailing across the bay to visit?

   Any favorite anchorages?

     Any advice will be appreciated.



Howdy - I live in Magnolia Beach, where Lavaca Bay and Matagorda intersect. Been sailing Matagorda for years.

Q-What kind of wind and wave conditions can I expect?

Depends. If no fronts, SE and up to 20 durng the after noon. Right now they've been strong from a northerly direction. Strong enough so I wouldn't want to be out there much. Matagorda is a shallow bay and can get quite rough, particularly in northers.

Q-Is there much ship traffic?

Not a lot and it's one way at a  time. Plus they have a speed limit. Shrimp boats are another story completely. Just steer clear.

Q- How bad are the skeeters?

Right now, not bad at all. During warmer weather, or three days after a rain, they can be fierce. Carry repellant.

I've never had a gator even begin to bother me. Probably several hundred within a mile of my house and we rarely see them. Usually a complete non issue.

Q- What is Matagorda Bay like to navigate?

Pretty easy- get the latest chart and pay attention. 11317 is Tres Palacios Bay and 11319 is Matagorda. You might also want Espiritu Santos Bay charts-11315. Great wade fishing along Matagorda Island in Espiritu Santos.

Q- What is Matagorda Bay inlet  like to navigate?

The natural pass is very tricky and not to be recommended, particularly when it's windy. The ship channel, between the jetties is pretty straight forward, UNLESS you have wind against tide. I did a delivery of a Hunter Cerubini 37 and we stuffed the bow three times heading out. Friends have seen 12 foot seas in between the jetties. But I've also seen 14 foot aluminum boats in there, anchored and fishing.

Just don't be stupid- that area can kill you, as can Matagorda itself.

Q-Are there any restaurants worth sailing across the bay to visit?

Restaurants?? Are you kidding? There ain't NOTHING across the bays, other than Clark's on the ICW in Port O'Conner. Matagorda is primitive shore line, and or private ranches. Once you leave Palacios, except for POC, there's no gas, no nothing available.

Q- Any favorite anchorages?

Airport Flats behind Matagorda Peninsula. Be aware that Bird Island is off limits for landing. It's an Audubon Society island and is restricted.

Army Hole in Espiritu Santos Bay  ( permit required) Good fishing

Off Decros point at Pass Cavallo (need shallow draft) I can get Tehani there, with her 3'6" draft, but it's tricky. With my previous boat, with 2 foot draft, it was a favorite. good fishing, both along shore and along the edge of the pass

PM me and I'll give you my phone number- we can talk more person to person

Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


 Thanks, just the kind of info I'm looking for. I'll take you up on the phone conversation ( just as soon as I figure out how to P.M. ).