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Wave pix

Started by svosprey, February 18, 2006, 03:36:11 PM

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I have tried to get photos of waves while sailing and they are almost always underwhelming-

I have about 3 minutes of good video and several photos after taking tons of video and hundreds of pix.

Any one else have some good shots that show some scale?

This one I took in the Gulf Stream approaching West Palm after crossing from the Bahamas. Wind is 25 to 30kts with a large following sea. My windvane was steering but not well as I was fairly downwind and the waves would block the wind in the troughs.


Hi Ken -

Kewl! Good topic. What format is your video in? If we can get it into computer-friendly format, I'll host it from this site so we can see it. :)

I wonder if the problem with getting good wave pics isn't one of perspective - it's hard to see where the boat is in relation to the world around, and hard to see how big the wave really is without something to relate it to.

That said, that's a macker in your photo! The sky background does help relate the fact that you were looking up up up when you took it. ;D
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....hummmm a hobicat 18 with a canoe in tow should be ok in that ..huh? lol.