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Started by Dougcan, December 20, 2005, 11:49:34 PM

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"Twilight" is a 24' Yankee Seahorse shoal keel with centerboard.

Not a lot need to be done to it, just a spot of painting, a bit of fiberglassing here and there, a new stove, some cleaning and it's almost like new!  Actually she's better than new.

There several upgrades from the original configuration on it, like Lewmar winches, a decent four strokes outboard, brand spanking new mainsail and stuff of that nature.


Pictures, man, we need pictures!  :P ;D

Maybe a story about that recent sailing trip you took, too?
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


uh' Pictures let see, I got a couple or few here!  :)  I'll have to post them indeed

"Sailing trip" story coming up, still pounding it out.

Then I gotta go back and redo the gibberish, think it'll help if I'm sober while I type?  ;D


Might help the typing but it'll probably be more interesting if you're not.   ;D