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Started by CharlieJ, May 04, 2013, 08:18:28 PM

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Craig- I'm kind of amazed. The heads of the bolts that access the water pump are still sharp cornered.

There's a VERY small amount of shallow surface pitting on the lower unit section, and I suspect that came about in the last year and a half.

Something I AM doing this time is mounting some pad eyes each side of the lower cowling, aft, and making a lifting sling between those and the lift handle forward. Then I can use the main sheet and hoist it by myself to check lower unit oil, zincs, and shoot a fresh coat of anti fouling if needed.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Wow, Charlie, the tiller and lift bar look like new. What did you use on it...the brass wire brush?


Bronze wire brush. Came from friends in Canada. seems they get that sorta stuff easier than we do. Ya know- here it's Stainless, stainless, stainless.

I love bronze. :D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Some more updates. Getting the drive shaft out of the crank proved almost impossible- had to have it done at the dealer and he had BIG problems. But it's out. Bad part is the shaft got bent , a new one is (back) ordered, and they inform me it''ll be here on - ready?

OCTOBER 2nd!!!!

I'm searching online for a shaft.

In addition, I have begun work on the mast repairs. Capt Smollett is gonna fuss, but there are just too many pics to post twice, so here's a link to the post I made on TSBB. John-I WILL post finished pics here, so they'll stay around.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


More on the mast repair-With pics this time ;)

Last evening I epoxy coated the new mast head and left it hanging to cure

Then began the fitting to the mast top-

Once fitted to my satisfaction, it was epoxied in place-

after curing, all sanded to make it flow into original sections, and epoxy coated one last time, ready for the finish, and hardware installation- Have to go get the material to do the finish with, so it'll be a day or two. But it's getting there

Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera



1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Yes, Good work. You make it look easy, Charlie.  :)

After that kind of break in a wooden mast, some might be inclined to abandon it and look for an aluminum replacement. Good to see that you were able to evaluate how specific and limited the problem was...and fix it.


Tehani's engine is FINALLY all back together. Here's before and after shots. Can you tell the difference? ;D ;D

As you can see in the second pic, I added lifting rings so I can use a bridle on the main sheet to hoist the engine out. Before it took 2 people. Now i think I can hoist and service by myself. Permanent bridle will have to wait til the engine is back in the boat, and the boat rigged, so I can tell how long to make it
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Does this spell the end for motor lifting/rum drinking parties?


Nope- still need your strong back one more time- to put it back IN the boat. Nothing up there to hoist with right now ;D


See ya tomorrow most likely.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


looks great CJ !!   ....did someone say "rum" ??     :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


LOL- Yeah- that was Woody.He and his lady (Ralay) helped me get the engine OUT of Tehani, which is NOT easy. or wasn't.

Dead lift from below your feet, of 86 pounds, with no real place to stand. Then down the steps to the ground. With the boat on a trailer. I could NEVER put it in there alone

And we have to put it back without scratching my new paint ::) :D

So rum is a cheap price. Dinner even :D Besides, rum and dinner is fun with those two, even without a reason
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Closer and closer to launch time :D

When I was in Madeira Bch, Fl, got afoul of a heavily oyster encrusted piling- scraped the devil out of the side of the boat.

Got them filled, sanded, and today got the side re painted
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


I was just reading the earlier posts and thinking...I hope you post some photos...

Looks good. Still kinda curious about how it looked "before".

On that trailer, it looks like Tehani "is in launch profile...T minus...x hours"

Was just thinking that if you have to make that dreaded call... "Houston Control...we have a problem..." you're close enough to just about shout over to them...  ;)


No before pics. The boat was out of my hands for a year and a half and since coming back to me, I've been too busy. But they were long, deep gouges- running 2 to 3 feet long, over an area about 18 inches.

Here's a shot of the culprits- Maderia Bch Fl at an EXTREMELY low tide- I got aground, was single hand, and couldn't fend off fast enough

Mast is all ready to rig, engine is awaiting helpers. Little bit of Non skid touch up on foredeck, and she's good to go. Hoping for hauling down on Friday, or Monday at the latest.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


There's a mast lies rigged and ready in the boatyard, and tomorrow on Tehani it will stand.

(with apologies to Roger Whittaker and his "The Last Farewell" )

Bottom is painted, except for where the jack stands are. The crew will move them tomorrow so I can paint there. Looking for a Friday launch
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Good to see the original mast fully repaired.

I like the simplicity of the just the bottom paint waterline, with no boot top to paint. It always seemed to take me as lo[ng] to mask and paint the boot top stripe as the whole rest of the bottom and then the boot top would get fouled. A nice system to raise the anti-fouling paint higher and avoid all that.

Beautiful to see the lines of a graceful hull, full keel, deep forefoot, and slack bilges.

It's a happy sight to see...a boat so close to being splashed.  :)

Grog to you!


Quote from: CharlieJ on September 23, 2013, 06:39:05 PM
Here's a shot of the culprits- Maderia Bch Fl at an EXTREMELY low tide- I got aground, was single hand, and couldn't fend off fast enough.

Thanks, I can see how that could happen.

When I made some trips down there to sail over 30 years ago, the 30-foot sailboat was in a slip at the Clearwater Beach Marina, not far away. The slip looked much like the one in your photo. There were a lot of pelicans, drawn to the fishing boats that were berthed along the shore. They would come back from an outing and there were tables where they'd clean and fillet the fish on the wharf and toss the scraps to the big birds.

It sure was a nice break during the long winters up here! To go from parkas to T-shirts and shorts in a few days.


Quote from: Jim_ME on October 03, 2013, 01:17:01 PM
Good to see the original mast fully repaired.

I like the simplicity of the just the bottom paint waterline, with no boot top to paint. It always seemed to take me as look to mask and paint the boot top strip as the whole rest of the bottom?and then the boot top would get fouled. A nice system to raise the anti-fouling paint higher and avoid all that.

Beautiful to see the lines of a graceful hull, full keel, deep forefoot, and slack bilges.

It?s a happy sight to see?a boat so close to being splashed.  :)

Grog to you!

Many long term cruisers do the water line like that. As you said, it prevents a bit of fouling, PLUS, most are over loaded, so the water line HAD to be raised. That was the case with Tehani. Right now, it's probably going to be a bit high,but she'll be going cruising again ;)
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera