is there other sailors with serious handicaps? I have Parkinsons disease

Started by edelfrid, May 07, 2013, 04:32:41 PM

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Hello, I am new here and will give you my story in a nutshell. 2009 I got the diagnose Parkinsons disease and I had to retire from my work as boar builder at a boatyard.Shortly after that I got an infection in my spine which nearly killed me and after learning to walk and such I am  soon leaving for a for me big adventure.My boat, since 1987 is a Havsfidra called Vanharouva(the old Lady in finnish) a 20 ft scandinavian double-ender, built in 1972. Since last summer she is Junk rigged and fitted with a wind vane. She is also fitted with a lot of extras like a lot of grabrails and handles. All of this because my motoric ability and balance is not what it once was. Before I made the changes on the boat I didn't sail for three years( I mostly sail alone)
The adventure?
My wife( who has serious trouble with her spine) and I are sailing from the south of Finland first week of june,or so,to the east cost of Sweden and then we take the G?ta canal to Gothenburg and when her summer leave ends I'll sail the boat home again letting the weather choose the timetable and the routes.


Welcome aboard edelfrid!   

I have a close friend with Parkinsons and is over 70 years old, and though he is not here on the SailFar board, he single hands his Montgomery 15 throughout the San Fransisco Bay are as well as regular multi-day trips up in the Pacific North West.


"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

s/v Faith

Before Faith came to me, she was owned by a man who had a traumatic brain injury.  He also had problems with balance, but  He learned to sail again aboard her.  She has also taught other TBI "wounded warriors" to sail while I was at Camp LeJeune.

Kurt's Ariel has an amazing story too..  I will let Kayties Capt tell that one....

Fair winds to you sir, glad you are here.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.