Anchoring Around Hawaii; Any Thoughts?!!

Started by NOMN, June 16, 2013, 05:23:27 PM

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Hi all, so my plan after arriving in Hawaii is to tour the various islands, and instead of racking up about 1,000,000 USD in hotel fees, I'm going to be living aboard for a while using the dinghy for provisions.

My goals on land are to do Photography, exotic Hiking, Surfing, and just generally cruising around exploring & being free, playing the guitar, whatever

But but but, my plan is to spend most my days on shore exploring, shopping, hiking whatever then retire to the boat at sundown for much some needed sleep.

I will be touring like this around all of the islands for 2 months, but my biggest concerns (where I could really use the community wisdom;)

I just want to be safe.

-WEATHER, omg anchoring, is it feasible right off the beach, [how many anchors/type/rode length/strategy] the thing is I plan to both LEAVE THE BOAT all day by dinghy and come back to sleep in it overnight, so I'll need relatively secure spot/anchor(s). Designated anchorages and harbors are ideal, but I'm also trying to save money and not be restricted to a tiny spot way on the other side of any island. I'll be carrying a collapseable-bike, so it's not possible for me to anchor in a harbor that's like 100 miles away from my chosen hiking / destination spot! It would take all day just to get there!!!!!

Which leads me to my next point;

Also, I wish to EXPLORE and be free, so I want to anchor offshore in places like the Kauai Napali Coast and spend a few days, possibly a week, if possible.

I love you guys, thanks so much for any tips/wisdom you could impart.


Start with Pilot Chart #7. You can get it almost anywhere, but here's one easy link:

You can buy the book or just d/l the pdf's. I have both.

For anchors, rode, etc. there are several good threads here and on the Cape Dory board, among others.
There's also a lot of info here:
Alice has escaped....... on the Bandersnatch....... with.. the Vorpal sword....


Highly restricted anchoring.No room in the marinas.This is a lousy place to bring a boat.Check Charlies charts for Hawaiian Islands.

To do Hawaii affordably fly in and rent a mini van then camp out . Been living on the Big island for 2 years now
No wife, no kids, no debt.


I'm not familiar with nor have I looked up the anchoring situation in Hawaii, so take this with a grain of salt.  Boat safety always comes first (after personal safety which comes zeroth :D.)  Beware any anchorage that you might have to launch your dinghy through the surf on return.  This can be VERY difficult.  Also, I'd prefer picking a protected anchorage and spending a few of days ashore (based on a favorable forecast) being a hobo to a spending even a long day ashore with the boat in an open anchorage where it would be hard to get to if the weather/swell changed and the anchorage became untenable.  Let the boat pick the places that make sense to go, instead of the other way around.  We've found our experiences to be amazing everywhere, and often way better than expected off the beaten path.  Don't be married to a list of "must go" places.  Just a thought...