Radio call while laying at anchor New Bight, Cat Island.

Started by s/v Faith, February 02, 2014, 07:30:58 AM

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s/v Faith

Anchored here in New Bight, Cat Island.  Came across from Georgetown on a wonderful reach day before yesterday with my dad.  We had 15k from the SE and it was just perfect, boat was slightly healed and made 7k all day across... Just a wonderful passage.

  We climbed up to the Hermitage yesterday and painted (he is a professional artist, I am learning to paint).  Had a really nice day, bought some coconut bread from Olive, came back to the boat for a nice swim and made dinner.

  While I am making the coleslaw for dinner (about 20 minutes before sunset) I get a call on the radio.  Well it was not for me, but asking if anyone had some "local knowledge".  I have been here several times, was last here a week ago.. But waited to see if any locals would respond.  None did.

  I came back to the boat, I will omit his name here.... He initially asked his question on channel 16 so I asked him to switch and answer....  He said he needed to know about the approach to "the Cove".  The Cove is a very small indentation just north of the Bight..l there are a couple of establishments there but I have never been there.  It is north of Fernandez bay, a small bay offering good protection and a small anchorage.. And just kind of a blip on the western side of Cat Island.

  I told him I had not been there, but had the explorer chart books and would be happy to look at it if that would help.  He said yes, that he had no depth information.  I looked it up, and gave him a course to come in on.  There was really nothing to hit, but a few submerged coral heads to the north.  I gave him a position to come to and then a course from there that would hold him in safe water.

  It was weird that he seemed to be coming in without any charts (?) but I thought maybe he came from the Exumas unexpectedly... Or something.  I do did not hear back from him after I gave him the info on the approach.... But assume he received it since he did not come back up and ask.

  A couple hours later I hear a call on channel 16 from this boat to Hawksnest marina.  I figure he decided to change plans and head down there... About 15nm from the cove.  Hawksnest has a narrow entrance, and might be tough to find in the dark if you did not have charts.

  After I listen to him call them (3 or 4 times in 5 minutes) I answer him an ask if he would like me to relay for him.  I have a good radio, and am 5 miles closer so I am confident I can reach them.  He declines the offer and asks to switch to a working channel.

  Once I switch he asks me if I have any forecast info.  The weather for the last few weeks has been pretty unsettled, so I am watching it closely.  I listen to Chris Parker 6 days a week, download faxes, and when I can (like now) get on the Internet to check daily or multiple times a day.

  I tell him Chris Parker's forecast, (increase in winds Today, weakening on Monday)... And tell him they are supposed to clock from SSE to SE and back and then go E on Monday.....   His reply indicates he had no idea what to expect.

  It is not unusual to encounter folks who seem not to have some pretty basic idea about these things, but it strikes me that this guy was awfully unprepared.  I hope he got anchored ok, and that it all works out for him.... But I worry for his ship and his crew.

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


I am thinking there some that would just rather be told than to figure it out themselves. He very well have had the same access to information as you but rather call for help because it was easier or perhaps because he did not trust himself.

I see it on these sailing sailing boards often enough, a newbie steps in immediately with a barrage of questions when the information he is seeking is readily available with a little research. Even after suggestions of going and reading this or that they still just come back with more questions. I believe they think they can get the correct answers faster by asking.

Personally it would scare the bugeesus  out of me  I had to rely on somebody else to tell me what to do out there.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

s/v Faith

Absolutely.  Not to say that I have never asked..  Last year as I was headed out Beaufort Inlet for the Virgin Islands, I called John (Captain Smollet) on the cell phone and asked for his read on the forecast info....  He is more adept at reading it then I, and what I was seeing was not making sense to me.  I am thankful that he was there for me when I needed help.. And he was a great help.

Maybe this sailor was doing just that, and reaching out for available resources.. It struck me that he was well behind the curve though, and I wonder both how he got this far and how he might fare as he continues.

On another note, but related.... There is no resource I that I use here aboard Emerald Tide that is not available aboard Faith.  The only system ET has that Faith lacks is an installed SSB transceiver.  I have not used it in what is now going on 4 years with this boat other then to make sure it works.  My kaito 1103 receives weather broadcasts and faxes better, and I have never once felt the need to participate in any of the nets....  All of the Nav gear I use fits in my captains bag I take on deliveries.... Of course there is an installed (nice big) chart plotter,but I use the charts and a handheld for close quarters Nav...  And my ipad as a backup to that...
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

s/v Faith

He has been on the radio twice this morning, asking questions.... 
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Quote from: s/v Faith on February 02, 2014, 07:30:58 AM
Anchored here in New Bight, Cat Island.  Came across from Georgetown on a wonderful reach day before yesterday with my dad.  We had 15k from the SE and it was just perfect, boat was slightly healed and made 7k all day across... Just a wonderful passage.

 We climbed up to the Hermitage yesterday and painted (he is a professional artist, I am learning to paint).  Had a really nice day, bought some coconut bread from Olive, came back to the boat for a nice swim and made dinner.

It's great to hear about your happy experiences there. Must be many beautiful scenes to paint.

I've always liked Winslow Homer's paintings, including those from the Bahamas...


I know you didn't say his name but he sure sound like a guy I know. Him and his wife are down in that part of the world right now.

He never seems to have faith in his own judgement.
David and Lisa
S/V Miss Sadie
Watkins 27


It seems like it's possible that he may not have enough experience to base his judgments on?

s/v Faith

Wow Jim, that is beautiful.

Still have some work to do, but this is what I painted yesterday.... 

Nope, won't upload...  Will try again later.


  I sent you a PM, I hope it is not your friend....  He was on the radio several times again...
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Craig, Glad that you like it. Here's another favorite...from Bermuda.

Homer's studio is here in Southern Maine at Prouts Neck.

The Portland Museum of Art bought the building and has recently finished the initial phase of restoring it, and has made it open to the public.


David and Lisa
S/V Miss Sadie
Watkins 27


I should probably start a new thread, but WTH. My favorite painter. Here' are my favorites:

Breezing Up

The Gulf Stream


I've had that experience several times, including in the Bahamas, and I've had the opposite experience of calling someone headed into trouble and having them reject my advice. I am very reluctant to give advice over the radio because of the possibility of misinterpretation, but sometimes you just have to help. One time a fast stinkpot came up to us near the power plant on Delaware Bay and began circling and shouting at us. He claimed he had lost his chart overboard and needed the course to Cape May, which of course is not a straight shot from there. Another time when I was anchored in the fog someone began circling us in the dark and woke me up. He wanted to know where we were anchored, but when I told him he didn't believe me. It happens.

Captain Smollett

Quote from: s/v Faith on February 02, 2014, 07:30:58 AM

But I worry for his ship and his crew.

Overheard on Ch 16 last week:

"United States Coast Guard calling vessel taking on water, your transmission was not complete.  Please state your position.  Coast Guard to all vessels: please look out for vessel in distress and relay radio traffic."

This went out several times.  They had gotten a May Day with "taking on water" and no further information.

It's a bit disconcerting to listen to one side of the conversation like that.

It may have been this one:

though that's a bit farther south.  The date is right, but the time is a little later.

I thought it was Station Charleston calling for more info, but they may have just been repeating the call up the coast with "no position received" from the calling vessel.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain