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Started by Solace, February 03, 2006, 09:42:03 AM

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Cmdr Pete

I'm going to take you up on that offer...

...the next time I'm scratching the fiberglass dust out of my skin, with bloody knuckles, after I got epoxy in my hair, and dripped 2 part LPU paint in my eye (that really hurt)
1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


Quote from: Cmdr Pete on February 15, 2006, 07:18:17 PM
I'm going to take you up on that offer...

...the next time I'm scratching the fiberglass dust out of my skin, with bloody knuckles, after I got epoxy in my hair, and dripped 2 part LPU paint in my eye (that really hurt)

Just another day of messing about with boats!!!! Some days, I bleed epoxy.

Pixie Dust

Wow- even with a small coastal cruiser there is lots to do to get prepared for a trip which entails living on a boat for 6 mo-1yr.   Fun stuff, but can tend to be a little overwhelming too.  What are your recent projects?  Are they governed by time, money, wants, needs or just things that seem like the thing to do?   :D
I am such a little planner and probably doing over kill.  I think being a single handing female, I am concerned with trying to be as prepared as possible to decrease the odds of "difficult situations" which hopefully will increase the amount of fun to be had on the stress, fun scale.
My main came down this weekend to get another set of reefing points put in.  I currently only have 1.  I measured for the placement of golf cart batteries to replace my house battery.   Bimini is down and getting remade by our very own Capt. K.   ( I will let you know how good of a seamstress he is  ; :D)  He is also making covers for my helm station and hatch.  The solar panel is wired but not up yet.  My engineering plan for the mounts has too much play for my satisfaction so I am back to the drawing board on that.  I think I have a solution, but will wait to get the Bimini  back on first.  I had to replace the head.  Raritan out, Jabsco in, all new hoses.  Did not exactly plan on this one.  Came very close to a porta potty purchase.  ;D
I purchased a backup handheld, have my paper charts and a Standard Horizon GPS Chartplotter with chips.  I have my quaranteen flag and Bahama courtesy flag. 
Still need to replace all my running rigging.  Looking at having an inner stay mounted and a spare halyard sheave. 
My port bote is due to arrive this week.  Anxious to see how I like that.  I am making progress, but sure glad I am allowing 1 yr to get it all done.   Still a long list of TO DO's and the weekends are going fast.  For me, preparing makes the trip seem longer.  All GOOD STUFF!!   ;D
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Uh- Connie- got your passport yet? Soon gonna be needing one, even to cross into Mexico, as Laura reminded me just yesterday.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Pixie Dust

Yes sir CJ!!  I have had a passport for many yrs that I just recently renewed!  This girl is ready for adventure.  :D
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.

Pixie Dust

Started just one???? I thought it had to be a minimum of 5.   :D
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Well after an extended stay in Japan, due to a death in the family, I was finally able to, after a day of rest to get down to s/v Zen.
After a couple of days of sanding and brush work, things are looking good for the Easter Naming Ceramony.

before n after shot

Now for the other side...

any ideas on removing old masking tape.  :o  :-[ ???

Now I see why they are using the blue tape  >:(
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Pixie Dust

Wood looks good Zen! Nice rich color.  Blue tape is a must!!   :D
I have made that same tape mistake on other things.  ::)
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2

Pixie Dust

I did not just play this weekend, I did some major boat things.  Got my frame up and my BRAND NEW BIMINI on!  WOO WOO  It looks great.  Capn K is a talented canvas man!
Once that was on, I could mount my solar panel.  I am mounting it over the bimini behind the back stays.  My mount was just not stable enough, so I had a stainless guy come and take a look.  He is going to make me another bow to connect which should stabilize it and get the back side of it off the bimini too.
I connected the wires and it worked.   :o  Nothing started melting, so I must have wired it correct.  (I did follow all directions)  :D
I got all the filters changed out.  I have also started provisioning the boat for my trip in May.  13 days of boat time.  I will not know how to act.
I replaced the gaskets on my view ports of the water tank, had to cut them down and super glue the ends together to make them fit.
I also tried to find the source of the water coming in when heeled, but unable to locate that one yet.  Need to have someone at the helm while the boat is heeled and I can then stand on my head and find the area of water influx.
My shifting cable was in bad shape, so a guy is working on that today.  He said the shifting and throttle both need replacing.. that is costing a cool 400.  OUCH>
There is my project update!  How is everyone else's going??
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2

s/v Faith

QuoteHow is everyone else's going??

  Replaced some running rigging, made up a new outhaul (works great), and thought about the other projects........

   ........ while sailing.   ::)


;D ;D ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


a stainless guy huh? Must be one tough dude ;D ;D ;D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


eats nails for breakfast  ;D ;D
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


I love this stuff!
To really understand why ...

This picture show a section of the boat. The top left section was done last year some time around June or July. The right hand section was done the day of the picture. It was still wet, therefore lighter. As it drys it seems to get darker.
Teaqua is grreat
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Pixie Dust

I am now very, very excited.  My new bimini is on and my solar panel is finally 100%  mounted, wired and connected.  So far, the battery is not melting, so that is good. :)  I used a trolling motor connection at the actual panel.  This is for quick disconnect when I have to remove the panel for hurricanes.   I also have the hinged connections that mount it to the stainless tubing, also for quick removal.  Should get plenty of sunlight mounted behind the split backstays.   I posted a few picts in the Gallery-PD Misc. section. 
I also got to play in the bilge this weekend.  My float switch went out, so I got to practice replacing that.  While at it, I also cleaned the bilge, pumps etc. 
I mounted some rod holders in my V-berth too.  1 for the Grouper rod and one for the little spinning rod. That should keep me from getting hooked at night.   Good productive weekend.  Lots of wind and storms moving around in our area this weekend.  I still managed to have a great weekend!!  You guys have no idea how excited I am to finally have that solar panel project checked off the list! 
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Congrats Connie, solar panels and a bimini I am soooooo envious!!!!

Did CaptnK make the whole Bimini?

I would love to have one, though what I need first I guess is a dodger, so Lady Zen doe snot have to duck down behind the cabin when we sail  :D
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Hmmm nothing as cool as Connie's but I did get my hand held GPS today. The legend. I got it off ebay. It is not the greatest, but I can get speed, direction, etc , etc off it. So a nice lil practical toy for entry into the world of GPS, without spending an arm.

I also got my study book today for my ASA keelboat class next month. Wooo hooo.
So the first steps to my certification projects.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Connie, looking good!!!
I see why you are a happy cam - er sailor . You got it made the shade!!! 8)

Quote from: Pixie Dust on May 08, 2006, 09:03:20 PM
I am now very, very excited.  My new bimini is on and my solar panel is finally 100%  mounted, wired and connected.  So far, the battery is not melting, so that is good. :)  I used a trolling motor connection at the actual panel.  This is for quick disconnect when I have to remove the panel for hurricanes.   I also have the hinged connections that mount it to the stainless tubing, also for quick removal.  Should get plenty of sunlight mounted behind the split backstays.   I posted a few picts in the Gallery-PD Misc. section. 
I also got to play in the bilge this weekend.  My float switch went out, so I got to practice replacing that.  While at it, I also cleaned the bilge, pumps etc. 
I mounted some rod holders in my V-berth too.  1 for the Grouper rod and one for the little spinning rod. That should keep me from getting hooked at night.   Good productive weekend.  Lots of wind and storms moving around in our area this weekend.  I still managed to have a great weekend!!  You guys have no idea how excited I am to finally have that solar panel project checked off the list!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Pixie Dust

I just made a quick (2 hr drive 1 way quick) dash down to check on the boat, especially the bimini and solar panel.   Bad storm came through Panama City this morning, winds 75 mph, large hail, lots of trees down, roofs off, signs down. It was like a mini hurricane.  I just knew it was all going to be in pieces.  I am happy to report it was all fine!!  I do have a cracked salon hatch from the hail though.  It cracked all the way through, but the bimini is still in one piece and the solar panel is still standing.  WHEW!!! I was a nervous sail girl driving down there.  I cannot believe it was all ok.
Yes Zen, Capn K did the canvas work.  I already had the frame.  He used the old one as a pattern, but upgraded it somewhat.  He does good work, doesn't he?
I need a dodger too, but not sure I can fit it in the budget at this time. It is on "the list"     :)  Enjoy your GPS toy. :)   So much to learn, so little time. 
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Getting slow around here again. Presumably, most are out sailing. Unfortunately for me, I am on the hard with even more projects. Consider this an update.

When we pulled the boat at the end of April I arranged for a proper survey. Even before he got there we could see the blisters. That's right - the dreaded osmosis. A big job to fix. This week they are ready to start filling in the blisters again (each one was dremeled out and the hull stripped down to the fibreglas). I could be in again within 2 weeks. Meantime, I have a bit to do myself. The rudder problem we originally hauled out to fix turned out to be an easy fix. The gudgeon was bent, allowing for a 4" play in the rudder - maybe now my autohelm will be more co-operative. The cockpit drain hoses had 7 huge cracks, which explained why we were sinking while under motor a while back.
As long as I was on the hard for a month I figured I'd get started on some new projects, which had been unplanned before this. The cabin sole is teak strips with rubber between them - the real thing - not plywood. Previous owners had darkened it with years of teak oil to hide some engine oil stains. I stripped it down and located a dealer of the Ultimate Sole (you can find ads for it in the sailing mags). Three coats later and it looks awesome - when I get a minute I may wet sand again and add a fourth coat.
Another cupboard project is taking much longer than originally forecasted. Odd angles are causing me some grief.