Magnus Reslow started circumnavigation

Started by SeaHusky, July 12, 2019, 03:45:52 AM

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Well after a couple of years delay due to traffic accident and some other stuff Magnus Reslow is now on his way attempting to circumnavigate the globe non stop in his heavily reinforced Albin Vega. He had some trouble with his Garmin in reach but it now seems to be working.
I believe he has food for 300+ days and 75 gallons of water.
If he succeeds he will not be the first Swede because this year two others have completed the journey, one non stop and the other in the "Chichester class".
What makes Magnus stand out is not only his small boat but the fact that this is a zero budget project. When he returned home from his latest sailing adventure he was penniless. He was given for free an old Albin Vega which he has rebuilt using materials he has found for free, been sponsored with and private donations from the public.
I look for subtle places, beaches, riversides and the ocean's lazy tides.
I don't want to be in races, I'm just along for the ride.


Thanks for the link
Will be neat to follow along
God made small boats for younger boys and older men