Bahamas winter 2015 anyone?

Started by Frank, August 22, 2014, 08:05:17 PM

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Quote from: Frank on September 08, 2014, 08:00:30 AM
Bubba...if you can make Ft's about a 12-14hr crossing to the West End...then your on the Bahama Banks. Easy stuff from there. Would be great to have a get together with a few of us!    ...CJ...are you listening :-)

Yeah, I'm listening Frank. And hoping. We'll see.

But for me it would be Angel Fish Creek, and Bimini ;D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Bubba the Pirate

My ex-in-laws used to live there, so I spent some time there. I agree about sailability.

Originally, I was looking at Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville, all ports where there are lots of truckdriving jobs. There are more ports obviously. I guess I got stuck on Savannah because of my land based familiarity.

Mostly, I'm coming south to do some wandering. If you guys are my excuse to go further south earlier than expected, all the better. :o)

The vague plan is to wander around the Caribbean and Central America for a couple years. The official start of wandering will be after May 2016, but I would have time to hang out in the Bahamas for a while next year for sure. 
Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Winter 2015: does that mean this winter, or next?  ???


Any time between Dec/14 and Apr/15

No set plans....just seeing who's heading over and what their "intentions" are.

Would be nice to meet others from here if paths cross
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bubba the Pirate

Quote from: Frank on August 23, 2014, 01:21:42 PM
I'm hoping to keep this as an "advice" and "who's going to go" thread, so all can keep in touch, share ideas and see where each other is.

So, on the advice side: I'm working on defining freedom and minimalism for my boat and I. I'm currently flirting with yanking the cantankerous 40 yro Volvo and replacing it with a sculling oar, like a Chinese yuloh. I'm wondering about moving around in tidal currents and/or anchorages in the Bahamas regarding sailing and/or sculling as propulsion options.

Any local knowledge or opinions?
Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


tidal currents aren't too bad in the Abacos, although Bimini and some places in the Exumas have stronger currents through narrow passages. Bimini flows like a river at mid tide. It could be done easier in the Abacos....but even a small outboard would be nice.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quote from: Bubba the Pirate on November 03, 2014, 05:43:30 PM
Quote from: Frank on August 23, 2014, 01:21:42 PM
I'm hoping to keep this as an "advice" and "who's going to go" thread, so all can keep in touch, share ideas and see where each other is.

So, on the advice side: I'm working on defining freedom and minimalism for my boat and I. I'm currently flirting with yanking the cantankerous 40 yro Volvo and replacing it with a sculling oar, like a Chinese yuloh. I'm wondering about moving around in tidal currents and/or anchorages in the Bahamas regarding sailing and/or sculling as propulsion options.

Any local knowledge or opinions?

Having cruised  Bimini, the Berry's, Nassau, Exumas, Eluthera etc, I would strongly advise a small out board engine

I don't even really want just a rowing dinghy for the Bahamas
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


I hope to cross next Thursday or Friday from Lake Worth to the West End (if window is open) and head E on towards Great Sale, AllansP, Manjack, Green Turtle and beyond.
Anyone else heading over or already there???
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quote from: Frank on January 07, 2015, 08:31:48 PM
I hope to cross next Thursday or Friday from Lake Worth to the West End ...and head E... Anyone else heading over or already there?
Sure wish that I was heading over, too, Frank.  :) Was a very cold night here. Hopefully next winter or another one soon.

I've seen you photos of trailer sails with your Sun Cat (including trips to Moosehead Lake), and of your cruise in the motor yacht in the Pacific Northwest awhile back... I seem to recall you refitting a Compac 23 with a pilot house, but that you may have sold that boat? I'm curious which boat you are taking over to the Bahamas...?


 :D :D

It was 21 degrees in Tallahassee Florida this morning!!!!
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


I woke up about 2am with my teeth literally chattering here at Indiantown! Had to dig out a 2nd blanket!
Jim...I'll post a pic once she's in the water. Starts with a C....ends with a C ....and has "27" in there too  :o :D ::)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quote from: CharlieJ on January 08, 2015, 08:21:00 PM
It was 21 degrees in Tallahassee Florida this morning!!!!
Thought I saw/heard something about icing down your way in the news recently. ??? Well, we expect that up here, but way down South...

Quote from: Frank on January 08, 2015, 08:51:08 PM
I woke up about 2am with my teeth literally chattering here at Indiantown! Had to dig out a 2nd blanket!
Jim...I'll post a pic once she's in the water. Starts with a C....ends with a C ....and has "27" in there too  :o of them Carl AlberC boats...? Well played, sir...  ;)


Actually I'm not "down my way"

I'm right now in a motel  in Jacksonville Florida on a really sad trip. My dear daughter in law is in the final stages of terminal cancer and I drove over to spend  a few days with her while she is still here. It is not looking good.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Charlie, That must be a really sad trip indeed...and mean a lot to her and your family that you are there.

Wishing you all the best possible under such difficult circumstances.


Charlie I know that the situation is very sad but I pray for the best.
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock


"Pixie Dust II", eh Frankie? :D Take a look at the bow down near/at the waterline, real close. Pixie D had a very slight asymmetry where IIRC the port side was just barely less full or curved, a tiny bit flatter than starboard, just enough that you could see it if you really looked. It was not a large difference nor obvious. Until you sailed - and then she would consistently point noticeably higher on one tack than the other, and that tack corresponded with the 'finer entry'.
Now, was that really the cause for better windward ability? Or could it have been which side the genny rolled off of the foil of the rollersnarler, or something like that? I dunno - but there was a correlation, even if it wasn't causation. :)
Anyway - a fun boat to sail, plenty roomy for her size. Keep her flat if you want to/need to point. And as always - pics or it didn't happen! :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Ya got me Capt K  ;)   Lotsa reasons to get thisun. Hatch in Vberth and salon, 8 opening ports, 2 huge cowl vents, a storm hood, nearly straight drop boards, a proper bridge deck, over 40% ballast (then I had 200lbs more lead added),a bow sprit to keep the anchor away from the hull, reasonably shallow draft, and the ability to have a small builder do custom work without hurtin ya. I spec'd all LED running and interior lights, engel for the ice box, 2-6volt house batteries, custom cabinet on the stbd settee which comes off easily and the armrests fill in for a bunk, 2 LED reading lights above, (the port settee pulls out to a dble), a gimbled 2 burner stove, custom cabinets over the settees and galley, a larger fuel tank and they mounted a 200watt solar panel I had for me on the bimini so I can adjust it up/dwn. I even had an extra layer of 3408 (34oz biaxle/8oz matt) on the hull. They were SUPER to deal with. I'm a carpenter and I'll tell ya their guy in the wood shop is awesome... and more than fair! This is no ocean boat (although I guess it will do a lot more than I want to)...but for the cruising I do...It will be great. Set up for "living on the hook".....will be fun.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Wow, that's the nicest CP27 I have ever seen. Good job! I like it all except for the wheel, but that can be lived with. ;D Is the storm hood/cowl vents a regular feature/option for them now? Also - give me a call before you take off - I have an almost new drifter/assy (IIRC) that was for a CD28 which would probably work great for that boat.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


I'm not familiar with the Compac 27, so it's nice to be given a reason to check it out. Lot of space in the cabin for 27-feet LOA and 6,000 lbs. I can see how some extra beam does not hurt for your planned use. Nice feature the way that port settee berth pulls out to convert to a double (in a more comfortable part of the boat than the forward V-berth), especially for couples. Would think that would be a common feature in more boats.

Interesting that the head is located aft (to starboard), where it can be turned fore & aft and made larger to include a shower. Handy to get to from the cockpit, and with the shower, maybe a good place to hang some wet foulies in weather.

I also saw a photo of one in a trailer [see below], which doesn't surprise me, given its displacement and longish keel with modest draft.

Congrats, Frank.  :) 

Bob J (ex-misfits)

That is one fine looking boat!

I met Hutchinson?, the owner of Compac @ the Boston Boat show last winter. He seemed to be a real down to earth guy.
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!