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Time for a repaint.

Started by matt195583, October 08, 2014, 05:21:43 AM

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So I'm now 12 days into my current project. Repainting from the water line to the toe rail, re-fairing the lead section of the keel and anti-fouling. Blue Prints hull had a rather hideous dark blue paint job on it that has been irritating me ever since I purchased her so this haul out out i decided to do something about it. 


Matt -- Where's the picture?
Hunter 23 little Sooner Central Texas trailer sailor
Cape Dory 27 Sharryn Freeport Texas
Youth is not needed....just wonderlust!  Keep going...have "wide eyes"...enjoy the moments. Frank




Blue print on her way out of the hard stand storage area.

Checking to see if the paint is 2 pack or not ( 2 pack thinner soaked rag taped to the paint for a few hours )

Sanding and such. The existing 2pack was ripped off with nearly 50 40grit sanding discs.

The PO had painted over the old stickers..... That was a pain.

2 coats of altex no.3 high build primer with some yellow pigment mixed into the second coat to aid in the rubbing back proccess.

Rubbing back the primer with 120 grit.

After 2 coats of Altex  elite Brushing polyeurathane in new Snow White. Thinned at 20 percent with no.22 brushing became apparent early on that tipping was making things go bad in a big way so we just rolled it with a 4" foam roller.

After wet rubbing with 400 grit and a final coat thinned at 15 percent with no.22 brushing thinners, put on as thick as I dared.

I didn't get pics of the process but the keel was ripped back to bare lead, sanded with 40 grit, wiped down with wax and grease remover, painted with altex no.1 epoxy primer and faired with jotafair. Sanding that is tomorrow's job.


Also a huge thanks to my good friend James who helped me for 8 days with the rubbing back and painting of the hull. Also the day my brother Luke put in, who can be seen in the yellow shirt rubbing back the primer.
Myself and James have repainted a few cars so we had a few transferable skills however neither of us had ever rolled paint, needless to say i was quite nervous when we started putting the paint on. As I mentioned above tipping the paint just seemed to leave us with dirty big brush marks in the paint so we stopped that and just rolled the paint, doing about a 10"  vertical strip at a time with a bit of an over lap.
One thing i learned, albeit a to late to benefit from is that rolling the paint on with a loaded roller then "tipping" it with a very lightly loaded foam roller yields a slightly flatter finish. Flatter being less orange peel and perhaps being more effective at removing any vertical lines left by the loaded roller.

All in all i am extremely happy with the finish we achieved. and all done with just 3 1.1 liter tins of paint, I was absolutely blown away by how far this stuff goes.


"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Well after sanding the keel this morning it became apparent that I had not got it in one coat of filler so we reapply and wait for it to cure. I'd have liked to be applying the primer and water barrier today but it was not to be.
With any luck I will be able to sand it back this afternoon and perhaps even prime it tonight.

Bob J (ex-misfits)

>it became apparent early on that tipping was making things go bad in a big way so we just rolled it with >a 4" foam roller.


I've had a awful experience trying to tip this year also. When you say rolled it with a 4" roller, you rolled with a dry roller after the paint was applied while maintain the wet edge?  Paint job looks great!


I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


Hi Bob, we just rolled it on with a 4" foam roller, unfortunately I only realised half way through the last coat that a hit with a dry roller after the paint is applied is an alternative to tipping with a brush. It does have a slight orange peel to it but less than you'd see on most new cars.


Rudder faired off.

Four coats of altex no.1 on the keel and rudder and two everywhere else below the water line and the first coat of Carboline SC3000. One more full coat and then the leading edges and water line tomorrow and we are done....... For now.
Next is the deck and coach house paint and deck grip, I will probably go with kiwi grip on the decks.
After that is project hard dodger, the radar arch and new covers for the cockpit.


Also I get the feeling the rudders shape has been modified in the past.