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Happy birthday Kurt

Started by Frank, July 20, 2016, 10:06:25 PM

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I had to post this under "off topic...cuz it is....and humour....cuz it's funny"

Our founder, head honcho, CEO, super geek and he who pays the bills here joins a most esteemed club this week.

That club would be the "50 n over club"  ;D ;D :o !!!

Happy 50th ya ole bas&@#d !!!!!

Welcome to the club!!

Grog to ya  :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


ROFLMAO- HAH Youngster

Happy birthday Captn K

as long ass you are looking at flowers, and not roots, it's all good
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Another grog.   50? not much else to live for I guess  ;D Have a fun day
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


50?  Gee, that is young!

Now if I were that young again, with the wisdom accumulated since then, I would......................Nope, you cannot do that!

Just remember that!  Keep on enjoying all the things that you can do, and leave behind all that you cannot

You have a great site here, and even if I have realized that FAR is measured in very few miles anymore, they are still very much enjoyed.  The voyages of the participants make fascinating reading for those of us in the upper tier of life experience, and good guidance for those much younger.

Enjoy the day, looking forward, not back!


Who, me? 50??? Nah. Just 26. Or so. Must be another 'un you are talking about, who's 50...  ::) :o :-X

But - Thanks. From me, Barque, and the Pampero Anniversario which will begin, uh - um, "evaporating" here later, sometime around sunset I reckon... ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Sounds great Capt. hope you have a great birthday
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock


Kurt.......a couple of tings that will make ya feel better about the '50+' road ahead...

1-many of us here have it well cleared for ya (you pup!)

2-there are now that many MORE younger women !!   ;) ;) :o

Have a great one!!!
Have another grog  ;D
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Kurt, I just realized that one of my sons is a year older, and the other a year younger than you!

You are very definitely a young fellow!

Has the Pampero all evaporated yet?  I certainly hope that you had company keeping a close eye on it to prevent unnecessary loss! 

Be sure that you get out sailing soon to keep in shape for the next adventure.




My oldest son AND my daughter.. Youngest son isn't quite there yet, but close
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Fifty is the new forty
...if you sail enough
maybe the new thirty.

Sail years are like dog years
...only in reverse...?

Or maybe it is that,
(like has been said about fishing)
the time spent on a sailboat
does not count toward your age...? 

Happy birthday, Kurt! :)
Grog to you, as well.

Capt. Tony

Happy belated 50th Cap'n  :o  For some reason I have always thought you were older than me...but...uh...I guess not. 
Wait a minute!  Liver years!  You are definitely older than me in liver years.


Tooooo funny.Tony

Grog to ya  :)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men