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Allure to the Abacos/15

Started by Frank, January 14, 2015, 05:36:38 PM

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Thought I'd start a thread and leave the other to see if anyone else is coming over.
I made it to the factory on Dec panel and water filter in hand for last minute prep there. GREAT guys!! Allure was delivered to Indiantown Marina on the St Lucie canal Jan. 5th. Unloaded, taken to the work yard where I stepped the mast and rigged her. (made a few mistakes..but figured things out later) 

edit to say I don't think Rich's dog likes his picture taken...or maybe he was taking mine  :-)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


She was launched there Jan. 9th and provisioned. (a lot of storage for a 27!)  I left on the 12th, solo'd through the St Lucie lock and anchored in Manatee Pocket. Pics are self explaining
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


From Manatee Pocket I took her out the St Lucie entrance (Stuart)...always aweful with fast tidal currents, shallows and darn sport fish boats with HUGE wakes! The sail to Lake worth was a bit bumpy but OK
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


pulled into the Lake Worth inlet and anchored  in front of Peanut Island with a view to the entrance. Nice straight shot in the dark for this morning.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Set alarm for 3:45...anchor up and away by 4:30. I was a bit nervous as it wasbumpy yesterday and I knew the stream would be worst. Forecast was for 3-4 with occasional 5+ in the stream. I figured I could always turn back so I left. Had an uncomfortable encounter with a ship in the dark that seemed to come at me whatever I did (and would not answer VHF).When I hit the stream things kicked up but not too bad. It was overcast and rained 3 times but never for too long. The stream kicked for about 25 miles...then the sun came out and all was well....nice ocean sailing!  (old saying...wanna make waves look small...take their picture)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Made the west end at 2:20pm. Nice to get in and wash the salt off the boat! Cleared customs and got my cruising permit (no VAT on it...still $150)   I'm across  :D   May take a down day, or may head across the bank to Great Sale tomorrow. I'll check the weather and tides. It's another 50+ mile day and ya gotta go through a shallow cut. we'll see...  Right now it's nice to be tied up after a bumpy crossing  :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Thanks for posting this Frank, I am crying  :'( because I can't be there, but glad you are posting anyway  ;D
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Enjoyed your report and photos, Frank.  :)

So a brand new boat then?

About the same time that you were heading out the Lake Worth Inlet this morning, I was throwing another log into the wood furnace. Coldest night of the winter so far... I would cry, too, but the tears would only freeze...  :'(


So new that one can almost get a whiff of new-boat smell, find a small drift of unswept wood shavings in a corner, see the thousand tiny glints of glass fiber coating an unwiped surface... ;D

How'd she sail for you?

I see you are taking the rigid wing sail idea in another direction - backwards. To the day of square sails, *and* it makes electricity, too - good thinking! ;)

Congrats, eh!!!  8)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


#9's new and I spec'd it out for cruising. The Hutchins brothers are great guys to deal with. A "working man's" boat builder...they will do whatever mods you want very reasonable.  So far...I'm really liking it. I love the interior, appreciate the shallow draft and actually sails better than I expected. That big square sail out back works great. I've been aboard now 8 days, engel keeping things cool, inverter charging  my handheld VHF and computer and have not yet "plugged in" with no intentions to.
  Story goes the Gerry Hutchins and Bob Johnson worked together over at Ericson and developed a friendship. When Gerry was working at his own operation building a ton of lil boats, they figured it was time to get a bigger design so he approached Bob Johnson. That was 1984. So if it looks a "bit" like a Island Packet....that's the lineage. It has evolved over the 30yrs of production with lots of lil upgrades and changes. There is no perfect boat but this is a fine lil cruiser.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Too tired after the crossing (and 3  l o n g  days at the helm) to go out, I had 2 hotdogs aboard and crashed. Up and underway by 7:30 as it was another 55+ mile day to Great Sale Cay. Made the shallow "cut" onto the bank right at low tide. Thankful I've done it several times as it is not marked and narrow in spots. There is simply a light on an island close to the entrance and a "pole" just over a mile away at the far end (out of sight until about half way across) Things went well and I was soon motoring straight into the wind...for 50 miles more!  up-dwn-splash....up-dwn-splash. A very long uncomfortable day! Finally made Great Sale and tucked into the S cove just in time for a great sunset!  Pics are leaving the West End, the light at the cut's entrance, the pole at the far end
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Although the sunset was nice, I awoke to 20kts from the north. With another long day ahead I was away before 8am. Had to motor "into it" again until I reached the top of Great Sale (about a 5 mile trek) but then could bear off and unfurl the head sail. With a 20kt wind we often surfed along making such good time that I continued past AllensP (where I planned to anchor) and kept going to Manjack. It was a bumpy but fun sleigh ride and I was happy to tuck in the mid cove and be out of the wind. Today was only 42 miles...getting tired as I've been glued to the helm with an auto pilot that I can't figure out (wrong instruction book from Ray Marine) 1st 2 pics are sunset at Great Sale...3rd is sunset at Manjack
God made small boats for younger boys and older men



You should be able to find the manual online.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Woke up to sunshine and finally a moderate breeze. Left for the short 6 mile sail to Green Turtle Cay. Once in deeper water I figured I would tackle the darn autohelm. (Tim...if this didn't work...I would have taken your advice...thanks) Ray Marine had send instructions for their previous model...not even close. I hate electronics, can't even figure out a darn TV converter anymore...but figured I'd do what any 12yr old would...I hit every button and scrolled every page doing every test until I found it! The setting had turn to port actually going stbd...and vise versa. I made the correction and was finally treated to a beautiful, if short, sail in sunshine with a nice wind, blue green water and an auto plot that WORKED!!  Once at Green Turtle I was met at the entrance by an old cruising buddy. He zoomed around Allure in his dingy blowing his bicycle horn in welcome. Nice to be on a mooring ball in black sound. It had been 5 very long, windy, bumpy days to get to ManJack, but a sweet sail here today.  Will be a few days of "Rest n Rum" before heading out again   :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quote from: Frank on January 17, 2015, 05:20:01 PM
Once at Green Turtle I was met at the entrance by an old cruising buddy. He zoomed around Allure in his dingy blowing his bicycle horn in welcome. Will be a few days of "Rest n Rum" before heading out again.
A nice welcome. That's a slightly different version of "R&R"  :)

Glad to see that you are enjoying your new boat, and that its solar panel will be able to supply your power needs.

Beautiful photos and log of your cruise.
Fair winds, Frank.  :)


Ended up sailing back to Manjack after a few days or rest for a beach bonfire/birthday. Jeff (musician) and his lady have the same B-days! Nice laid back evening with "live music on da beach"
God made small boats for younger boys and older men



And here I sit, rain, temps in the 40, winds gusting mid 30's



Seriously- have a ball, and wish I was anchored close by
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Quote from: Frank on January 22, 2015, 08:45:12 PM
Jeff (musician) and his lady have the same B-days!
Seems like this could make it tough to claim you forgot it is her birthday...?  ;)


CJ...I wish you were anchored here too!  Would be great to have a rum and gam in the cockpit.

Jim...they told me they were dating about a month and she asked :does anyone famous have your Bday"...he replied "Janis Joplin"...she says "no shitz"
They both had to pull out their drivers license ...they couldn't believe it    :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Tucked in on a mooring in Black Sound with a blow on the way. Will do a few boat projects and tinker. Did laundry this morning in a 5 gallon pail and hung out to dry. I enjoy the down times...tinker and read.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men