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Allure to the Abacos/15

Started by Frank, January 14, 2015, 05:36:38 PM

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yesterday was a "blow" and rained off/on all day. I hunkered down. Today is beautiful...the sun is out and high 70's. I got motivated! All the standing rigging needed tightening. It stretch's a bit after the 1st good blow. It was a bigger job than it sounds as there are 2 lowers per side, a split back stay and you have to  perform minor surgery to get the harken up to expose the fore stay. After that I put a coat of semco sealant on the ext. teak, switched up the BBQ and life ring (life ring was partially hiding the stern light as-was). Still had energy so I cleaned the cushions, let dry and sprayed "scotch guard" on them. Note to colored cushions look great BUT don't get a solid lighter color...shows everything!
Heading for a shower and off to my favorite ratty bar for happy hour and a "cheeseburger in paradise". So far...a great day and it ain't over yet   :o   feels good to get stuff done!   CJ...get that pretty lil boat over here!!!!!!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


I wish. But I don't think I'll get much past Florida west coast this year.

Of course, things can change quickly too  :D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


CJ...I was here in 5 days from Indiantown...If you're west're only a few days farther....

Come on over!!  The blue-green water awaits   ::)

I've got Rum  (as long as Kurt doesn't get here 1st!)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


 ;D ;D

Here to Indian town means several hundred miles across the GOM. Just over 900 miles straight across to be exact.  Way different from hopping across the stream.

Besides- HAVE to be back in Texas June 5. Youngest grandson graduates high school that day in College Station . Plan as of now is to sail to Florida (slowly, stopping to visit), leave the boat, rent a car, make the round trip  back to Texas, then do the BEER Cruise on the 12th till ??

After that, ?qui?n sabe? Who knows.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


 Ya...that IS a haul! I was thinkin "if you're already W coast of Florida". For you it's quite the trip just getting to W coast! Maybe next year?????     :D
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


That's the hope. I REALLY want to get back to the Bahamas.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


couldn't resist  :)  Taken while anchored here at Manjack about 6pm. Had just eaten early, sipping on a rum and got treated to this...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Thoughts after a few weeks out:

I LOVE solar! In the past I've struggled with a 90 watt panel. It would run the cooler, but not much left to charge after that. Often it would get turned off at night to save the batteries. I put a 195 watt panel on Allure and have had the cooler running 24/7 since leaving. Also installed an inexpensive 1500 watt inverter and when the sun is up you can charge the computer and even make toast in the lil 750 watt toaster. A real treat while out! Since leaving on Jan. 12th, have never "plugged in" and only once after a rain day did I run the engine for 30 minutes to "top up" the batteries and charge the computer.
Only spent one night at a marina since leaving. After crossing, spent the night at "Old Bahama Bay" on the West End.
Left there the 14th with a full water tank (50 gallons) and still have a fair bit of water
left. The lil black water tank pump up shower really lets you control usage.
I generally kinda hate my lil 2hp Honda dingy engine. No neutral, they are famous for busting the back of your hand when the pull cord flys around, they are noisy (air cooled) and generally kinda finicky if you don't exactly follow the right starting steps.
my 2.5 hp Yamaha 4 stroke out west is a much better engine. It has neutral, starts very easy, far quieter and a bit more powerful. I like both for being light weight. Figure either get an 8hp and plane, but if you're going to 'push water', a 2 is easier to lift than a 4 or 5, cheaper to buy and cheaper on fuel.
Here goes the dreaded "anchor talk"  :o   There have been 3 different nights of 30+ knot winds.....I'll leave it that I love my Delta   :D
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bubba the Pirate

That is awesome that you are liking the solar set up. I am making decisions about solar soon. I've been thinking about installing around 200 watts, but was concerned it wasn't enough. Besides the cooler and computer, what other electronics/usage do you have connected to your 195 watt panel?

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Ive been wondering on the Solar as well, im curious as to what type of cooler you have and how many amps/watts/volts it uses, as i have seen some small fridges that use less power than some of the coolers ive research. just curious as to the numbers i guess, ive already got solar, its just a matter of how much i need to mount on a boat.

lance on cloud nine

Thank you for taking the time to write this thread. I really enjoy reading it!
"a boat must be a little less than a house, if you want it to be much more."


Quick reply... The only continuous power draw is my ice box. Once the sun is up and I'm making power...I plug in the computer to charge, a lil 12V vacuum charger and whatever else. I have a standard ice box but added more insulation down low. As an option, they install "Alder Barbour" (sp?) refridge but I sourced an "Engel" for them. There is an "Engel" thread here...all of us that use them. Super low draw and very reliable! They have various sized coolers from small to quite large, mini "camper style" built-in refrigerators and ice box units. They typically draw about 3.7ish to freeze, but once at running temps...drop to about .9 to 1.7ish amp draws.  The advantage to the Alder Barbour unit is it's separate,if small, freezer. The engel ice box cooler is all or nothing so I have mine running at about 40 degrees. Keeps everything very cold, but no ice or frozen food. It certainly will freeze...but everything freezes. As a separate cooler, they do have one or 2 units available with separate cooling-freezing sections....but not for my application. Many of us here have used their coolers with great success. will get "sticker shock"...they ain't cheap...but extremely good. On the solar note, by the time you buy heavy wiring, a charge controller and go through the trouble to mount it all.....don't skimp on the panel. I would say minimum 150 watts+.  It's kinda like anchors...go with the biggest you can comfortably handle. You can get by with less.....but at that point with all else considered...a few extra $$ will keep you happier in the end. Also...create a mount that will go horizontal, but also tip forward or aft. You get far better charging following the sun.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


I gotta share a simple but great addition. This is not my idea...I got it a few years back from a long time cruising couple. I was aboard their boat and they had one of those "indoor-outdoor" thermometers. They had the "outdoor" sensor in their freezer.
A quick look and you knew both the cabin air temperature and what the freezer was at. That way, they could turn their Engel up or down for maximum efficiency to keep it at 30 degrees. I don't freeze things, but the simple $9.95 unit from Wally World helps me keep my refridge set at around power wasted.'s 69 degrees outside at 7ish am   :D
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bubba the Pirate

Thanks, Frank. I hope to be down there next winter.
Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


I don't understand the reason behind the thermometer. First how would they install it in the fridge? Why would they have to keep check and keep adjusting the temp?  I have a ARB fridge/freezer that I never had to adjust the temp once I set it.  Had mine set a 29 degrees all summer. I have 3 different compartments. One to freeze, one for cold, and one for things like salad.  The ARB would cycle as needed. Mine is 50qt and draws a point or 2 less than the Engle. Larger size for the same price. 
David and Lisa
S/V Miss Sadie
Watkins 27


Those lil indoor-out door thermometers have a separate-detached "sending head" that were originally intended to put outside so you could see both inside and outside temps on the main "inside" unit (shown in pic) The "outside" part can be hung...I simply lay it in the bottom of my cooler. Engel's have a control dial...not a thermostat. On cool days you turn down a days up a bit.
I haven't heard of an ARB....sounds like a great unit. Do they have a separate compressor and 'cooling plate" that can be mounted in an existing icebox?
Nearly all cruisers down here use Engels and many on this board as well. We all love them. Like I mentioned...I'm sure there is an "Engel" thread here.
Your unit sounds great. Maybe you should start an "ARB thread" and post info and a few pictures. Sounds like a good alternative
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


A few pics of the panel mount. To adjust up, level or down...simply pull out the pins and slide to another hole, put pins back in. Many similar versions out there...this is the simple idea I came up with using the bimini support uprights. Last pic shows panel tipped all the way back.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Hay Frank.
Is your solar system 12V? or do you have an inverted for 110?, if your have an an inverter, how many amps is it? and is it MPPT or WMP, also whats your battery setup like.?


Solar is 12V. The biggy on a boat is refrigeration. I have an Engel 12V ice box conversion. My inverter, the 1st one I have ever used, is an inexpensive 1500 watt unit. It remains turned off unless I'm charging my computer or the rare time making toast (on a real sunny morning) I have 2-6V golf cart batteries for "house" and a deep cycle/start battery for "engine". Often I have all 3 on.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quick note. I filled the water tank yesterday. Yep, they meter it here and it was 27cents  per gallon. Anyhoot, 17 days, 28 gallons....about 1.65 gallons per day. Most showers were from my pump up sprayer and conservation with doing dishs. I'll heat a smaller pot 1/2 full, put dish soap in that and wash dishs from there....but several coffee every morning :)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men