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"Allure" Bahamas 2016

Started by Frank, January 08, 2016, 12:33:09 PM

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God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Allens-Pensacola is a remote out island (no inhabitants)
Tonight we had a totally unplanned beach bonfire night complete with amplified vocals, awesome electric guitar (a pro....Jeff) and great company.
Handshakes and hugs as I left in my dingy. I won't see 6 of them, God willing, until next year.
A "good bye" night. They head home...I'm heading S
It has been so awesome to get to know these folks better cruising this year!!

Always kinda sad...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Yep- leaving newly found, very nice folks is the downside. But when you meet again, it's usually as if you never separated
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


HUGE St Patty's day golf cart parade followed by a "every child counts" fund raiser at my favorite ratty bar.

Great day!!!!

Great B day!!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


At 7am, my friends downs syndrome boy greeted me with "happy birthday Frank" and gave me this card....

Nearly brought tears.....

How can a B Day get better?
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


And they are so open and guileless. Isn't it a shame the rest of us aren't as open?
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


A great card.

Thank you for the wonderful ongoing updates and photos.

Happy birthday, Frank!


Happy birthday Frank, and thank you for being you and sharing it with us.  :)
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

lance on cloud nine

Super sweet card! Happy Birthday Frank. Thank you for taking us along on a cool trip.
"a boat must be a little less than a house, if you want it to be much more."

Bob J (ex-misfits)

Happy birthday Frank!
May it be a good one :o

Thanks for all the pictures you post from your adventures.
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


Thanks guys!!!

Hauled anchor late morning and headed S.
It was rolling quite a bit at "Don't Rock Passage" but not unmanagable.
Wind will be changing and making a trip to the southern Abacos harder shortly. Both "the Whale passage" (outside) and "Don't Rock" (inside...shallow draft required) get nasty!

It dawned on me this morning hauling anchor that other than 2 nights at Indiantown when I first rigged Allure, stepped the mast etc.....we have never been to a dock other than fuel/water....never plugged in either.
EDIT: I forgot the night at the west end Marina after crossing the stream. Tied up, but didn't plug in.

Anchored at Treasure Cay tonight....hopefully Man Of War tomorrow
Treasure Cay is a good spot to re provision. Not as busy/hectic as Marsh Harbour but although a smaller store, it is bigger with far more selection and way better prices than the smaller Cays. The bank has an ATM as well so a great place to get cash....not all that easy elswhere. The basin now has mooring balls. I guess they can get more in this was always good holding here.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Ended up at Guana for a few days, then Marsh Harbour for supplies.
It has been a good bye period. !st was Glory B and Sheena's crew's. Then yesterday a farewell to Cam and Jan, tonight a farewell to Reg and Marie as well as Bob and Alice. I hate this time of year!  All great cruising folks I've known for years and hope to see again! Good news is the pot luck meal get togethers and music have been great!

Party on Cam and Jan's ketch
Tonights fare well to Reg and Marie, Bob on guitar, Alice beside
Anchored fleet at Marsh Harbour
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Started a slow sail to Treasure Cay 2 days ago. About 1/2 way here I noticed 2 sailboats anchored in the lee of a point. Bagged from all the party dinners, I pulled in, dropped the hook and had a 5 hour nap! You KNOW you've been partying too much when you can have a 5 hour nap and then a good nights sleep later on.
It was an easy broad reach into Treasure Cay yesterday. An associate is flying in toorrow to a rental condo for a few days and I'll be doing the toour guide thing. Got some supplies today. Great spot to get groceries, booze, cash and fuel/water....but too Americanized. It lacks the "out island charm". The beach is incredible!!
Mooring field
my micro loaner dingy....yes it IS a "wet ass dingy"   :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Left early this morning headed back to Green Turtle. The Whale passage was just gentle swells so even tho near low tide, I opted for "don't rock"..... a shallow water short cut. Made it across with less than a foot below the keel. Gotta truly love shallow draft boats! Time and time again they make life simpler and easier.

Once at Green Turtle, I had to anchor out front as Black Sounds mooring balls were full. Just a mild chop so not too bad.

Allure anchored out front
The fleet in Black Sound
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


A sail up to Manjack yeasterday for a beach bonfire party with several musicion's at the S bay. Great evening!

Sailed up to the N anchorage late morning. Prettier beach, more protected and nicer views.  Several others here as well.



just never gets old...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


The last thing I did before hitting the bunk was let out about 30ft more rode as high winds were forecast.
Was awakened at 2:30am with the worst gusts laying Allure over. Hard to get back to sleep as I was doing that "anchor watch" thing....
You've all been there....
After about 30 minutes, feeling fairly confident Allure was holding, I turned on my Ipad, pulled up Isailor and set a 50ft radious on the 'anchor watch' alarm.
Woke up this morning....still gusting hard, still in the same place and at 7am 3 of the 4 boats beside me were there, the 4th had drug well out into the Sea of Abaco.
They're back in and  re-set now....musta felt strange waking up "alone" out there  ;)
We all have our preferences......I do trust my delta.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Music seems such a part of cruising....
Unplanned 'jams' happen often as do cockpit party's with someone playing.
More friends leave today so yesterday was a 'cruisers jam' at Pinapples in the afternoon followed by a cockpit part later.
great sunset too
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quote from: Frank on March 12, 2016, 03:53:19 PM
I'll apologize for another sunset pic
They just never get old to me...
Your telling about the music there, goodbyes to friends, and words about the sunset brings to mind this...


Very cool

Thanks for the link and yes, would be a fitting tune with all the good byes lately.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men