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"Allure" Bahamas 2016

Started by Frank, January 08, 2016, 12:33:09 PM

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We had a "skippers meeting" this afternoon for the semi planned trip S.

I totally loved it!!    All of us have been "out" before and a few miles on...

After much banter about "people say ya gotta see ?"
.......the "plan" is to sail to Spainsh Wells when the wind is right and go from there.....NO PLAN

"intentions" work better than itineraries when cruising

As unplanned as that sounds......that IS the best plan......

God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Emerald Tide

Quote from: CharlieJ on January 24, 2016, 11:46:30 AM
Also Staniel Cay- Snorkel Thunderball cave and visit swimming pigs over on Big Major.
Be sure to take some bread, if you want to "swim with the pigs". They will be expecting it.

Thunderbolt is awesome. Go at slack tide.


An even better snorkeling cave is at Rocky Dundass. They even have mooring balls for dinghies. It's in the Exumas Land Sea Park boundaries and I saw BIG lobster (illegal to take) and beautiful coral
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Left early to catch high tide at dont Rock passage. Wind shifted to SW so was good going through.
Once through.....wind picked up.

Reefed down in 20-25 and loving it.  :D

Pic from 2 minutes ago....gotta love a data plan. :-)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


still choopy at entrance
the fleet inside
from anchor
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Great night at the Jib Room!!!   Awesome ribs!!   Geez he's a great chef!!

Bar/eating area
Line up for food
"da chef"
Our table: Great mix!! From a singlehander musician from a couple from Nova Scotia, a singlehander women that has more miles in reverse than most guys a trawler gal from Ontario
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Our table

entertainment after...."rake and scrape"....then limbo

The limbo guy is the fuel dock....grab your lines guy by day   :D
God made small boats for younger boys and older men



Anchored out in Marsh Harbour. Great holding but quite a few boats.
I'm in 10ft at high....about 7 at low.  It was windy yestarday with heavy wind forecast for last night so I had about 110ft rode/chain out. Late day a big rental cat (48ft) anchored right beside me too close (with tons of room) After a few glares he picked up and moved slightly off. Didn't look too bad ...close...but barely in the "I guess it's OK" zone.  About 11pm it started....
One gust laid me over so bad around 1am that I scrambled out of bed to start the engine "just in case". I've seen how fast a boat moves once it's broke free.....and yes it's been my own a time or 2 as well  :D
Finally got enough confidence to crawl back into bed...probably about 2:30.

So, at some point after that the wind dis about a 45 degree shift while I was sleeping. I woke up at dawn, peered aft from my bunk to see the cat about 20ft off my stern.  He darn near could of passed me a coffee.  Figure he must of only had 50-60ft of chain out and with the shift I was nearly on him.
Funny thing was none of them cared.....  They drank coffee...had a quick morning dip off the stern and carried on as if all was well.  About 8:30am 2 guys from the rental company showed, words were exchanged, they boarded and moved the boat.

The best part of being near a rental boat fleet is the built in entertainment....just DON'T anchor close!!!!!!!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


After a few windy n wet days.....this was the treat to wake up to this morning.

off to Hopetown Elbow Cay after getting fuel/water. Will be a great sail down
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


sail down.....Hopetown light house in view
anchored outside near entrance...good view of boats in/out and lighthouse
treated to dingy races right after we anchored
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Although its a bit of a dingy ride into is so much nicer anchoring out if the wind is right. The $$ saved on a mooring ball will let all of us rent golf carts for an island "tieny tiny tavern tour"   :D
It was a great afternoon.....felt like "Bahamas cruising", sun out, blue-green water and warm gentle breeze...

Nice relaxing afternoon following the short hop over here.

Molson...the big guy on the left lives in Smith Falls...about 1 1/2 hours from my home
Reg on the right is a "down easter", lives in Nova Scotia, born in Newfoundland.
Both very easy going guys!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Took a dingy tour into town for breakfast at the lodge. My sunday treat after PBJ and hot dogs yesterday  :D
Pics are harbour, lodge outside patio and view from table.
Feels kinda decadent when it's snowing back home.  ;D

May do the golf cart teenie tiny tavern tour later with the gang

Back to hot dogs tomorrow.  :o
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Just back on Allure....

Best thing about anchoring beside the entrance is the veriety of boats in/out.

This beauty just sailed in...

Extremely pretty under sail!!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


A group of us did a golf cart rental "teenie tiny tavern tour" yesterday....good time...tons of laughs
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


What kind of rig would you say is on that sloop? No gaff, but the head is cut off. It looks Dutch...

I'm envious! Keep the pictures coming!


Yep that's a dutch gaff rig. Has that curved gaff typical of that area some time ago
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


One quick last tour of HopeTown and left yestaday with an awesome slow sail to Lynyard Cay. Water was often 6ft or less...but pretty!! Nice beach walk followed by a steak dinner!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Passed a young couple on the way down on a Westerly...swung over to chat. Kinda funny....she was all smiles and he showed concern I was a pirate or something. Chatted for a while, told them about sailfar and carried on.
Anhored, beach and sunset from Lynyard Cay last night.

Off to Little Harbour shortly
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Great pics Frank!  Nice to vicariously experience warm water cruising while enduring the usual Salish Sea winter...cold, dark and wet here.  At least there's wind with it. :-)  Please keep the photos coming!