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Columbia C-29

Started by Amorous, December 22, 2005, 04:48:15 PM

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Jack Tar

Cant make it out to well. Does she have a small bow sprit ? Keel shape ? She sure looks purdy on the water.
It's not about the sails the boat or the rigging it's about  freedom


She has a full keel with a cutaway fore-foot and that's a sprit added for an anchor roller. It was mounted very well but had caused the stem cap and some of the rail under it to rot so I have removed it and am trying to figure a good way to mount my rollers without it.  It also happened to bring the LOA to over 30' which causes some problems that you wouldn't normally think about.


heck.  I guess it's too small to see in the picture.  Sorry.

Jack Tar

You were going to run two furlers on the bow ? Might want to look at how Cape Dory's set up is. They have some under 30' cutter riggs. I had thought about putting a removable forestay on Triska but never got past just a plan. I just bought a new rolling 150 gen for her. Under $1000 out of Rolly Tasker from Florida.
It's not about the sails the boat or the rigging it's about  freedom


Two anchor rollers.  That's what my little "sprit" has and I really like having two anchors rigged and available.  I want to leave off the sprit for various reasons but still haven't found a good way to mount the two rollers directly on deck as Amorous' cap rail is mounted on what I call my "mini-bulwarks", a moulded-in toe rail about 4" high all around.


The Columbia 29 was a very fine design by S/S and more than one of them has done the trip around...
Keep Learning!!



You have an awesome boat!!!! We have a Columbia 7.6 and I have to say that I might be spoiled by Columbia's - although I wouldn't turn down an Island Packet if someone were to give me one!  ;D :-*
We're all here because we're not all there.


Thanks.  I believe that I have exactly the perfect boat for me.  I feel safe at all times and in any weather on her.  Something I can't say about alot of other boats.


From one Columbia fan to another, I'd be interested in hearing of the problems you wouldn't think about in making her over 30 ft. I have been considering an anchor roller for two anchors and it would put my 8.3 over the 30' mark. Tip to tail she is only 1" short of that now.


Mr. Fixit

Very nice indeed !!! I must admit I am partial as well. Started with a Catalina switched to Columbia. This will probably be my last boat (Columbia 30). Not a speed demon but built well for the money I paid for her.

oded kishony

Hey Amorous,

There appears to be a batten the full length of the foot of the sail where the first reef point is usually placed, is this for reefing or a batten of some sort?



Actually what looks like a batten is part of the slab reefing system.
As far as the 30' thing goes, a boat under 30' doesn't need to purchase a customs sticker when returning to US waters, over 30' does.  Most marinas have slips at 30', 40' 50' and so on.  Some make you use the next size larger if you are over at all.   When docked stern to in a 30' slip, my sprit was just asking to be run into and occasionally was. the difference in a 30' slip and a 40' one here is $300/yr. and it is much more at other places.


Great boat. I have three Columbia's. A 1977 8.7, a 1965 Saber, and a 1967(?) Saber. I love 'em. They all have personality and warmth. My son says that boarding and going below is like coming home. He stretches out on a berth, and immediately goes to sleep. Hope we'll see more of your boat.
Larry Wilson


Amorus, my c-29's stem cap and toe rail was rotten/bad shape.   I made a new stem cap out of starboard and bought some pvc electrical conduit, sawed a slit in each section and used a heat gun to soften them so they could be formed as new toe rail covers.   then drilled holes and bolted the pvc with stainless bolts. 

what mods does a standard c-29 need to make it really seaworthy?  double up the lowers?