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Audio Books Free

Started by Owly055, July 10, 2016, 11:00:07 PM

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My interest is in long distance single handing, which it goes without saying has emotional stresses unique to that type of sailing.   
LibriVox.Org offers thousands of audio books free read by volunteers from around the world, ranging from classics to almost anything you could imagine.   How about:
A handbook of the Swahili Language as Spoken at Zanzibar, or The Tiger and the Dragon, or The Brothers Karmazov, or how about The Perverted Proverbs, or the Cruise of the Dazzler (Jack London), or Tom Sawyer, or Siddhartha, or War and Peace,   Do you like the work of H Rider Haggard?   20 of his books are available here....How about Rafael Sabatini?   4 of his are listed including Captain Blood, and The Sea Hawk.    All are out of copyright, but then the best books all seem to be.   When you are alone, becalmed in the doldrums, frustrated and bored, or cruising along in the trades with nothing to do, and nobody to talk to, and burnt out on reading, you could be listening to the perverted proberbs ;-)



Oops.............. I just noticed that someone else posted a thread on this.   Sorry  ;-)



Wow. h. Rider Haggard!!! Was beginning to think nobody else remembered him!!

King Soloman's Mines


Almost forgotten. But great reads.

How about Lloyd C Douglas??  Grin
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Quote from: CharlieJ on July 10, 2016, 11:30:30 PM
Wow. h. Rider Haggard!!! Was beginning to think nobody else remembered him!!

King Soloman's Mines


Almost forgotten. But great reads.

How about Lloyd C Douglas??  Grin

No Lloyd C Douglas, but several C.S. Lewis books including one in Esperanto........ If you happen to be one of about 2M people on the planet that speak Esperanto ;-)
