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Started by Jim_ME, December 21, 2014, 02:25:50 AM

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Recently saw this and thought about Woody and RaLay...  ;)


I emailed the link to them  ;D ;D
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


I've seen this and it makes me think of us too!  I saw a stripped down pedicab chassis beside a garage this summer and spent a lot of time circling the block hoping the home owner would appear.  Building a pedicamper to keep in ATX to sleep in while we're working is somewhere down there on the Crazy Dreams List. 


Maybe you could adapt an EDAR to the pedichassis. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Kurt, That EDAR should be a natural to adapt to a pedicab, if someone hasn't already.

Raylay, you and Woody must have quite list under way. I have sometimes found notes (with contact info) left in my door by passersby that saw something in the yard that they were interested in. When I'm out in the yard working more people stop to ask about something. One of the more recent ones, ended in the trade of a classic 1946 small outboard (suitable for the use on the tender) for an old boat trailer.

Searching for a tent pedicamper, I came upon the seasonal image below... :)


James & Rachel, Here's a photo from last fall that I've been meaning to post. My first sighting of a pedicab in Portland. The increasing number of cruise ships coming to Portland seems to have created a market for them.

So if you should ever get tired of Boston, just keep heading North! :)